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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017

Culture and art

Darmenova R.A., Ashirbekova J.B., Nurbolatova B., Duisebaeva P.

The article deals with the formation of the national culture of the young generation in the processing of garments made of felt.

Keywords: culture, education, pedagogics, tradition, esthetics, arts and crafts,folk.

Social processes that affect the spheres of modern society can not ignore the issue of preservation of national traditions, cultural identity and certain values. The changes taking place in modern society, put forward new requirements for the development of the personality. The urgent need of time is a manifestation of creativity, the search for rational, non-standard ways to solve problems in any area of ??human activity, increasing the intellectual potential of every member of society, the maximum development of the abilities of modern humans. The main feature of the creative person in a non-standard, original thinking, in particular, are often different from other world view. In studying the problem of development of creative abilities of students in the classroom for designing costume Felt revealed that: between the need for training of creative-oriented, professional competence, integrity, intelligent person possessing the culture of inter-ethnic and inter-ethnic cooperation, a relatively small practice, implementation of the model of education and personality development in the classroom the design of the costume. The modern concept of education of comprehensively developed person who is constantly improved and updated and enriched in accordance with the requirements of life.

Household items nomadic herders (saddles, harness leather, wood, bone and metal), richly decorated with ornaments. Usually portrayed the moon, the stars, the sun, geometric shapes, stylized leaves, flowers, a ram's horn. Skilful jewelers  made rings, bracelets, earrings, buckles, buttons, decorating them with false or semi-precious stones woven from thin silver wire. Women's hats, dresses, bags, rugs, saddle-cloths for different saddles beautiful embroidery. "Using the educational potential and ethnic culture and folk pedagogy has contributed and will contribute to the moral and aesthetic development of the personality" /1/ Baltabaev, 2000. The peculiarity of this building is a harmonious combination of the semantic content of the enormous emotional, psychological influence on personality. Progressive traditions, people are not different abstract thinking or morally didactic instruction and is a dialectical unity of ideas and beliefs. If the idea of ??folk festivals, rituals and traditions affect the moral conscience, they are colorful, attractive design externally influence the psychology and feelings. Taking shape over the centuries and handed down from generation to generation, from the older to the younger, many of the traditional celebrations, rituals, customs were the standard by which people evaluate their actions, activities. All people are preserved many wisdom traditions. Each generation, regardless of age and the conditions in which they lived piously fulfilling the mandate ancestors. Many of these mandates have been clearly expressed in the folk proverbs and sayings, such as "Starved, but do not forget the customs of ancestors", etc. These wise people's instruction, we always remember. By studying the design and technology of garments using the latest technology and traditional methods; using traditional materials and decorative arts of the people we study history, formation and development of our state, which in itself is interesting for everyone. Efficiency study the peculiar structure of manufacturing garments made of felt, is the right decision even increase student interest in the subject, using traditional materials in the design of the individual elements of clothes in a holistic pedagogical process. Using felt like arts and crafts, as a material to create products to students transferred its history and origin, and it goes far back to the beginning of history. National costumes of felt acts as a creative source, revealing the full capabilities of the use of ethnic elements and motifs in the design of the national costume students in the process of studying the technology of manufacturing garments made of felt. Improving the design skills of students in the design of the individual elements of clothing takes place in the process of repetition and practice study of the subject by students. To date, the main task is to preserve national traditions, language and culture. And actively increase the knowledge of the younger generation in the field of educational work in the development of the people. The study of manufacturing technology of felt products, teaches young people to hard work, the pursuit of beauty, continuing traditions, honoring the cultural heritage and knowledge of the history of the people, respect and respect for the older generation, respect for wisdom, worship of ancestors.

The twentieth century has shown that the experience of the past as a common reality can rally people together. Comprehension of human existence as being in the nature of the predetermined time to rethink the whole order of things. The horizon of this outlook "national" is a concrete expression of the transcendent. And in this sense it could be argued that national tradition is relevant today as the primary intuition, consider themselves at the base of beliefs about the world as the historical dimension of existence.  Much attention was paid to labor education of the younger generation. Since childhood instilled the proper knowledge and skills. They have ten years of age were able to take care of the cattle, shear sheep, fabricate leather, sew clothes, and learned to roll felts of wool and felt mat for covering yurts, etc. Often parents to transfer their children to the craft. For example, blacksmiths taught their children blacksmithing, carpet passed its own experience, etc. However, the core of folk wisdom is always present in any educational theory. In our time, in conditions of democratization of society, we treat with great interest to national traditions. Public education has always sought to instill in the young generation of love for the motherland, honesty, integrity, a sense of friendliness. The adage "truthful words leads to the truth, and the false floor - only to its owner," says the feeling of citizenship /2/ Qudayqulov, 1986  . In general understanding proverbs and sayings, we see them as a source of intelligence, as an example to follow, as the instructive legacy of previous generations. The practice of education shows that if it is reasonably and appropriately used proverbs and sayings, they can have a great educational effect. To a place said to the wise word, it sinks into the soul, is remembered for a long time, has a strong influence on the person. "A bird does what he sees in the nest." Up to now we have remained instructive, inspiring examples and methods of moral, labor and aesthetic education. The cooperation of students and teachers is a universal ability of the young teacher in its further work. During the course design garments are utilized traditional modeling methods, compositions, the use of different means and methods of harmonization, since the student to think intuitively, to hone their skills in an attempt to reach the ideal. As a rule, the result of such activities is to display good taste and beauty. The experiments were carried out with the structure and form of the national costume of contemporary designers are pushing on the direction of creative search. Student, setting a specific task, solving them is intuitive in creative pursuits, providing impetus and an endless search for new ideas, methods, needs to convey this meaning to the people. In the process of creative activity of the national costume reveals the deep layers of the original source content, specifically identifying their meaning inherent in them. Traditional folk costumes because of its functions, acquires the role of philosophical sounding in creative activity, passing the originality and artistic expression for centuries embodied the people in costume. Constructive simulation forms of clothing with traditional elements, features, finds its development in modern design form a cut, using embroidery and fashion accessories, color scheme. Modeling and Design of simple patterns, that is based on the basic structures of the drawing, with the help of new methods, reflects the peculiarities of national cut, creating a fashionable image of the shape of which is expressed in different types of content. Wardrobe teacher consists mainly of the classical type of clothing. Under the influence and direction of fashion in each period it may mutate into a proportional ratio of parts distribution volume form, load decoration. Teacher, including his wardrobe clothes with national elements gives an example to future generations. In such clothes can look classic with its stylistic features typical of traditional clothing. The conceptual basis of the construction of modern clothing is a kind of classic style, designed based on folk costumes. Occupation teacher of technology designed to combine multiple items, the main of which are creative. When working with the students need a creative approach and a combination of different professions: a psychologist, historian, designer, engineer, designer, artist, math, etc. In order to create something with their own hands and teach the younger generation need to be well oriented in these areas. Children are naturally curious and learning that is diverse interests of all parts of origin. When teaching students of technology in schools, using different methods, teaching methods, modeling, enriches communication with students. The characteristic tendency of modern teachers become innovative reinterpretation of traditions, based on a deep knowledge of the laws of folk art. Traditional national costume for centuries been subjected to improvement. But the basic design idea and form of the costume withstood the test of time. Currently, modeling clothes allowed the use of traditional elements, style decisions. Each historical epoch offers its theme, sets certain tasks in accordance with the times and technology achievements.

Designers in some collections used in the design of clothing items of traditional clothing vertical cut collar, crimping edges, side slit, their organic combination with the details of the modern cut acquire a new meaning. Nowadays, among the modern designers use features found acceptance in the design of national clothes modern costume. The collections were presented products demonstrate contemporary style with traditional materials, the national dress of modern fabrics and the clothes with a mix of styles and using different including traditional fabrics. Introducing the work of the designer shows the extent of the use of traditional elements in the simulation. When you create a different fashion apparel author's approach, but converge on the integrity of some of the components of folk costumes. The study showed that the design of clothing in a traditional style, as a revival of the old, looks innovative today. The work with the students the use of active methods, participation in competitions of models in the course of educational activities and practices leads to the activation of students in teaching and learning and practice. The process of studying the construction of the national dress of felt, aimed at the development of artistic and creative abilities of students in the design and implementation of their life, taking into account the historically national artistic traditions. Art designing clothes based on the use of utilitarian qualities of folk costumes, traditional ecological materials, rational cut features, technologies and ways of shaping, the role of the modern garment maximum comfort of life /3/ Darmenova, 2010 . The various possibilities and combinations with traditional materials, laid the basis for the use of a unique material like felt. Today, designers are searching for unique styles, combining the characteristics of the national culture and the most popular features of modern clothing. Folk costumes and arts and crafts is one of the main ethno-cultural sources. Of particular interest in the wealth and diversity of ethnic forms of national dress, the relationship with art and history, giving new options to learn the design of modern clothes. Modern designers contribute to developing the unique fashions, combining elements of traditional costume and modern trends. This area can be considered as a succession of past generations creativity enriched the modern requirements in the development of clothing. The use of historical masterpieces of creativity of the people as a substantial basis for the creation of creative environment engages students in a situation of experimental research. Involving students to perform specific actions craftsmen, gives them an emotional lift in the creative process. Realization of deep experiences, individually-differentiated approach to vocational and personal development of students.

The system of formation of the future teacher of a special place belongs to the research. Pursuing research work of students acquiring methodological knowledge, putting into practice their creativity and ability to contribute to methodological problems facing the department. Excellent implementation of projects assigned to the student, observing teaching and organizational work broadens and deepens students' professional knowledge /4/ Asylhanov, 2002. In the manufacture of modern clothing with the introduction of the national need to carry this suit. When making the traditional to the modern, necessary to meet the requirements of the era. In terms of aesthetics, the national costume has been amended, but the design and shape of clothing approved the centuries-old practice. People taught the younger generation to live in nature, love her navigate the environment, know the signs of the weather, the habits of animals and birds, and so on. Creating a pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities of students in the search for ways to develop and transfer experience of mankind rising generation in the process of studying the technology of manufacturing garments made of felt.

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Bibliographic reference

Darmenova R.A., Ashirbekova J.B., Nurbolatova B., Duisebaeva P. FOLK COSTUMES AND ARTS AND CRAFTS IS ONE OF THE MAIN ETHNO-CULTURAL SOURCES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25319 (14.03.2025).