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So, tendencies of the development of innovative activity in education system generally and particularly in higher education institutions were reflected in the adopted by Russia´s Ministry of Education in April 2000 Concept of scientific, scienceengineering and innovation politics in the education system of Russian Federation 2001-2005 and also in Basic lines of Russian Federation´s policy in the field of the development of innovation system till 2010 approved on the 5th of August 2005 and in the Strategy of the development of science and innovations in Russian Federation till 2015 [1; 3-6].
It is marked in the documents that contemporary higher education institute should become not only science-education centre. Because of the development of innovation activity, infrastructure of its support, establishing communications between education, science and innovation segments transforms it transforms into special higher education complex - education-science-innovation complex (ESIC). Only such a complex allows characterizing higher education institute as innovative. Nevertheless state-financed science and higher education institutions until recently could not independently establish business companies and small innovation commercial enterprises. It significantly slowdowned the innovation activity of higher education institutions.
In August 2009 a law, allowing state-financed science institutions bringing in intellectual properly into authorized fund of business companies to introduce the scientific work results, was adopted (FL №217 from 02.08.2009). The adoption of this law means that higher education institutions now may establish small innovation enterprises. Nevertheless the majority of higher education institutions don´t have intangible assets (patents, licenses) that can be brought in as foundation contribution into small enterprise. Moreover, higher education institutions and institutes cannot manage license duties; therefore the developers have no motivation to achieve new results of intellectual activity.
It is planned that in 2010 government will pay special attention to problems of small innovative companies. Russian venture company has create so called seed fund with capitalization 2 milliard which is generally determined for these goals. The same program only with much less capitalization exists in the Fund for the Promotion of the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. RUSNANO has already adopted the concept of development of seed funds with the support of small enterprises. The Ministry of Economic Development will give subsidies from the federal budget resources which along with regional resources will support small businesses and special programs financing small hich-technology business.
One more draft law is in its final stageabout innovative system of RF. More than 50 constituent entities of the Federation have appealed to the Committee of Science and science technologies and also to State Duma to make a law about innovations. It is in the stage of agreement with ministries and departments.
Key moment to introduce the law to life should be stimulation of demand for innovation. In order to have work small enterprises should have consumers of their products, that is big companies. They should search for such consumers.
Abroad venture business helps the development of higher education science. Since 1980, venture funds began investing actively into universities in the USA, for example. In Great Britain in 1983 a venture company Seed Capital Ltd has been established, now it´s called Oxford Technology Management, it´s investing into university scientists´ developments. In Russia the concept of venture capital appeared in 1994, when World Bank created first venture funds. Now there are 155 such funds, money of which can be invested into higher education science.
At annual meeting of science-educational community of Higher School of RF, which was in St.Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G.V.Plekhanov (technical university), minister of education and science marked that additionally to basic financing 90milliard rubles will be given so that higher school could become equal participant in developing science in our country along with RAS. The Ministry of Education and Science is suggesting spending additional resources given by the government to higher school in 2010-2012 in several directions [2; 5]. First of all additional state support of programs of development of national, federal anв national research institutes will be provided. It is also planned to support projects of development of higher education institution cooperations and academic groups and science departments of cooperative sector in regions. One more direction is state support of measures of attracting recognized scientists into leading higher education institutes, including Russian scientists from abroad. Moreover, the money will go not only for a scientist´s and team´s salary, but also equipment and supplies. Finally, creation of infrastructure for the development of small productions in higher education institutions will be supported: certificate centers, seed funds, patent and marketing services, trainingconsulting and engineering centers.
It´s necessary to mark that managing innovation activity in higher education institutions is a system process, comprising all types of its activity: management, education, science, production. Consistency in managing innovations leads to that higher education institution becomes highly integrated system, serving base of the development of fundamental science, which becomes literally built in into education system.
It integrates educational processes and science research, on basis of which development of students´ creativity and training of high quality specialists takes place on the one hand, from the othercreation of science technologies, introduction of these technologies into life.
1. Concept of scientific, science-technical and innovative policy in the system of education of Russian Federation for 2001-2005 // Addendum #1 to order Of Russia´s Ministry of education from June, the 6th 2002 #1705. - http://www.dvgu.ru/ umu/MORE/ concept/con 2-00. htm - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer; Basic lines of Russian Federation´s policy in the field of the development of innovation system till 2010 / Innovation #7 (84); 2005 г.; p. 3-6., Strategy of the development of science and innovations in Russian Federation till 2015М., 2006.
2. Bulgakova N. Method of propagation. New competition of National Research University // Search. - December, the 25th 2009. - №52 (1074).
The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Innovation Medical Technologies», (Moscow), 17-18 November, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 2.11.2009.
Tarabaeva V.B. THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION’S INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23495 (09.03.2025).