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Teaching science
Presently the linguistics is the unit of classical and innovative research methods. One the innovative research way is based on the systematical nature of the text at the architectonics of cognitive discourse as the complex cognitive-communicative being including as linguistic as extra-linguistic factors. According to N. F. Alefirenko “at the discursive kernel there is no only the cognitive-synergic interpretation of social-cultural, communicative-pragmatic, lingual information but its transmutation at the including into specific virtual world to semiotic representation of the mental structure of any world [1: 399].
Based on the idea that different texts create different worlds P. Werth represented the theory of Text Worlds [5]. This theory deals with the point of view the meaning level of Text World is the conceptual space creating by the write on the one hand and the reader on the other hand. But now it is evidently that “discursive and text worlds are mental constructs because they create conceptual representations of different parts of the reality” [3: 46].
Different from other text worlds the fiction text world is the cognitive-plot world projection of many being things can be invented partly or completely by the writer at the architectonics of nominative fields at the fiction concepts. Fiction concept is “the component of fiction concept sphere including mental features and phenomena which are kept by the historical people memory and are used by the writers as the important cognitive-pragmatic units to develop the plot” [4: 2013].
Fiction concept sphere is the unit of statistic and dynamic cognitive structures. Among the dynamic cognitive structures the cognitive scenes are interesting to study. We research the cognitive scenes as the multivector constructs having different types of components to realize the dynamics of whole cognitive structure.
It is proved the frequency of different thematic cognitive scenes influences to the dynamic level of the fiction concept sphere. The cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of the classical roman of F. Dostoevsky named “The Brothers Karamazov” discovered the high frequency of cognitive scenes represented the religious fiction discourse. It was identified that the structure of this type of fiction discourse at the studding text is the unity of verbal units and represents of nonverbal code.
Example 1. “– Teacher!’ he fell suddenly on his knees, ‘what must I do to gain eternal life?’ – Father Zossima, lifting his eyes” [2: 65].
There are two represents of nonverbal code: kineme “he fell suddenly on his knees” and kineme “lifting his eyes” at two communicative acts.
Example 2. “The elder raised his hand and would have made the sign of the cross over Ivan from where he stood. But the latter rose from his seat, went up to him, received his blessing, and kissing his hand went back to his place in silence” [2: 111].
The specificity of this cognitive scene consists in the absence of personage speech. The communication is based on the represents of nonverbal code. At the first communicative act there is kineme “raised his hand and would have made the sign of the cross over Ivan” and proxeme “from where he stood”. At the second communicative act there are five represents of nonverbal code. Two represents are the markers of religious being: kineme “received his blessing”, takeme “kissing his hand”; but three other components are proxems supported religious markers in this context.
To sum up, the research of religious fiction discourse realizing at the frame of cognitive scenes represents the mechanism of fiction dynamic discovering.
The author’s research algorithm is one of the way to study the different phenomena of cognitive-discursive paradigm as the complex research program at the nowadays humanities.
2. Dostoevsky, F. The Brothers Karamazov. L: Wordsworth Editions, 2001. 912 p.
3. Kushneruk L. Text Worlds Theory as the Research Program of Cognitive Linguistics // Issues of Cognitive Linguistics. 2011. № 1. PP. 45-51.
4. Ogneva Е. Cognitive Modeling of Fiction Conceptsphere. М.: Editus, 2013. 282p.
5. Werth, P. Text Worlds: Representing Conceptual Space in Discourse. L.: Longman. 1999.
Ogneva E.A. COGNITIVE- DISCURSIVE PARADIGM AS THE COMPLEX RESEARCH PROGRAM OF HUMANITIES . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24679 (26.03.2025).