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In our research 44 people sick with diabetes mellitus were researched about indicators of levels reactive and personality alarm, calculated with scale of Spilberger (STAI). 28 patients (63 %) were given a diagnosis of presence anxious disorder (ICD-10). It was found, that 30 patients (68 %) have had a psycho-social stress before the beginning of diabetes mellitus. All patients having anxious disorder have been taking 20 mg dosed paroxetin.
Defined dependence was explored between the level of alarm and the duration of disease. Patients having anxious disorder have had the duration of diabetes mellitus more than 10 years and their level of reactive alarm was 54,21 ± 2,06. Patient having no signs of clinically expressed anxious disorder have had average duration about 7,36 years, while the level reactive alarm in this group was 38,86 ± 2,12 and conformed the average degree of evidence (p < 0,05). Meanwhile the indicators of personality alarm were risen in both groups (50,43 ± 1,07 и 46,75 ± 1,75). Patient having clinically expressed anxious disorder have had more complications of diabetes mellitus and worse degree of its burden. We fixed gender features of anxious disorders and prevalence of women in this group, what conform to population indicators. Clinical effect of application anxious therapy during 3 weeks was characterized by decrease of level of reactive alarm up to 38,75 ± 1,32 and became apparent with distinct reduction of level of anxious disorder: decrease of signs of alarm, anxiety, fear, irritability, decrease of weakness, normalization of slumber. Explored facts testify to considerable role of a psycho-social stress in beginning of diabetes mellitus and these facts allows to recommend therapy with paroxetin in complex cure for diabetes mellitus, it promotes the reduction of anxious disorder and the rise of quality of patients´ lives, and also it promotes improvement of prognosis of endocrine disease.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Modern problems of experimental and clinical medicine», (Thailand), 20-28 February, 2010, came to the editorial office оn 30.12.2009
Zelenin K.A. STRESS AND ANXIETY IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23466 (09.03.2025).