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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Artemenko O.N., Makadey L.E.
The Department Professional and Teaching staff instructional work efficiency is directly being dependent upon the Chairs lecturers´ and the instructors´ methodological skill level, therefore the Department Methodological - Educationally Commission (MEC) activity - is the training process integral part.

The MEC main purposes at the Department are the following: the students´ teaching methods and the education, and the training systematic improvement and the methodological perfection; the lecturers´ and the instructors´ pedagogical and the educational skill rise; the organization new efficient methods and the teaching and the educational processes conducting development; the students´ teaching and education and the training best practices generalization and the spreading; the methodical - educationally materials publication by all the directions and the specialties, having realized at the Department. The MEC activity at the Department is being provided for the Professional and Teaching staff methodological training quality improvement through the learners´ guides and the other methodological materials development. The MEC is being guided by the University progress plan, by the University Council and the University administration solutions, the Department Council solutions, and the MEO in its activity. The Methodological - Educationally Commission (MEC) activity is usually being included into the Department progress plan, where the activity main forms are being raised: the scientific researches on the students´ teaching methods and the education, and the training challenges; the Methodological - Educationally Commissions meetings on the methodological - educationally challenges, namely: the methodological developments, the teaching aids and the text editions, the schoolbooks and the text - books quality traceability; the studies mutual visitation, the methodological - scientifically conferences and the Department conferences, the methodological seminars organizations.

The lecturers´ and the instructors´ methodological skill improvement challenges, the Department Professional and Teaching staff professional skills improvement progress programs and the plans results, the opened studies control results and the mutual visitation, all types of the academic studies conducting quality improvement, the Department lecturers´ and the instructors´ experimental methodological - scientifically activity organization and the conducting stimulation on the new progressive forms and the teaching and the education methods on their application in the teaching and the training process, the students´ independent work organization, the teaching and the training process control results: the examinations, the tests, the final examination pass, and the graduation qualification works defense, the students´ teaching, the education and the training quality improvement ways are being considered challenges and etc. at the MEC meetings. The MEC is being carried out its meetings, as it is necessary, but not often than once time monthly, and it is being drawn up and completed them by the proceedings. So, the Department Dean, the Dean´s deputies, the Methodological - Educationally Commission chairman, the Chairs managers, the managers deputies on the methodological - educationally activity are being entered into the Methodological - Educationally Commission structure. The MEC structure is being defined by the Department Council, and it is being confirmed by the Department Dean.

The methodological materials - the schoolbooks and the text - books content and their construction, the teaching aids and the study programs, the methodological - educationally aids and the programs; the methodological - educational complexes terms, the quality preparation, and their publishing on the disciplines at the Department; the tasks volume to the students for the independent and the controlled work, the test tasks and the test items types and also the other teaching and the educational process improvement challenges are being discussed at the MEC meetings. The discussion results are being expressed in the methodological developments recommendation to the publication, in the directions and also in the other methodological documents. The information on the academic disciplines methodologically - educationally materials provision, having realized by the Department´s all the directions and the specialties, is being retraced by means of the automated information data system (e.g. the AIDS module).

Annually, the Department takes its part in the methodological - educationally complexes competition, having organized by the Institute of the higher education, by the College, and the University methodological - educationally management, for the fulfillment purposes of the Regulations demand on the methodological - educationally complexes, where, in the prescribed manner, the MEC is being formed by the all academic disciplines of the curriculum. This is being promoted the printed matter quality improvement, the experience exchange between the Department, the university ППС, and also the motivation creation to the ППС innovation activity. The innovation processes methodological management at the Department is being carried out under the Department Dean, the Department Methodological - Educationally Commission Chairman leadership, and it is being constructed on the innovations Chairs mastering, which are being resulted in the pedagogical and the educational system functioning state change and its further development, in the pedagogical process quality provision, in accordance with the science last achievements. All these challenges successfully are being solved at the information computer technologies (ICT) application.

So, the teaching innovation methods are being applied by the Psychology Department Chairs Professional and Teaching staff in the teaching and the educational process: the dialogue - communicatively technologies - the group discussion, the focus - group, the interview, the dialogue, «the aquarium technology»; the playing - imitatingly technologies - the business plays elements, the role plays, and the imitating - occupationally plays, the psychogymnastic exercises and the trainings; the searching - challengely technologies - the case - technologies, the individual projects development and their protection; the reflexive technologies - the perceptive - socially, the communicative, and the autopsychological trainings elements. So, the Department is being realized not less, than 30 % from the ППС auditorium hours´ general number with the teaching and the educational interactive methods application. «The Interactive Methods Teaching Control and the Planning Map in the Teaching Process» is being made up by each staff person in the beginning of the academic year.

Thus, the special demands are being made for the purpose of the occupational and the academic competences generation, having proceeded from the Federal Agency contemporary educational policy on the science and the innovations to the higher school future specialist and the corresponding expert, as to the final improved and the advanced labor product. The given target is being demanded the innovation technologies application (e.g. the case, the multimedia) from the Department Professional and Teaching staff in the opened lecture and the practical studies conducting practice, at which the lecturers and the instructors demonstrate the special, the general occupational, the general scientific, and the personal - socially competences by their personal example. The opened studies visiting by the Methodological - Educationally Commission Chairman and the studies mutual visiting by the Chairs´ lecturers and the instructors with the following their discussion are of the great benefit and the good purpose in the methodological skills improvement and the united views working out for the academic disciplines teaching. As all the academic disciplines and the corresponding subjects are quite specific by their main content, the forms, and also the teaching their methods, then its private teaching methods will have to be worked out for each from them. These studies visiting proceedings, where the general methodological approaches to their, as the organization, well as the conducting were reflected, had been specially developed and worked out for the methodological - instructively, the demonstration, the opened, the test studies for the conducting quality assessment at the Department. So, the methodical - instructively studies are being conducted, for the purpose of the most efficient methodological methods development and the working out of the studies conducting on the topic, on the whole, or on the separate academic challenges, and also for the purpose of the topic separate challenges total comprehension and their interpretation establishment by the lecturers and the instructors. The demonstration studies are being conducted by the Chair´s Professors, the lecturers, and the instructors, who are the most prepared, in the methodological respect, for the purpose of the model organization showing and the studies conducting methods demonstration. The opened studies are being conducted, for the purpose of the separate academic disciplines methods study and the teaching experience generalization, and also the lecturers and the instructors help and the assistance rendering of the advanced methodical experience. The test studies are being conducted by the young lecturers and the instructors, for the purposes of the initial methodological experience mastering. Simultaneously, their methodological preparation and the training level control is being carried out. The Department MEC Chairman takes his part in the University MEC activity, having the members´ rights; so, he presides the meetings; he confirms their solutions and the guidelines, and the recommendations; he organizes the MEC activity current leadership; he reports on the activity results at the academic study end at the Department Council.

Thus, the Department Methodological - Educationally Commission (MEC) activity is being assumed, on the one hand, the teaching and the training function realization, but on the other hand - the controlling function realization.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010. Came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23485 (09.03.2025).