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Good job performance of the comprehensive school principal depends on how competent he is in determining the content of education, linking education and personality development, quality and practical side of the education. If the school principal focuses his efforts on personalityoriented education, then he is also developing his professional competence. A modern head teacher of a comprehensive school should clearly understand the results of education, the frameworks of management and teaching; he should be able to set educational goals for the institution in general and teaching staff members in particular, plan the education results for academic terms and for the long term, always compare the goals and the achieved results, search for the reasons of the revealed differences, regarding the condition of the aim-result comparability.
Professional competence of the comprehensive school principal can be described as a multiple system, which also includes legal culture. The modern head of an educational institution should have a clear view of laws and regulations on education, conditioning the school management. Professional competence of a school manager is his self-consciousness through work. It means to understand own demands, interests, goals, values, social roles, and motivation; assess the own professional abilities (knowledge and skills); compare own professional qualities with the job requirements; develop an individual line of conduct and working style basing on self-assessment. In general, the professional competence can be defined as principal´s self-perception in each of the three sides of the job: professional activities, professional communication and his own personality.
The ideal level of professional competence of the comprehensive school principal requires such integrity of knowledge, skills and essential professional qualities, which let him do his job effectively and appropriate. Management comprises a number of functions such as information and analytics, motivating and setting objectives, planning and forecasting, organizing and performing, control and analyses, regulating and correcting. They determine the structure of professional activities of the school head teacher. The principal of the comprehensive school is professionally competent when he realizes and evaluates his qualities, knowledge and skills with regard to his job, can assess his own professional needs and motivation. In our opinion, criteria of professional competence development could be the following: self-evaluation of professional skills, qualities, motives and goals; ability to define objectives, develop and undertake efforts for the purpose of accomplishing these goals, analysis and correction. During the study, we have defined external and internal conditions that influence the professional competence in the course of the career development.
Personal creativity characterizes the personality development of the school principal, his level of knowledge of the methods for self-development, self-regulation, moral, life and professional self-determination; it reflects his personal position in educational, legal and managerial issues.
Reflective abilities of the comprehensive school principal are an effective mechanism providing actualization of his human potential. Due to that fact, the reflective abilities are regarded as one of the most important characteristics of managerial culture. It should be mentioned that personal creativity gives the managerial culture a social focus and makes is individual, thus reflecting person´s creative individuality, experience and abilities. Manager´s personality benefits from his moral and creative activities aimed at the school transformation. The personal creative element of the principal´s managerial culture turns the management of educational institution into a creative act. Mastering the values and technologies of management, the school principal changes and integrates them, which is determined by his individuality as well as specifics of a particular educational institution. Through his managerial activity, the school principal fulfils himself as a personality, manager and tutor.
Technical part of the managerial culture of the school principal includes tools and methods of educational management. The school management techniques aim at solving specific educational tasks. Task solving is conditioned by manager´s skills in educational analysis, planning, organization, control, regulation and correction. The level of the managerial culture of the school principal depends on how good he knows the tools and methods of management. The technical element of the head teacher´s professional culture includes understanding the philosophy of management and developing an appropriate ideology, policy, means and methods of educational management. A creative manager develops his own managerial technologies according to the specific needs of the school and his personal creative abilities. Technique variety should help the school principal achieve good management results. It is also important for the manager to use information technologies and be people-oriented.
Successful use of professional knowledge and skills depends to a great extent on such business qualities as being purposeful, well organized, realistic, consequent, confident, being able to set and achieve objectives, persuade the subordinates of his decisions; be modern, have a creative approach to work; have strong analytic and synthetic abilities in order to evaluate work processes and results; constantly update knowledge in issues of education, psychology, economy, law and management of comprehensive school.
Nowadays, much attention is being paid to such aspect of management as work with people. Professional communication means, first of all, to respect people and pay attention to their needs. In this respect, are very important manager´s professionalism, managerial and general culture, as well as moral position.
The head of the comprehensive school is in the first place, an expert in personnel issues: his position requires skills that enable him to build relations with the subordinates und supervisors, other educational institutions, be responsible for the staff training and development, have a well developed psychological, educational, legal and managerial culture, enable self-actualization and personal growth of the staff. A very important quality of a manger is his ability to regulate his own behavior. Good manager should not be too bossy, but take care of better working conditions. Manager is responsible for personnel professional achievements and safety; he organizes and coordinates staff efforts to accomplish desired goals. Normal functioning of the school depends on proper delegation of authority and responsibility. Personality development and professional growth in conditions of society transformation highlights the problem of communication skills of the educational manager. Competence in communication cannot be regarded as a final characteristics and isolated individual experience. Taking into account that the stable development of communication skills increases the management effectiveness, it is necessary to organize professional trainings for the comprehensive school principals. Consequently, not only the role of competence in communication is worthy of our attention, but also the task of focusing professional efforts on communication skills development, the choice of the content of professional trainings; forms, methods, means and techniques of development and improvement of competence in communication in the course of the career development, making the competence in communication a valuable part of general professional culture of the comprehensive school principal, which is becoming more and more important currently.
In addition, educational, legal and managerial culture of school principal affects the effectiveness of educational management considerably. And if these factors are insufficiently developed, it influences the managerial abilities of the principal.
The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23493 (09.03.2025).