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Federal program of development of education states that the number of educational institutions of non-traditional kind (lyceums, professional lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges) has reached more than three thousands, the number of students who study there has increased more than a third. There is formed the new system of higher education, which includes state and privet educational institutions. This promotes the access of Russian citizens to get higher education and at the same time creates a big number of critical problems that are connected with contents of education, the quality of preparation of specialists. To guarantee educational institutes on different types of expert personnel is one of the tasks of institutions of higher education. To prepare not just professional at concrete sphere of activity but to give to graduating student an opportunity to choose the field of their application on one´s own this is a task of university education. Conflicting character of social-economical reforms that are held in the country negatively affects the condition of graduates of high school. The most critically behind them there stand questions of job placement: unemployment, psychological unpreparedness to it, insufficient quality of preparation, uselessness of knowledge, remuneration of labour. Practically all institutions of higher education of the country, including technical ones, continue to widen intake of students to such specialities as economy, management, business accounting, jurisprudence thereby they intensify cruel competition at the labour-market one the one hand, and they fail their own specialization in chase of profit on the other hand. Changes at the economy of the country reflected at the change of motivation of students to studies. Consequently of selective questionnaire of 200 student of institutions of higher education of Stavropol krai about motives of getting higher education there was revealed following: the motivation to the study of 30 % of students of first courses is desire for receive a diploma of higher education without connection with the choice of speciality, as the possibility of getting well-paid job, 40 % of them just want to be highly educated. For the students of graduation course on first place also stands the factor of getting high education in condition of education by «easy» speciality. About 70 % of students consider that they will get second higher education by the speciality that corresponds to the elected job, after finishing the institution of higher education. It follows from this that for the majority of students speciality that was gotten a the institution of higher education is not a base of job placement by the speciality. The reforming of Russian system of higher education and its bringing into a correspondence with generally accepted world standards is today´s necessity. But the main task consists not in reforms, not in technologies, but in carrying out the whole complex of transformations, which guarantee the conditions for the development of personality of competent person, fully developed, independently thinking. Speaking about development of educational system, noting saved by high school intellectual potential, we can´t pass over the silence about crisis phenomena, critically revealed hardly not every day. Unsatisfactory financing, ruining of material and technical basis, increasing deficit of teaching personnel and inevitable aging of personnel of higher qualification considerably complicate and difficult process of reforming of education as it is. According to carried out social questionnaire of teachers of Omsk state university, the basic number of teachers 54 % are not satisfied about their pay, 48 % of them said that the main stimulus that has an influence on intensiveness and quality of their labour is «public recognition», 27 % named «academic degree», 35 % named «bonuses, increments». No one of the teachers named as a stimulus to the teaching activity the fact of receiving of qualitative knowledge by students, and consequently their job placement by the speciality and to the well-paid post. About 70 % of magistral stuff are at the age of 45 and older. Russian high school during the long years of its existing and development accumulated reach experience at the sphere of preparation of highqualified specialists for all sectors of the national economy. Even abroad they appreciate such considerable traits of Russian system of higher education as the use of latest achievements of science and technology at teaching, depth and fundamentality of professional knowledge that is shared with students, the general availability of education. By the standard of preparation, by the contents of education and by the methods of teaching leading institutions of higher education of our country are absolute equal with the foreign educational institutions, and sometimes excel them.
The work by reforming of existing system of higher education requires deep and comprehensive taking into consideration international experience, which was accumulated at this sphere. One of the main directions of reforming of the system of education is conversion to multilevel preparation of specialists (bachelor, master). The results of this conversion at some institutions of higher education revealed number of problems. In the first place there appears the necessity in new technologies of teaching and rethinking of accumulated experience at the sphere of preparation of specialists. Secondly appears the guaranteeing of quality of education.
Nowadays in the country there is no harmonious mechanism of coordination of system of preparation of the personnel, there is a problem of discrepancy between demand and supply of labour-market. Labour-market dictates his conditions. Drawing on the experience of foreign institutions of higher education and of our universities we can conclude that for both of sides (institution of higher education and enterprise) there is considered to be interesting such type of interaction as carrying out of scientifically-practical works by the order of enterprises. Meanwhile companies often supply with equipment or give other base for carrying out of researches, direct their workers for participation at joint developments. University from its side gets involved in the research works not only science workers and teachers, but also postgraduates and students, what in the future open behind them the possibility of full realization of their own potential. To enterprises the assistance of institutions of higher education at carrying out the researches and developments, qualitative and inexpensive execution of orders that answer to the specific and possibilities of institution of higher education, consultancy of personnel of enterprises by specialists and scientific workers of institutions of higher education are of extra interest. It´s necessary to carry out activities that are directed to the solving of such problems as forming of conditions of mutually beneficial collaboration "HEIenterprise", definition of criterions of competitive graduate, diagnosis of condition, prognostication of necessities and tendencies of development of labour-market by sectors, bringing to a correspondence the system of preparation of personnel to the necessities of labour-market at qualitative and quantitative aspects. The result of coordinated joint activity of higher education institutions and enterprises will become: the rise of professional knowledge of students and graduates of HEI, the development of Russian science, real help to representatives of business by guaranteeing with professional personnel resources. Organization of multilevel educational complexes at the base of existing educational institutions allows to widen diversification possibilities. Diversification scheme of multilevel preparation of specialists allows to widen the diapason and forms of education, to create the structure of educational subdivisions that give such number of educational services, which will guarantee succession of educational programs that take into consideration the specific of professions, and allows at the base of initial professional education receive higher professional education, including education by short programs. Such scheme gives to students an opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical skills of profession side by side with getting of higher education, what is traditionally valued at the sphere of professionals, allows them to widely use their possibilities and in the sequel be competitive at the labour-market, and also increases their social proofness, creates real premises for combination of social necessities and desires of students.
University with the assistance of Federal agency of education, ministries of education of Stavropol krai carries out active policy by creation at the base of active at the region branch offices of multilevel educational complexes, including, as at the leading research institute, the structurallyintegrated institutions of primary, high and higher professional education. Big perspectives of organization of the system of open education HEI sees at the further development of technologies of distance education at the base of corporative local system of university, at the increase of possibilities of Internet-library of SSU (Stavropol State University). In connection with destruction of sectoral systems of rising of qualification and retraining of personnel at SSU big attention is paid to multilevel supplementary education, interaction with the job centers, realization of educational services by the educational plans, which were came to agreement with consumers of personnel.
The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.
Demidenko O.P., Bilibina S.S. EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF HIGHER EDUCATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23489 (09.03.2025).