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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Pogozheva O.V.
Dramatically growing number of adolescents with chemical and non-chemical dependency (alcoholism, drug addiction, game addiction) and patterns of delinquent behavior, which can easily transform into criminal behavior among some adolescent groups, urge for using psychological counseling, psycho-correction and psychotherapy. In our opinion, we must use the available psychological methods today, to help the teenagers and parents in Russia.

That is why the methods addressing the ego of adolescents and their parents, such as psycho-correction, psychotherapy and psychological counseling, including the symboldrama and transactional analysis, could be used as a measure of primary psychological prevention in the current social environment.

Representatives of different psychological types within the range of normal accentuation do not show the signs of negative personal drift towards the limits of accentuation or abnormal personal changeability. Therefore the analysis of empiric and psychological observations, as well as talks with the teenagers, their parents and teachers, let reveal the weakest elements in the psycho-typological structure of personality in order to strengthen the constitutional psychological defense mechanisms of personality and prevent the negative personal changeability.

We used the following methods and techniques for psychological correction of personal experiences and relations, psychotherapy of the deviant non-pathologic adolescent behavior: personality-oriented psychotherapy, family systems psychotherapy, transactional analysis, symboldrama, imago therapy.

During the psychological counseling and correction of personal experience and behavior, adolescents with normal accentuation had stronger altruistic motivations, values and attitudes, which corresponded with their core ego structure and did not contradict with their moral principles. This was especially important for adolescents of all psychotypes within the range of normal accentuation. Moreover, the altruistic attitudes also dominated in their family and friend relations, so that they were not forced to struggle with their own principles. These adolescents could easily adapt to social environment by finding peers with similar attitudes and values.

During the psychological counseling and correction, the adolescents with egoistic attitudes, which however did not dominated in their relations with peers, grew more convinced they build normal interpersonal relationships in work, play and school. We managed to bring their selfcontrol and self-regulation of statements and behavior to an optimal level, which allows to avoid intrapersonal conflicts. Usually, such adolescents were highly intelligent and adequately self-conscious, which let strengthen their personal defense mechanisms during the psycho-correction. An external criterion for a successful optimization of the psychological defense mechanisms, was an ability not to mention the negative psychological traits in peers. This preserved their own attitudes, motivation and values and helped avoid conflicts with the peers or teachers. Consequently, the psycho-correction let increase the level of selfcontrol and self-regulation of own experiences and behavior, without changing personal moral and ethic values and motivations, or forcing them on the others.

The psycho-correction and psychological counseling resulted in stronger personal and psychological tolerance towards external living factors as the adolescents and their parents grew convinced of their own life principles and world outlook. It made them confident when confronting with the social injustice, amorality, including that of the surrounding adults and teachers. The teenagers learned to remain tolerant to foreign life, religious or ethnic ideologies. And the stabilized psychological defense mechanisms enabled to communicate successfully and build working and friendly relations on the moral basis, when such humanistic ideas as justice, honor, conscience, shame and love formed the psycho-typological framework of the personality.

The psychological correction and counseling were aimed at revealing the moral and ethic values, motivations and attitudes of a teenager and his family, which is essential for an adequate psychological correction of personal experiences and behavior.

Sense of duty and responsibility were the main psychological principles in relations with others. Achieving positive results contributed to strengthening moral courage and boosting personal energy, thus preserving the usual moral values, attitude and motivation. Relations with peers remained stable, balanced, with a healthy competition, proving the priority of honor and honesty in human relations.

As a part of the psycho-correction explicitly, the teenagers got a possibility to forecast the personal experience and behavior depending on the communication party, and choose the best behavior patterns, without compromising their life and communication principles. The adolescents learned to say "no" if they received offers that did not meet their moral and ethic requirements, and to follow their principles when the peers shared the same ones. On the one hand, independence and justice in relations receive a high esteem among the peers. On the other hand, the adolescents were convinced that it is necessary to make some socio-psychological forecasts, in order to achieve strategic or tactic goals, and preserve both personal dignity and ego and that of the others.

Together with the teenagers we analyzed the degree of compassion, necessary in communication with others. The adolescents were very satisfied if they managed to express empathy emotionally, as well as to help their peers with their adolescent problems. The psychologist did not deny the hedonistic tendencies in teenagers, but stressed that they were temporary and incidental. Moreover, a high risk of contradictions and conflicts with the society is to be expected, if hedonistic attitudes prevail and control the personal motives, attitudes and values.

During the psycho-correction in adolescents within the range of normal accentuation regardless of the psychological type structure, the signs of personality changeability were neutralized, which assured of no development in the direction of abnormal changeability of personality.

According to the analysis of the dynamics of personality traits in adolescents within the range of normal accentuation during the psychological counseling and psycho-correction, the constitutional, psycho-typological mechanisms of personal compensation and behavioral adaptation grew stronger, resulting in preserved balance of personal motivations, attitudes and values, their prevalence over the temperamental demands, principles and values.

The offered approach of psycho-correction and psychological counseling, aimed at anchoring the personality trait demonstration on the positive continual pole, reflects the stability of constitutional psychological defense mechanisms, which represents the psychological and psycho-correctional prevention of personality´s negative changeability from the normal psychological accentuation towards the abnormal personality changeability.

To sum up, the results of the applied methods and techniques of psycho-correction and psychological counseling, appealing to the adolescent ego and their parents, prove that means of the psychological prevention such as symboldrama and transactional analysis, are more effective than the methods of personality-oriented psychotherapy. The family systems psychotherapy combines the psychological and ideological meanings of the primary psychological prevention of a probable abnormal changeability of personality.

Consequently, the more psychologists will provide the primary psychological prevention to individuals, teenage groups and families at schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and other social institutions, in form of strengthening the optimal type-determined mechanisms of personal compensation and behavioral adaptation, the less will be the risk of development of the psychological changeability of personality within the type-continual range of normal accentuation.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23474 (09.03.2025).