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The comparative mathematical analysis of results of psychological examination of teenagers with cycloid and hysteroid psychological type of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior allowed to discriminate mentioned groups with rather high degree of trustworthiness, when the percent of mistakes in both of groups doesn´t transcend 15,79 %. Received results reflect the formation of hysteroncycloid structure of personality at the subgroups of both two groups. Teenagers of mixed groups are distinguished by the weakness of constitutional mechanisms of protection and by the influence of social stressors they have, registered at the experimental-psychological level, negative drift to the side of anomalous personality changeability practically of 16 % of teenagers. The representatives of compared subgroups are characterized by unstable personality compensation and behavioral adaptation, what reveals at sub depressive feelings, co-morbidity of anxious feelings. In combination with stable reactions of emancipation this leads to conflict behavior with peers, teachers, relatives around, and to the delinquent manifestations of behavior.
Received results testify to the necessity of separation of teenage group of risks of stable formation of addictive behavior, what requires immediate measures of special psychological help by the restoration and consolidation of constitutional mechanisms of protection at the view of personality compensation and behavioral adaptation.
Psychological-mathematical analysis of teenagers with cycloid and epileptoid psychological type of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with the tendency to addictive stereotype of behavior leaded to the following results. There was defined the totality of psychological markersdelimiters, singled out groups. This totality of taken into consideration at the process of analysis psychological parameters demonstrates differential-diagnostic differences between cycloid and epileptoid representatives of the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior. Meanwhile the percent of probabilistic mistakes at differential diagnosis doesn´t transcend 10,5 % at the first group and 5,26 % at the second group, emphasizing the tendency to the decrease of the number of revealed teenagers with mixed cycloid-epileptoid structure of personality psycho type, what indicates negative psycho typological drift to the side of diapason of anomalous personality changeability.
It should be noted that in this compared pair of teens with schizoid and cycloid psycho type we observe «curtaining off» the tendency to the use of alcohol by teenagers with behavioral delinquent manifestations that reflect negative psycho typological drift to the side of diapason of anomalous personality changeability, which requires preventive measures that are directed to the misupdating of motifs and values of alcohol use. Low percent of probable mistakes at differential diagnosis (15,8 % at the first group and 10,53 % at second group confirm the trustworthiness of received results) on the one hand point to the revealed tendency to decrease of mixed schizoid-cycloid psycho typological structures while the formation of tendency to the addictive behavior, which testify to negative psycho typological drift at the diapason of accentuation proper. Connection of schizoid-cycloid psycho typological structures at teen age also leads at small groups to the weakening of constitutional mechanisms of protection and effort of personality compensation and behavioral adaptation in conditions of social-informational stressing of vital environment.
Psychological-mathematical analysis of teenagers with schizoid and epileptoid psychological type of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior allowed to receive trustworthy results of differential diagnosis.
Attracts attention to itself the evidence of the scale of hysterical reaction, which is combined with moderately expressed sub depressive neurotic feelings and anxiety, including constitutionally conditioned (the scale of anxiety Tailor), what reflects the formation of personality feelings and behavioral stereotype that drift to the side of the limits of anomalous personality changeability. We have already mentioned that the appearance of hysterical stereotype of behavior is unusual for schizoid or epileptoid teenage psycho type, indeed the appearance of mentioned stereotype testifies to the tendency to the anomalous personality and behavioral reaction. The totality of combination of listed psychological indicators lays at the base of addictive behavior causing the effort of constitutional mechanisms of personality compensation and behavioral adaptation, which by the influence of supplementary social factors can lead to the derangement of constitutional protective mechanisms and condition of personality decompensation and behavioral misadaptation. The confirmation of our reasoning is the strengthening of manifestations of psychological asthenization (the scale of asthenia) and psychopathisation (proneness to conflict, sequence of not understandings at relations), which in turn provoke negative psycho typological drift, leading to its steadiness.
Against this background firstly as the protective mechanism there forms addictive behavior - desire to use alcohol and forget about all teenage problems or win big sum of money and solve simultaneously all problems of relations. Similar reasonings prevail at ordinary consciousness of teenagers with epileptoid or schizoid structure of personality that inclined to addictive behavior.
There is arising the question, does revealed mixed psycho type promote or oppose negative psycho typological drift at the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation? Most probably, the composition of schizoid-epileptoid traits at the period of adolescent maturation leads to the fact that 10,5 % teenagers with schizoid-epileptoid psycho type at the group with epileptoid psycho type and 15,7 % at the group with schizoid psycho type the instability of mechanisms of constitutional psychological protection. At these conditions while supplementary social-informative stressors increase the risk of negative psycho typological drift to the side of anomalous personality changeability. Empiric, phenomenological and psychological observations and descriptions of teens confirm our suggestion that from two compared groups of observed teenagers only part of them has negative psycho typological drift from the diapason of accentuation to the side of diapason of anomalous personality changeability. Done experimental-psychological researches with the treatment of results by discriminate analysis gives us an opportunity to single out quite concrete teenagers from the compared groups quite concrete teenagers, which at reliable level have personality and behavioral changeability at the limits of diapason of norm-accentuation and further to the frames of diapason of anomalous personality changeability. Thereby our research opens a way for individual psychodiagnosis, which is based on constitutional psychology.
Psychological-mathematical analysis of teenagers of schizoid and hysteroid psycho types, which situated at the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior, allowed carrying out differential diagnosis between compared groups.
Teens with schizoid structure of personality have hysterical stereotype of behavior, as we have already noted, as the psychological behavioral marker of anomalous addictive behavior, when use of alcohol allows at the beginning to conceal their problem feelings, and then gradually can´t not to form psychological dependence. 26,3 % of mistakes at differential diagnosis of teens-hysteroids and low percent of mistakes - 5,3 % accordingly at the group of schizoid representatives of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior point to the high probability of mixed schizoid-hysteroid structures of personality. Meanwhile it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that among the teens-hysteroids almost one third is formed by teenagers with mixed schizoid-hysteroid structure of personality, what can provides strengthening of constitutional mechanisms of psycho typological protection at the expense of schizoid structure of personality. In other words 26,3 % of teenagers with schizoid-hysteroid structure of personality from the whole group will limit their own negative drift to the side of anomalous personality changeability by the influence of social-informational stressors. At the group with schizoid structure of personality 5,3 % of teens have high risk of derangement of constitutional mechanisms of personality compensation and behavioral adaptation with the formation of negative drift to the side of diapason of anomalous personality changeability. We can affirm that combination of hysteroid structure of the individual typological traits of teens to the conceptual «schizoid main body» of teenagers at the psychological level promotes loosening of psychological mechanisms of compensation and adaptation, improving the risk at the unfavourable social conditions of vital environment to carry out the negative psycho typological drift to the side of diapason of anomalous personality changeability.
The analysis shows that at the case of differentiation of psycho types at the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior there arises differential-diagnostic role of defined psychological parameters. If at the diapason psychological norm of accentuation is the distance between the centers of projections of psychological parameters of cycloids and hysteroid at three-dimensional space is small, that at the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior it considerably increases, demonstrating the remoteness of groups from one to another in the space, consequently, there is increased the trustworthiness of diagnosis of psycho types of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior at the view of psycho typological negative drift to the side of limits of anomalous personality changeability. With the help of psychological methodic, the results of which were treated by the methods of mathematical nonparametric statistics, we register not only peculiarities of psychological, personality, behavioral differences between psycho types, but also we register negative psycho typological drift. There might be considered as interesting the fact that to the differentiation of schizoid and hysteroid, schizoid and epeleptoid, schizoid and cycloid psycho types at the diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior the biggest contribution bring in the indicator of scale of hysterical reactions of clinical questionnaire for definition and assessment of neurotic condition. The analysis of average indicators of this scale has revealed that just to teens-schizoids with negative psycho typological drift to the limits of diapason of anomalous personality changeability at the biggest degree peculiar the traits of hysterical neurotic reaction, which, as is known, doesn´t correspond to the structure of personality of schizoids and at the considerable measure weakens the mechanisms of psychological protection, most probably, at the expense of sensitiveness, which is compensated, and at the subgroups with negative drift is hypercompensated by hysterical stereotype of behavior.
Thereby the change of concrete psycho typological structure with the appearance of uncharacteristic components, which are peculiar to other psycho typological structure, indicates to the unconstructive tendency of drift of schizoid traits of psychotype of diapason of psychological normaccentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior at the constitutional continuum to the side of limits of anomalous personality changeability.
To generalize aforesaid let´s noted that the differences between basic psycho types become more considerable at the case of their drift to the side of diapason of psychological norm-accentuation with addictive stereotype of behavior, which is carried out, first of all, at the expense of weakening of schizoid structure of personality by appearance of hysteroid stereotype of behavior or mixed hysteroid-schizoid structures of psycho types of personality. It´s necessary to mention, that forming of schizoid-cycloid structures of psycho type also occurs at the expense of manifestations of hysterical stereotypes of behavior and emotional instability, inclination to dysthymia of teenagers with cycloid individual-typological traits of personality.
The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23475 (09.03.2025).