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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Kalashnikova V.A.
Every social-pedagogical structure of aesthetic upbringing is made up of the unity of two structures. The first substantial structure gives clear presentation of principle aims of two structures, of methodological approaches to the definition of contents, forms and methods of its realization. There are two parameters in this structure. With the help of one of them there is defined and formed base set of concrete substantial tasks. To them there are referred: the development of physiological and psychological base of aesthetical culture. The development of culture of perception and estimation of artistic and aesthetical phenomena from the position of unity of form and content; training of artistic taste in its unity with the moral and aesthetical ideal, forming of especial type of artistically-figurative thinking; The development of emotional sphere of personality; substantial enrichment of the process of spiritual life, development of spiritual necessities and guaranteeing of deep aesthetic feeling. With the help of other measuring of the system all enumerated tasks should be situated sequentially by the ages with the taking into account of peculiarities, possibilities of children and growing pedagogical influence.

Big sense for the development of problems in pedagogy have those sciences as sociology, ethics, aesthetics. Sociology, which researches influence of social environment to the person and relations between people, studies the peculiarities of development of economy, culture, their influence on the forming of the personality of human. Ethics, as the sector of scientific knowledge, which do the development of morality, is ingenuously connected with the questions of moral upbringing. Aesthetics, which studies general conformities to the development of aesthetic attitude of person to the reality and art, and also to forming of aesthetic ideals, service as science base of of aesthetic upbringing. The connection of pedagogy with the philosophy and other social sciences, generality of solving scientific problems accentuate social character of pedagogy and testify to the necessity of solving of all questions of upbringing at the complex with the number of other social problems. Relying on the facts of social sciences, pedagogy studies objective necessities of society at the upbringing and conditions of their realization. The object of education and upbringing work of pedagogues is growing and developing human, and so pedagogy has close connection with sciences, which study human. If the problem of person as the member of society is done by the social sciences, then human as the product of biological evolution is the test subject of biological sciences. Human as the organism is the sphere of studying of physiology. Person as a personality, thinking being with its psychical inner world, psychic is the test subject of psychology. For example, at the preschool age the main attention is laid to the development of essential powers at the process of artistic varied activity. At the school age at the base of the studying of literature, music, figurative activity, while the development of culture of perception, it´s necessary to concentrate on the forming of aesthetic ideal, artistic sensitivity, and also on the special development of figurative thinking, active creative ability. The development of substantial structure allows to early come up to the consideration of second formal structure of the system of aesthetical upbringing that executes examined earlier substantial tasks. In this outward structure there are formed establishments of enlightenment and culture, events and activities, which realize with the help of their organizational forms main substantial aesthetically-educational tasks. Moving from one establishment to another, from the kindergarten to the school, parallel going in for hobby groups, studios, houses of children´s creativity, musical artistic schools, child reaches defined achievements of aesthetical culture and aesthetical development. Outward structure should correspond to the substantial inside requirements, in order that every child can reach maximal possible for himself level of aesthetic civility. The effectiveness of the system of aesthetic upbringing depends on the understanding of art as the social phenomenon.

Thereby, the essence of the system consists in that thing that in the center there is situated the personality and individuality of child. Artistically aesthetic upbringing and education is carried out at the base of scientific complex approach to the whole affair of upbringing, which is the methodological base and important principle. On it there is based the necessity of close interdisciplinary connections at the process of teaching of art. As the principle of the system of aesthetic upbringing is also the idea of combination of class, out of class, out-of-school studies and organized influence of art with the help of mass media. Big meaning for the aesthetic and whole development of personality has the principle of the unity of artistic general psychical development of personality of children. Getting used to motivate all mental forces at the process of studying of arts child consequently spreads this ability and to any other activity. At the choice of forms of education some innovative schools use aesthetical approaches at the teaching of general subjects. Children are cultivated in such notions as aesthetic of labour, mental work, physical culture and sport. Specific principle of the system is the principle of artistically-creative activity and amateur activity of children. At last the big sense has the principle of aesthetic of all children´s life. In the live of child literally all have upbringing meaning: decoration of placement, neatness of costume, form of personal relations and communication, conditions of labour and entertainment. Social function of art consists in that thing that it with the help of images opens to the person the whole world of real existed beauty: aesthetical sense of life activity, ideals, relations of labour and nature. One of the social functions of art is cognitive-didactical or educational function. Art correspond itself the most accessible for children means of carrying out spiritual and physical exercises. Filling the leisure time of children it fills it with the socially valuable contents, satisfying the interests and necessities of schoolchildren, promotes their versatile development. So far as art is concentrated, substantially, fully of content, capaciously reflects and expresses in the artistic form the aesthetical essence of reality, in so far as it is sharp and effective weapon of forming of person´s attitude to life. Carrying away of person, concentrating his attention at the new and impressive impressions, satisfying spiritual necessities, art carries person into a world of such feeling and emotional conditions, which switch over psychic activity, take off the tension, create discharge. Of course communication with art also creates tension. But this is qualitative psychical tension, which is rather different from the created by daily activity and relations. Psychical discharge consists not in the absence of tension, but in their change, in qualitative variety and originality of impressions. With the help of this change of spiritual tension art carries out peculiar psychotherapy, carries out psychohygienic, medical role. Aesthetical upbringing, education, provides to pupils not only spiritual, but also physical health.

Thereby, as the historical analysis of question shows, the problem of upbringing of harmonically developed personality excited many outstanding pedagogues and thinkers of humanity from ancient times. Particularly in our own motherland best minds noted the importance of laid in the school aesthetical and creative origins. As it was shown earlier, nowadays in Russia there are existed all premises to all over again revive general system of aesthetical upbringing, with taking into consideration of experience of previous generations of pedagogues and teachers, but with regard to the realities of today´s necessities. At scales of one school it should be done today, now. To teach children to understand and create wonderful one can without especial material investing, for this there is requires only putting one´s heart and soul into a process of any study. Every teacher can do aesthetical upbringing, if he loves children, knows and loves his subject and creatively approaches to its teaching.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Kalashnikova V.A. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE SYSTEM OF AESTHETIC UPBRNGING. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23491 (09.03.2025).