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Most often the term «anxiety» is used for describing of untidy psychical condition, which is characterized by subjective sensations of tension, nervousness, dark presentiments, and from the physiological side it is accompanied by autonomous nervous system.
Anxiety as condition is normally gone through by every healthy man in cases, which suggest the anticipation of negative results. This condition appears when individual perceive defined irritants or situation as the carrying in them potentially elements of threat, danger, harm. Being natural condition anxiety plays positive role not only as indicator of abnormality but also as a mobilization of reserves of psychic. The condition of anxiety is unique form of emotional anticipation of failure, signalizes to the subject the necessity of careful foresight of all base conditions of forthcoming work, promoting optimal preparation for the activity, which is most adequate to the aims of subject. But most often the anxiety is considered as negative condition and is connected with the feelings of the stress. U.L. Hanin notes that anxiety as the condition is the reaction to different stressors, which are characterized by different intensity, changeability in time, the presence of realized untidy feelings of tension, concern, alarm and is accompanied by expressed activation of vegetative nervous system. The condition of anxiety can vary by its intensity and change in time as the function of level of stress, to which undergo the individual.
At the psychophysiological level the reasons of anxiety are connected with the peculiarities of structure and functioning of central nerve system, peculiarities of constitution, weakness or imbalance of nerve processes, the presence of the nidus of pathology at the brain cortex, different diseases. Psychophysiologic base of anxiety consists in the disorder of homeostatic mechanisms of textiform formation, which is revealed in abnormality of coordination and activity of its brake influences. Structural changes of personality form not at once, but gradually, by the measure of consolidation of negative personal aims, tendency to perceive rather wide range of situations as the threaten ones and to react on them with the condition of anxiety. Constant feelings of anxiety are fixed and become the behavior or personality - anxiety. Appearance of condition of anxiety while its constant repeating becomes dominant and conditions the forming of new formation, that means it leads to the consolidation of appropriate behavior - anxiety. The process of forming of anxiety goes by several phases. At the first phase there occurs its origin. This moment is connected with the forming of dynamical supporting center, which consists in psychical processes, in which anxiety is revealed. Second phase is characterized by the expression of anxiety and its consolidation at the concrete activity and behavior. At the third phase formed new formation, assuming a character of behavior of personality - personal anxiety, reproduces psychical conditions that have caused it. This is exclusive psychological circle, in which there occurs the consolidation and strengthening of anxiety that leads to accumulating and deepening of negative emotional experience, which, causing negative prognostic valuations, promotes increase and saving of anxiety.
At the genesis of personal anxiety lays insufficient formation or abnormality of mechanisms of psychological self-government. Discrepancy of subjective model of real reality is accompanied by manifestation of inadequate overstated anxiety, can lead to the abnormality of regulatory processes. Then anxiety consolidates as the behavior of personality and develops into a dominant trait of character. Personal anxiety unsurely reveals in behavior, it has expression of subjective problems of personality, which create specific background of its vital functions that oppress the psychic.
The level of personal anxiety is defined on the assumption of how often and how intensively individual has a condition of anxiety. Functional aspect of research of personal anxiety suggests its considering as system behavior, which reveals at every levels of man´s activity. A.I. Zakharov pays his attention to the separation of concepts of fear and anxiety. These phenomena have general component at the view of feeling o alarm, perception of threat and absence of felling of safety, but anxiety is the signal of danger, and fear is the response on it; anxiety is presentiment, and fear is the feeling of danger; stimuli of anxiety have general, undefined and abstract character, fear is more concrete and defined; anxiety like waiting of danger is projected to the future, fear is like memory of danger and has as a source mostly traumatizing experience.
Very important, in our opinion, is the thought of A.I. Zakharov about the presence in the anxious, inclined to neurosis personality the traits of «contrast», discrepancy of personal characteristics, for example, pride, confidence is combined with tenderness, aggressiveness with shyness, aspiration for the leadership with disbelief in own powers etc.
V.I. Garbusov examines near to the anxiety the conception of childish nervousness, which is its consequence at the physiological level. By the childish nervousness he considers excessive excitability, irritability, tearfulness, impressionability, sleep disturbance, and also neuropathy and neurosis. One of the main reasons of childish neurosis V.I. Garbusov considers pressure in the human nature temperament at the process of wrong upbringing. V.I. Garbusov singles out its four types: unacceptance, hypersocial, anxiously-mistrustful and egocentric upbringing.
At the examination of this problem it´s necessary to touch upon another one issue, maybe a little bit untraditional. U.M. Antonyan connects anxiety with the problem of criminal behavior. Anxiety is considered as one of the fundamental traits, which consists in raised inclination to feel anxiously at different situations, to sense undefined danger, including in connection with uncertainty of its source. Anxiety as the behavior of personality corresponds defined position, which predisposes to perception of objectively safe conditions as threaten ones. Anxiety is the condition of psychic, which covers any feeling of person and incites him to the search of source of feelings in the outside world.
Anxiety can be, in the opinion of U.M. Antonyan, at different level. If it reaches the degree of fear of death, person begins to protect his biological status, his biological existing. One of the ways is forcible crime as the form of protection from the world, which is subjectively perceived as dangerous. Other way of protection should become suicide, leaving of this world. But anxiety can be formed and saved at the level of alarm and uncertainty as behaviors, which are inwardly inherent to this personality.
By the growing up of human there changes the character of objects that cause the fear. Potential possibility of physical injury for the majority of us is not a threat, even because it´s rare. More often we are afraid of those things, which can sting our pride and lower self-appraisal. We are afraid of failures and psychological losses, which can cause a real revolution at the soul of everyone.
Reverse connection between fear and excitement we see when the emotion of interest (excitement) develops into fear. Indirect confirmation of narrow interconnection between fear and excitement we can find in the research of A.Bull (Bull, 1951), which is devoted to hypnotically inspired fear. She writes about that people being tested, enduring inspired fear, simultaneously strived for explore the object of fear and avoid it. Bull considers this conflict as the proof of dual nature of fear. The theory of differential emotions interprets such behavioral conflict as the result of hesitation between the emotion of fear (motivating the reaction of avoiding) and emotion of interest (motivating research activity).
From the recounted follows, that fears as the conditionally-reflective affective response to the imagined or real danger have emotional base, cognitive direction and interpersonal conditionality, being simultaneously the dynamic stereotype of personal reacting. We are sure of that the knowledge of peculiarities of age dynamic of fears in conditions of norm and pathology will allow to create in case of necessity the effective complex of early psychoprophylaxic and psychotherapeutic activities, which have as their aim the prevention of development of anxiously-mistrustful traits of personality.
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The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.
Abakarova E.G. DETERMINANTS OF ANXIETY AND ITS FORMING AS THE STABLE PERSONALITY FORMATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23471 (09.03.2025).