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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Sergeeva V.E., Smorodchenko A.D.
The calbindine - the protein is being localized in the cytomembrane, in the cytoplasm, and also in the cells nucleus, it is being taken its part in the membrane folds generation, in the phagocytal processes formation at the phagocytosis early stages (e.g. Ohsawаеt. al. 2001), it is being expressed by the macrophage origin cells (e.g. (Kohler C., 2007). The thymus macrophages are being related to the APUD - system, as they are being revealed the positive reaction for the aldehyde - fuchsin (e.g. Smirnova T.L., 2008), they are being contained the neurontransmitter biogenic amines, the MAO ferment (e.g. Sergeeva V.E., Gordon D.C., 1991).

The Material and the Methods

All these experimentshavealreadybeencarriedoutonthe 30 sexually matured albino pedigreeless rats at the age of three months and their mass of 250 gr., having kept under the vivarium´s standard conditions at the well - balanced food ration. All these procedures have been conducted in the work with the rats, according to the treatment´s regulations and the rules with the laboratory and the experimental animals. Andthethymushasbeenextractedunderanaesthetic.The thymus frozen sections with their 15 micrometer thickness have already been stained by the hematoxylin - eosin. The calbindine (that is the calcium binding protein) has been revealed by the homogeneous antibodies. So, thepreparationsmicroscopyhasbeencarriedoutb ymeansofthe«MIKMED 5» light microscope. The necessary presentation on the stained cells quantitative distribution and the morphometry has been received by means of the «Sigma Scan Pro 5» program.

Our researches and the studies results showed that the thymus lobules sections had been stained specifically into the brown lightly color. The calbindine - positive cells are being defined in all the gland lobules studied zones. The cells total quantity is higher in the cortico - medullary zone. So, the macrophages with the calbindine in the small number are being defined in the lobules´ subcapsularis and in the deep cortical zone.

The singular macrophages are being met in the lobules´ substantiamedullaris. The macrophages with the calbindine have the different form (e.g. the oval, the rounded, and the multidendritic ones). Thecells´ nuclearpartisweaklystained. The calcium binding the protein, on the whole, is being concentrated in the cells´ cytomembrane.

Thus, themorphometricstudiesandtheresearcheshavebeenshown, now the area, now the cells´ size is quite the various ones. The calbindine binding cells area calculation has been shown, that the small, the average, and the big macrophages are being revealed in the thymus. So, the small cells´ area is being varied from 6,4 up to 11,3 mcm², the average ones - from 11,4 up to 32,6 mcm², the big ones - from 32,7 mcm² and more. The macrophages with the calbindine, having had the 11,4 mcm² area, are being predominatedin the lobules´ substantiamedullaris, whereas the big cells are frequently being defined in the cortico - medullary zone.


  1. Sergeeva V.E., Gordon D.S. The Histochemical - LuminescentlyCharacteristiс of the Thymus Monoamino Binding Structures Early Reaction upon the Antigenic Influencesм. - Cheboksary, the СHSU Publishing House, 1992. - Р. 390.
  2. SmirnovaT.L., Sergeeva V.E. The Thymus Neurotransmitter Cells atthe Ovariectomy and the Estrogenic Influence // The Morphology in Theory and Practice. - Cheboksary, the СHSU Publishing House, 2008. -Р. 112-114.
  3. Ohsawa K., Imai Y., Sasaki Y, Kohsaka S.Microglia/macrophage-speciific protein IBa1 binds to fimbrin and enhances its action-binding activity // Neurochem. - 2001.-v. 88. -Р. 844-856.
  4. Kohler C.Allograft inflammatory factor-1 Ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule is specifically expressedby most subpopulations of macrofages and spermatids intestis // Cell Tissue Res. - 2007. -v. 333. - Р. 291-302.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «The Science and the Education ActualChallenges», (VARADERO, Cuba), 20-30 March, 2010. Came to the editorial office on 2.02.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Sergeeva V.E., Smorodchenko A.D. THE CALBINDINE RESEARCH IN THETHYMUS MACROPHAGES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23478 (09.03.2025).