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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Artemenko O.N.
Many researchers have been engaging in the pedagogical abilities study. V.A. Slastenin has been detailing the main demands to the labor and the pedagogical worker personality in the whole book volume [1]. The well - established and the existing «discrepancy» between the excessive and the above - standard social waitings from the teacher, as the professional and the expert, well as the rather not high his labor assessment from the state´s side is being resulted in all theoretical regulations rejection, in the negativism, in the skepticism, in the apathy, that is in the personality - occupationally deadaptation. So, it should be refused from the ЗУНов detailing and the abilities in every specific pedagogical worker´s labor assessment, in favor of his activity personality style analysis, having permitted the teacher to be in his occupation and to be achieved the quite positive results during many following years.

The socio-psychological context of this notion - that is the teacher´s interaction moment with the pupil is being taken for the basis in the pedagogical psychology, when it is mentioned on the activity styles. The pedagogical (e.g. the paternal) conduct and their behavior styles are usually based on the both systems: the children vital activity and the vital functions control system and the interpersonal relations system. So, the styles themselves designation is being left the traditional one: the liberal one (e.g. the control low level, the warm relations); the indifferent one (e.g. the control low level, the cold relations); the authoritarian one (e.g. the control high level, the cold relations); the authoritative one (e.g. the control high level, the warm relations). Thus, the notion personality aspect, that is «the pedagogical activity style», is being left beyond the researchers´ attention bounds. The publications series in the «School Psychologist» newspaper [1, P. 123-124] is being presented the special interest, where the teacher´s activity is being considered, from the point of view of his behavioral responses and his conduct reactions in this context. Their peculiarities and the special features teachers´ manifestation 8 types in the pedagogical labor are being marked out, and they have given the metamorphic names them. The teacher´s activity types separation and their characteristic description are being based on the statement on the fact, that pedagogical labor is being presented by itself the three spaces unity - that is the pedagogical activity, the pedagogical communication and the teacher´s personality. And there is the reference for the corresponding works by A.K. Markova [2] and L.M. Mitina [3]. The teacher´s each type behavioral manifestations are being connected with the occupational self - consciousness peculiarities and the special features, but to be more exactly - with his further development levels. So, the low levels are being correlated with the volitional - emotionally sphere disorders, with the behavior flexibility, and with the self - regulation. That is, the self - consciousness insufficient development is being connected with the teacher´s psychological health disorders, that, in its turn, is being exerted their influence upon the pedagogical labor whole process.

The compensation and the personality individuality principles are quite able to be the key ones of the pedagogical activity analysis. For all this, the compensation is quite able to be considered at the three levels:

  1. the compensation at the separate mental function level (e.g. L.S. Vygotsky, N.A. Vigdorchik);
  2. the mental or the physical handicaps substitution by the personality traits (e.g. K.K. Platonov);
  3. the compensation at the specific occupational activity level (e.g. V.D. Shadrikov, N.P. Ansimova).

The compensation by the personality individuality - this is the key to the contemporary teacher success comprehension, having worked under the unrealistic assigned task conditions.

The «activity individual style» (AIS) notion has firmly been confirmed in the psychology. The two definitions, having given by E.A. Klimov, are usually listed and mentioned in the works on AIS. In the narrow sense, - this is the conditioned one by the typological peculiarities and the special features activity methods stable system, which is being made up and is being formed at the person, having speeded to this kind of his activity realization by the best way. In the broad sense, the main challenge is on the psychological means peculiar - individually system, to which the person is being resorted to consciously or spontaneously, for the purpose of the best equilibration of his (e.g. typologically conditioned) individuality with the activity object, and the external conditions. Let us attract our attention to the fact, that the activity style is being considered, as the subject´s adaptation factor. The idea on the expression through the personality´s adaptive mechanisms occupational activity is being presented by us rather the fruitful one with only that reserve that the adaptation notion has to be interpreted in the broader sense, than it is simply the environmental adaptation and the further accommodation.

In the psychology, the style challenge has actively been developed since the beginning of the 50-es years. Such kinds of styles, as: the cognitive ones, the emotional ones, the perceptive ones, the reactive ones, the affective ones, the efficient ones, the empirical ones, and the others have already been studied and have already been described up to the present time. The style challenge study in the psychology, from the person´s individuality positions, has got the sufficiently old and the ancient traditions, and this has already been reflected in the separate academic disciplines - such as, in the differential psychology and the differential psychophysiology. So, we shall note the considerable differences, as in the domestic, well as in the foreign approaches to the style challenge. So, the style notion is being developed in the framework of the activity approach, where the style itself is being comprehended, as the activity demands interaction integral phenomenon and the person´s individuality in the domestic psychology. Then, the style study is being connected with the personality factors over the mental processes, that it is being resulted in his comprehension, as the personality traits, in the Western psychology. Thus, the four types of the styles are being distinguished in the approaches diversity: «the cognitive styles», «the activity individual styles», «the managerial (e.g. leadership) styles», «the vital activity and the vital functions styles» (e.g. the behavior and the conduct, the human communications, the activities)».

It is also quite possible to be distinguished the different and the various approaches to the challenge in the managerial and the leadership styles study: the personality one (e.g. it is being reflected, mainly, the manager individuality emphasis, as his style main determinant); the behavior and the conduct one (e.g. it is being coordinated the style with the behavior and the conduct, with some personal peculiarities and the personality special features, with the human relations and with the motives of the subordinated people); the complex one (e.g. it is being expressed in the tendency and the intention to be generalized the most well - known style determinants); the structural - functional one (e.g. it is being characterized by the challenge statement on the style internal organization). So, each from all these style directions is being distinguished by its originality and its peculiarity (as well as, by the approaches variety and their diversity, and also by the phenomenon itself explanations). The pedagogical activity styles variety and their diversity are being originated from the teacher´s personality individuality. So, we shall define those special features and their traits, which are being characterized the activity personality style. Firstly, the personality style is being connected with the internal activity organization, that is, it has the internal determination. Secondly, it, as well as the individual style, is being presented itself the realization psychological means system of one or another activity. Thirdly, the activity personality style is being revealed especially, and it considerably is being influenced upon the occupational activity efficiency in the «man - man» system. Fourthly, the personality style, as well as the person himself, being not the typological one, but the human phenomenological characteristic description, is quite be possible to be described only in the context of the personality maturity level. Fifthly, the activity personality style formation has the vital sense meaning, from the point of the readaptation view to the occupation and also through the vocation in the crisis situation. The pedagogical activity style, having developed by the teacher´s mature age, is quite able to be considered, as the controlled behavior and the conduct variant, in the process of the personality - occupationally readaptation. So, the method, by which the personality is adapted to the destructive effects, is being meant under the controlled behavior and the conduct style, in this context. The intermediate styles are being declared, as the most efficient ones, from the point of the pedagogical activity effectiveness view.

Thus, it is quite impossible to be bypassed the challenge on its intellectual reflection level, having said on the pedagogical activity style personality determinants. The thinking quality and the intellectual activity efficiency, to the considerable extent, are quite able to be conditioned by the personality´s stable dynamical tendencies (e.g. by the motivation character, by the heuristic competence, by the orientation for the current state or for the action). The high level heuristic competence, in combination with the success achievement motivation is being provided the insistence and the efforts long - termed organization on the goal attainment, the independence and also the orientation for the activity subject logic. The low level heuristic competence, in combination with the failure avoidance motivation is being resulted in «the retreats from the activity». The orientation for the current state is being resulted in the activity products partial losses. The orientation for the action, on the contrary, is being promoted the integral target structures formation. Hence, it follows, that pedagogical activity personality style will be the clearer to be taken the controlled behavior and the conduct character, the more it is the task - orientated one, but not for the emotions and especially as for the avoidance. Such kind of conclusion is being entered into the contradiction with the traditional presentation on the personality emotionality and the teacher´s activity emotional saturation.

The accent on the pedagogical activity communicative direction in the works on the pedagogical psychology and the pedagogy of the last two decades years has been given the rise of the pedagogical communication styles numerous and the diverse typologies appearance. All these styles are frequently being distinguished only by those metaphorical names, which are given in the similar styles by their descriptions, with one or another frequency, having situated on the «democracity - authoritarianism» scale. Let us dwell at length on the typology, having suggested by S.A. Shein, because the styles analysis, at this author, is being accompanied by their developing influence potential analysis upon the alumnus personality, that it is quite possible to be greeted, from the point activity efficiency view, having drawn the consecutive anthropocentrism line. Thus, the following human communication styles have already been singled out by the author: the dialogic - confidentially one, the altruistic one, the conformal one, the indifferent - passively one, the manipulative - reflexively one, the monological - authoritarianly one, and the conflict one. So, the obtained results have already been confirmed the styles this typology representativeness of the pedagogical communication, and, moreover, they have been revealed the mediated styles influence upon the aesthetic - morally human relations formation, as a result of the psychological mechanisms analysis. The conclusion has been drawn on the fact, that the dialogic reorientation is being permitted to be turned the pedagogical communication into the personality formation leading factor.

Thus, the personality style, as well as the personality himself, having been not the typological, but the subject´s phenomenological characteristic description, it has been in the context of the personality individuality, his sense - valuely sphere, the occupational activity motives characteristic description, the interpersonal interaction style, and the metaindividual presentation. The efficient pedagogical activity personality styles are being included the intellectual reflection, the volitional control, and also the ability to the decentration mechanisms from the point of the controlled behavior and the conduct view.


  1. Slastenin V.A. The Teacher´s Personality Formation of the Soviet School in the Process of the Occupational Training. - M., 1976.
  2. Markova A.K., Nikonova A.Ya. The Teacher´s Activity Individual Style Psychological Peculiarities // The Psychology Challenges. -1987. - № 7. - P. 40-48.
  3. Mitina L.M. The Teacher´s Occupational Self - Consciousness Formation // The Psychology Challenges. - 1990. - № 3. - P. 58-64.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010. Came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Artemenko O.N. THE PEDAGOGICAL – OCCUPATIONALLY ACTIVITY PERSONALITY STYLE DETERMINANT SPECIFIC CHARACTER. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23484 (09.03.2025).