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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Em E.A.
Under the nonverbal competence of pedagogue we understand the integral characteristics, which defines the ability to solve professional problems and typical professional tasks that appear at the real situations of professional pedagogical activity with the use of knowledge, professional and life experience at the sphere of nonverbal communication. Nonverbal competence includes both skills of encoding and decoding (interpretation) of nonverbal information. But researches of nonverbal communication while the organization of educational process show that communication between teacher and students is spontaneous (E.U. Semykina, V.K. Rydzova and others). Therefore there is necessary socially-organized development of nonverbal competence.

While teaching of decoding of nonverbal information of pedagogues the most effective is training technology, which allows creating a process of education with the taking into account of specificity of nonverbal mean of communication, peculiarities of interpretational process of identification of nonverbal behavior. The complicacy of use of this technology consist in that in literature there is no accepted by everybody concept about training as the type of educational activity. In connection with this often at the didactical developments of training there is noticed the mixing of training technology with other independent interactive technologies, such is carrying out of practical, organizationally-action and other games, technologies of group discussions etc.

We issue from the understanding of training as independent interactive technology that includes psychogymnastic exercises, role play and group discussion, analysis of situation; specially organized group work that is directed to the achievement of defined goal.

The aim of our training for teachers of comprehensive school is development of skills of decoding of nonverbal information (near aim) and improvement of pedagogical competence at this base (distant aim). The aim of our training allowed formulating of tasks: awakening of interest of listeners and of aspiration for cognition and comprehension of one´s own nonverbal behavior, nonverbal habits, nonverbal masks, peculiarities of nonverbal communication and interaction; conceptualization of concept about nonverbal means of pedagogical communication; revealing of problems that don´t allow to every participant of group to effectively use nonverbal means in communication with children; actualization of professional position of pedagogue at the work with children; development of ethnocultural sensory, attention and observation.

With the taking into account of specificity of this form of work, we planed further stages of training:

1. Organizational stage - The orientation at the specificity of training as the method of education (lesson 1).

2. Preparation stage - Self-determination of members of group and defining by group the aims of its work; creation in the group such atmosphere that will promote self-knowledge and selfmanifestation; destabilization of stereotype conceptions about oneself and of motivations of one´s own behavior; actualization by everyone of one´s own professionally-pedagogical position (lesson 2, 3, 4). Base stage - Rethinking of conception about oneself at the base of feedback, the analysis of what is going on in the group and reflection; widening of the sphere of realized things at the cognition of actions of another person; forming of sensitivity to the nonverbal means of communication; training of effective means of nonverbal communication (lesson 5, 6). Projecting and construction by every member of group effective means of communication (empathic comprehension, ability to give feedback etc); training of individual strategies and tactics of effective pedagogical communication with the use of nonverbal means of communication (lesson 7, 8, 9) 4. Final stage - Reflection of changes that occurred with the members of the group and group during the training, prediction of future professional plans of members of the group (lesson 10). The structure of our lesson included following structural components:

  1. greeting;
  2. warm-up;
  3. base part (discussions, plays, exercises);
  4. reflection (debriefing);
  5. farewell.

Base methods of training included following methods of work.

Exercises - group or individual actions, which are carried out due to defined instruction. Exercises are directed to the solving of concrete tasks that are laid at the program of training, promote reaching of the aims of training. Part of exercises was borrowed by us from the methodical literature by trainings and was adapted to the aims of our training, other part was developed independently (for example, exercises «Sound ping-pong», «Image maker» etc).

While carrying out of the course we used warm-up and etude exercises. A warm-up exercises (or creative warm-up) were surely used by us at the beginning of every lesson or during the lesson. They served as original "warming-up" of members of training. Choice of warm-up exercises is defined by concrete aims of every lesson. Thus at the first lesson we use exercises that promote deepening of meeting and forming of unity of group (exercise «Compliment»: lesson begins with the mutual greeting of all members of the group, for example, to say to your neighbor something pleasant; to give a present; give by touching kind feelings etc). Warm-up exercises carried out not only function of preparation for the work, but also promoted the creation of positive group atmosphere, dynamic.

Etude exercises are directed to the reproduction of some situations, fragments of real life. They imitate actions not too much long, in which there are no role orders. The example of etude exercise is exercise «Pantomime». The host of the training gives a theme, which participant shoul open pantomime. Theme can be given to one person, to pair, to part of group or to the whole group. Themes for: individual show - «Who I am?», «Who I want to be?»; pair - «To carry in the log and to cut it», «To carry in the carpet in the room and to fix it on the wall", «Meeting at one bench», «Consolation of offended person», «To move on the narrow board over the big puddle», «To cross the rock bridge over the precipice»; group - «Zoological garden»: every participant feigns some animal, and the choice of animal and interaction with other animals symbolically reflects some qualities and relations of participants; «Meeting of friends (classmates) after the separation of many year». After the presentation of corresponded sketches everybody generalize their feelings and share impressions. We recommend not to include such exercises into first lessons, because they are oriented to the without valuation perception, require sufficient emancipation of participants.

Group discussion is the principle method of discussion of all questions and problems at the group. Of no small importance place at the training there occupied plays, first of all role ones. Their topic was connected to the professional activity («Once at the lesson»), and to abstract topics. Play as a modeling of behavior of person at different situations, as the realization of role perceptions (spontaneous and given) is the meaningful element at the training. Spontaneous orders were connected with the big part of activity of students. We recommend bringing plays into lessons gradually, starting from their elements, accumulating the experience of different public performance behind the group.

Thereby while the teaching of teachers of comprehensive schools of decoding of nonverbal information we used as the didactical technology training technology, which includes the totality of methods and ways: exercises (warm-up, etude), elements of practical and role play, the analysis of pedagogical situation, modeling of pedagogical situation, discussion, culture assimilator, method of «round table». As the auxiliary ways we used bringing of diary notes, filling in of questionnaires «Feedback».

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23490 (09.03.2025).