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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Magomeddibirova Z.A
The contemporary society labor market is being demanded the high level occupational and the applied knowledge mastering, the skills to be orientated in the information flows, and the habits in the new technologies mastering from the specialists and the experts.

The mathematics teaching pedagogical - occupationally direction, the essence of which is being consisted in the students´ formation not only the knowledge, the skills, and the habits, but, as the ability, well as the preparedness to be used them in their future occupational activity, is being promoted the junior grades department high school graduates´ mobility and the competitiveness provision.

So, the consecutive, the purposeful work on the studied and the target material with the mathematics initial course on the connection making by the following directions would be promoted the student to be realized the mathematical knowledge necessity in his future occupational activity, ipso facto to be brought up the necessity in his preparation and the training improvement, to be formed the skill and the habit to be orientated in the academic subject content, and also to be worked with the textbooks by the mathematics for the junior grades at him:

  • the tasks and the necessary materials use just from the mathematics textbooks for the grade school at the students´ motivation creation for the higher school course theoretical regulations illustrations;
  • the tasks performance, having designed with the textbooks material use for the junior schoolchildren;
  • the students´ familiarization with the tasks search from the mathematics initial course, having connected with the studied and the target material in the Institute of the higher education, in the College, and also in the University;
  • the textbooks pages logical - mathematical analysis by the defined and the specified scheme carrying out for the junior grades.

So, it is necessary to be used also the necessary tasks on the alternative textbooks, in the form of the following circumstances:

a) the grade school programs by the mathematics have been undergone the considerable changes: the teaching developing tasks are being put in the forefront;

b) the mathematics teaching is being carrying out on the alternative (e.g. developing) systems in many schools (especially, in the junior grades).

Such kind of work is being permitted to be carried out the succession and the continuity between the mathematics school and the higher school courses on this academic subject.

Such succession and the continuity manifestations, as the repetition and the propaedeutics are being acquired the special significance, from the point of the mathematics teaching improvement view on the ФНК. So, the repetition role is the great between the secondary school and the Institute of the higher education, the College and the University. The mathematics school course repetition in the Institute of the higher education, the College, and the University will have to be provided the presentations non - stop development on the mathematical structures. For this purpose, it should be cited to the theorems and the examples at the lectures, and the practical studies, which are quite known to the schoolchildren from the school, having permitted them much better to be comprehended the new mathematical fact, the phenomenon, or to look at the already quite known one just from the higher level.

So, it is being presented reasonable the academic mathematics propaedeutic course, which is necessary in the junior grades future teachers pedagogical - occupationally preparation and the training to be included into the junior grades department academic studies curriculum (by the new State Standards - STS), for the purpose of the basis creation for the basic mathematical notions and the divisions mastering of the full value.

Thus, the main tasks and the aims of such introductory course will be quite able to be the following:

  1. the first - year students mathematical culture development up to the level, which is quite enough for the «The Initial Mathematical Education Theoretical Bases and the Technologies» course mastering full of the content and the substance;
  2. the skills and the habits system working out at the students in the up - to - date mathematics basic notions handling and the operation.

As A.G. Mordkovich notes, one from the mathematical preparation and the training pedagogical - occupationally direction indispensable conditions «is the statement and the regulation on the fact, that the general scientific and the methodological line consolidation is usually being made up the academic mathematical discipline building basis in the Teachers´ Training College». So, he has called this statement and the regulation by the binarity principle. In accordance with this principle, the academic mathematics study by the ФНК students will have to be provided not only the broad outlook achievement in the academic mathematics, the academic mathematical culture defined and the specified level, but and the acquaintance with the academic mathematics school course exposition methods.

The junior grades future teacher methodological preparation and the training, by means of the academic mathematics, are quite able to be carried out by the different methods application: the comprehensive material´s summarization and the development, the exposition and the description (including the school options and the versions); the didactics principles application teaching; the challengibility in the teaching; the independent tasks on the materials preparation for their application at the lessons, the studies, the mathematical circles; the business plays application; the lessons´ parts and the fragments preparation on the defined topics and the specified themes, having had their practical application into the school program; the tasks selection and its didactic comprehension and their understanding. Thus, the student is being carried out the following work, at his independent task realization on the lesson´s part and the fragment preparation:

  • he is studies the pupils´ knowledge, the skills, and the habits level to the topic and the theme study moment;
  • he studies the theory part and the fragment all the possible variants and the options;
  • he is choosing the most convenient variant and the option, from the point of the having the pupils´ knowledge, the skills, and the habits level and also its perception possibility;
  • he is defining the material´s summarization and the development, exposition and the description level, having singled out the special moments, which will not be able to be proved in the strict manner;
  • he is carrying out the methodological study and the research on the strict evidence substitution by the intuitive presentations, having confirmed by the given examples and so on;
  • he is making the studied academic subject part and the fragment building;
  • he is developing the exercises system for the theoretical material and the necessary skills and the habits working out consolidation.

Such kind of the systems will have to be contained the special exercises, having had the brightly expressed «school» direction; having realized the main and the basic lines rich in their content of the school course - that is, the numerical one, the equalizations and the inequalities, the graphic - functionally one, the geometrical one; having promoted the skills working out on the examples and the tasks making up, on the notions and the conceptions formation in the school.

It has been provided and foreseen the academic discipline study by the students by the new academic studies curriculum program (e.g. by the new State Standards - STS, 2005) at the ФНК: «The Initial Mathematical Education Theoretical

Bases and the Technologies». So, it is presented, that the given course is being created the large possibilities for the more qualitative discovery of the pedagogical - occupationally direction methodological aspect of the junior grades future teacher mathematical preparation and the training.

So, it is necessary to be paid much attention for the teaching process close relevance and the interconnection establishment at the ФНК with the junior grades teacher´s work experience, and also for the primary and the elementary research skills and the habits formation, which are constantly necessary for the improvement teacher in his occupational activity at the given and the adopted course content development.

Thus, the pedagogical - occupationally direction in the academic mathematics teaching of the junior grades future teachers is quite able successfully to be carried out at the following conditions observance: the «mathematics» academic course study motivational provision, the academic mathematics teaching methods and the forms orientation for the students´ preparation and their training for the occupational activity, as the junior grades teacher, the curricular auditorium, the extra-curricular and the research - scientifically work orientation with the students for the practical needs and the academic mathematics teaching challenges just in the elementary and the primary school.


  1. The State Educational Standards. - М.,2005.
  2. Dergach A.A., Kuzmina N.V. The Acmeology: the Professionalism Tops Achievement Ways // The Management Russian Academy. - М.,1993.
  3. Larin S.V. On the School Mathematics Study at the Institutes of the Higher Education. The Mathematics in School. - 1990. - № 4.
  4. The Mathematics. The Textbook for the 2-nd Grade. - М.: Prosveshchenie. The Close Joint - Stock Company (CJSC). «The Special Literature». 2002.
  5. Mordkovich A.G. The Pedagogical - Occupational Direction of the Mathematics Teacher´s Special Training in the Pedagogical Institute. The Disertation...the Doctor of the Pedagogical Sciences. - M., 1986.
  6. Testov V.A. The Mathematics Teaching Strategy. - М., 1997.
  7. Khinchin A.Ya. On the Mathematics Lessons Educational Effect. The Mathematics Teaching Efficiency Improvement in the School. The book for the teacher has been made by G.D. Gleizer. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1989. - P. 18-37.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «The Educational Standards International Integration Challenges», (England (London) - France (Paris)), 23 April - 1 May, 2010. Came to the editorial office on 12.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Magomeddibirova Z.A THE JUNIOR GRADES FUTURE TEACHERS OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING IN THE MATHEMATICS TEACHING PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23492 (09.03.2025).