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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Bulgakov A.B.
The research was carried out in State Hermitage in September 2006 and 2008, within one hour each working day from 15 o´clock till 16 o´clock whole month. The visiting by the inhabitants of St.-Petersburg of expositions «The Antique art» and «The art of ancient Egypt» was considered. The quantity of the visitors divided was counted up: youth (19-30 years), average generation (till 55 years) and senior generation (more than 55 years). In 2006 in research work have taken part 2496 volunteers, in 2008 - 3324 volunteers. The scheduled excursion groups did not undertake. As a result of researches the following facts were deduced. In 2006 on an expositions «The Antique art» and «The art of ancient Egypt» has visited 38,5 % of the visitors from volunteers number in the age of 19-30 years. In 2008 of an exposition «The Antique art» and «The art of ancient Egypt» was visited with 42,3 % of youth. In 2006 in age group 31-55 years of an exposition «The Antique art» and «The art of ancient Egypt» have visited 67,6 %, and in 2008 - 44,6 %. The visitors of the senior group have made in 2006 - 67,9 % and in 2008 - 64,7 %. It is necessary to note, that of the man´s representatives in the younger group which has visited halls «The antique art» and «Art of ancient Egypt», in 2008 was in 2 times more, than in 2006. The female representatives of the same group which has visited «The art of ancient Egypt» in 2008, was in 2 times, and the visited expositions «The antique art» in 1,6 times are more, than in 2006. In man´s group 31-55 years quantity «The antique art» was reduced in 2,1 times, and «The art of ancient Egypt» in 3,8 times in comparison with 2006. In 2008 quantity of female group 31-55 years visited «The Antique art» was reduced in 2,3 times, and «The art of ancient Egypt» in 3,5 times as against 2006. The quantity of the men of the senior group has comе on an exhibition «The Antique art» in 1,1 times less, and on an exhibition «The Art of ancient Egypt» in 5,5 times is less, than in 2006. The women of the senior group visited an exhibition «The Antique art» in 1,3 times less, the hall «The art of ancient Egypt» in 5,5 times is less in comparison with 2006.

Thus, visiting of expositions «The Antique art» and «The art of ancient Egypt» by youth till 31 years in 2008 has increased. The representatives of average and senior group visit expositions less. In modern social circle in the period global consolidation in sociology a priority direction should be the monitoring of cultural interests, as it reflects a condition of a society.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Priorities for Science, Technology and Innovation», (Egypt), 16-23 August 2010, came to the editorial office оn 30.07.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Bulgakov A.B. CULTURE SOCIOLOGY: STATE HERMITAG – 2006, 2008. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23480 (09.03.2025).