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Home / Issues / № 1, 2011

Sukhanova N.A
The research questions and goals of the following experimental study have determined the choice of the theoretic, empiric and diagnostic study methods; stages and logics of the conducted research; its content and the used techniques. Study and analysis of the relevant literature on psychology and education science helped to understand the current state and level of knowledge on the problem, with a conclusion that the occupational self-determination among high school students of specialist schools is a timely and an insufficiently covered issue in science and practice.

The following diagnostic methods were used: Batarshev´s method of pupil´s self-evaluation; Self-evaluation of personal creativity; Diagnostics of social communicative competency (SCC) and Diagnostics of self-actualization by A.V. Lazukin and N.F. Kalina. The choice of methods was determined by need to study the occupational self-determination of high school students through its components: self-esteem, creative potential, possible estimation of success in future professional activities, level of self-actualization (time orientation, values, attitude to nature, cognitive demands, character, creativity, autonomy, spontaneity, self understanding, auto-sympathy, sociability and flexibility).

460 pupils of the 10-11th grades of specialist schools took part in the study, including 230 high school students of urban schools, which formed a control group (CG), and 230 rural high school students - an experimental group (EG).

Basing on specific criteria, we defined three levels of the occupational self-determination in high school students of specialist schools: high, middle and low. Let us analyze the results of our diagnostics of the occupational self-determination in high school pupils.

42 % of the urban students and 19 % of the rural students presented a high level of selfevaluation. 41 % of the urban high school pupils and 47 % of the rural ones estimated themselves adequately. Low self-esteem had 34 % of the rural respondents, and considerably less - only 17 % - of the urban pupils. So, the average level of selfesteem among the rural school students (EG) is lower than in the urban group.

According to the self-evaluation test of creativity, 48 % of the urban and 25 % of the rural respondents have a high creative potential; low creative potential presented 18 % of the urban and 46 % of the rural high school students.

Students who highly estimated their creative abilities (nearly half of all the urban pupils) can be characterized as people with a considerable inborn creative potential, which offers them a wide range of creative possibilities. If they manage to realize their potential, a large variety of artistic activities will be available for them in the future.

The respondents with a low creative potential (almost half of the rural high school students) underestimate themselves. Lack of believe in own forces make them think they are not capable of doing new things and being creative. 34 % of the urban and 29 % of the rural pupils with a middle creative potential have enough creative abilities but are blocked by some barriers: every new idea passes through the stage of unexpectedness, surprise or rejection by others. They are limited in their creativity by fearing to be disapproved by the others for their unusual behavior, ideas or feelings, which leads to destruction of a creative personality.

Qualitative analysis of the data, received with the help of «Diagnostics of social communicative competency (SCC)» method, let conclude the following.

High score in Factor А characterizes people as open, easy and sociable (urban pupils - 40 %; rural - 43 %); low index - as unsociable and close (urban pupils - 9 %; rural - 10 %). High score in Factor В indicates a well developed logical thinking and mental agility (urban pupils - 31 %; rural - 31 %); low score - inattention or weak logical thinking (urban pupils - 13 %; rural - 16 %). High score in Factor С characterizes the respondents as emotionally stable, mature and quiet (urban pupils - 32 %; rural - 46 %); low score - as emotionally unstable, changeable, sensitive (urban pupils - 6 %; rural - 5 %). 49 % of the urban pupils and 41 % the rural are cheerful, unworried and merry (level of Factor D); 4 % and 7 % correspondingly are quiescent and serious (low level of Factor D).36 % of the urban pupils and 29 % of the rural (high score in Factor К) are sensible, seek contact to other people, have creative thinking; 12 % of the urban and 31 % of the rural high school students rely on themselves, are realistic and rational (low level of Factor К). High score in Factor M shows that 41 % of the urban and 35 % of the rural pupils prefer own decisions, are independent; 19 and 36 % correspondingly, are group-dependent, sociable, join the public opinion. 34 % of the urban and 31 % of the rural pupils can control themselves and follow the rules (high score in Factor Н); 14 % and 16 % correspondingly are impulsive, disorganized (low score in Factor Н). High score on scale P (disposition for asocial behavior) indicates to personal problems in life: in the family, relations with friends or other people. This was the case for 11 % of the urban and 9 % of the rural pupils.

Degree of self-actualization, according to method «Diagnostics of self-actualization», was determined using eleven criteria (scales) with the following results.

  1. The scale of time orientation shows to which extent a person is focused on the present, does not putting off life until later and seeking shelter in the past. The majority of the urban respondents (78 %) share the existential value of life «here and now», are able to enjoy the current moment and not to compare it with the past joys without or expected success in future. The majority of the rural respondents (57 %) are neurotically focused on the past experiences, have extreme success motivations, are mistrustful and show lack of confidence in themselves.
  2. Value scale. High score on this scale in urban (83 %) and rural (79 %) respondents proved that they share the values of a self-actualizing personality (such as truth, good, beauty, integrity, no dualism, vitality, unique character, justice). Preference of these values means their striving for balanced life and human relations.
  3. A person can have either a positive or a negative attitude to nature. This scale describes the faith in people and in the power of human abilities. As in the previous paragraph, the respondents from both groups presented high scores on this scale, which can be regarded as a stable basis for sincere and balanced interpersonal relationships, natural sympathy and trust towards people, honesty, openmindness, friendliness (81 % of rural and 85 % of urban pupils).
  4. High cognitive demands are typical for a self-actualizing person who is always open for new experience. High score on this scale was observed in 94 % of urban and 42 % of rural high school students, i.e. they search for something new without thinking of satisfying their demands only.
  5. Creativity is an essential attribute of the self-actualization, which can be called a creative attitude to life. High scores in this criterion were observed in 89 % of urban and 31 % of rural high school students.
  6. Autonomy, according to the majority of humanitarian psychologists, is the main criterion of mental health, the integrity of the personality. Self-actualizing personality is autonomous, independent and free, but it does not mean to deny solitude. High scores were assessed in both groups:78 % in the CG and 75 % in the EG.
  7. Spontaneity results from confidence in oneself and trust to the surrounding world. Ability to act spontaneously is frustrated by cultural norms; natural spontaneity can be observed only in little children. High scores on this scale were observed in 85 % of the urban and only in 21 % of the rural high school pupils. For those, is selfactualization a way of life.
  8. Self understanding. High score on this scale indicates person´s sensitivity to own wishes and demands (87 % of the urban and 34 % of the rural respondents).
  9. Auto-sympathy is a natural basis of mental health and integrity of a personality. Low scores usually have neurotic, anxious and unconfident people. High scores on this scale were observed in both groups (CG and EG) - 79 % and 75 % correspondingly.
  10. The scale of sociability assesses person´s ability to build stable and friendly relations with others. In the self-actualization questionnaire, sociability is understood not as a level of communication skills, but as a general predisposition to creating mutually useful and pleasant contacts with other people, as a necessary basis for synergic orientation of personality. High scores were observed in 89 % of the urban and 34 % of the rural high school pupils.
  11. The scale of flexibility in communication refers to the presence or lack of social stereotypes, ability to express oneself adequately via communication. High scores - 97 % of the urban and 46 % of the rural respondents - prove their self-expression skills and ability to interact authentically with other people.

Qualitative analysis of the first research results let conclude that the processes of self-determination and self-esteem development within the self-actualization differ considerably in pupils of urban and rural schools.

The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23494 (09.03.2025).