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Modern domestic musical folklore develops and operates mainly on the basis of higher music education institutions. . There is a situation in which it is in the higher educational institutions of Russia were lumped largest collection of audio and video recordings of folk music. Almost all music schools have their own specialized centers folk music, with many of them there are folk groups, which include students, graduates, teachers. Extensive repertoire of folk ensembles, following the principles of authenticity in recreating the monuments of folk music in the background of the gradual and inevitable extinction of genuine folk performance - all this gives grounds to speak of Russian universities as custodians of oral folk music tradition. By typological traits that have marked the work of the majority of university centers of folklore, are:
- collecting and forwarding activities;
- organization of scientific meetings with a discussion of the materials collected at report-forwarding sessions;
- development and maintenance of the folklore archive of sound recordings;
- classification and cataloging of assets, often using specially created for this electronic catalogs and databases;
- scientific understanding of the materials collected in the form of reports;
- organization of intercollegiate events, meetings, conferences, involving scientists, living both in Russia and abroad;
- creation of printed materials in the form of collections of materials and articles, serials, magazines [1, 137].
The consequence of this is the formation of an extensive team of like-minded people and sharing the results of this work to the general public.
The presence of common typological features do not interfere with a variety of musical universities develop their own methods and approaches in the development and solving the problems of folklore. They have developed their own set, showing that there has firmly established "schools" with established traditions, personal style of research. In some cases, the musical high schools using its own terminology.
Despite the differences in research methodology, music and folklore activities of higher education institutions pursuing the same goal. It is the endeavor of "returning students" the results of their own expedition and field research in the form of various types of scientific papers, publications, materials, teaching aids, followed by the inclusion of the results in the learning process.
However, there is still a modern ethnomusicology and as a scientific discipline. At the heart of its organizational structure is a network of research institutes. Some of them were lumped extensive music collection. One of the most important of these centers is Phonogrammarchiv the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) in St. Petersburg. It has the richest collection of early phonograph record pre-October period and unique in its importance forwarding materials of modern researchers. Of great importance in the development of the science of musical folklore is the activity of the State Institute of Art Studies (Gosudarstvenny institute iskusstvoznaniya) in Moscow.
In addition, some arts organizations, such as folklore Commission at the Union of Composers of the USSR and the RSFSR, played a major role in shaping the modern face of the science of folk music. The work on the set of Russian folklore began in the Composers' Union back in 1960 on the initiative of Dmitry Shostakovich. At the same time organized numerous demonstrations of song samples from the scene, with the participation of folk artists. Intensive efforts to promote and publicize the musical folklore of the Union of Composers carried out in close cooperation with the Moscow Conservatory [2, 31]. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that music and folklore activities of scientific and artistic institutions rooted in the history of the largest universities in the country.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of music institutions in the formation and development of the modern image of ethnomusicology. Many researchers have repeatedly noted their fundamental role. Professors and teaching staff of higher education institutions created a huge number of scientific papers on various areas of music and folklore knowledge, tutorials general nature, publications expedition materials. Students and teachers gathered ethnographic collections of musical recordings during expeditionary practice for many years. One of the largest research centers at the moment is the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
2. Smirnov D.V. O problemah v oblasti musikal’nogo obrazovaniya. Traditsionnaya kultura, 2011, № 1. P. 28-34.
Smirnov D.V. HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AS THE BASIS OF MODERN RUSSIAN SCIENCE OF FOLK MUSIC. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24420 (22.02.2025).