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A misunderstanding of differences between codified literary language and its colloquial form leads to appearing curiosities. Bilinguals choose language units to describe a situation and to use the expression according to rules, and also conscious and unconscious usage of code switch, that is a system of rules with the help of which any information can be passed [Soviet Encyclopedia Dictionary, 1981, 595].
A language shift is seen while code switch - using of elements of one language in the speech in another language. M.B. Amalbekova in her work «Phenomena of bilingual personality in ethno-language landscape of Kazakhstan» pointed out 5 different types of code switch:
- when addressing to a native speaker of a different language or changing an addressee;
- when changing social roles or role functions of a speaker (for example, switching to a confidential conversation);
- when changes appear in communicative act;
- when citing statements;
- when accidental (by mistake) or intentional switch to a different, well-known language [Alambekova 2009, 387].
Colloquial speech is a functional form of a literary language. That´s why bilinguals should know its peculiarities.
Unpreparedness, negligence are seen in a quite free speech behavior - in using reduced vocabulary, active gesticulation, mimic movements, in competency of topical polyphony, that is in breaking a principle of a topic unity.
Term «colloquial speech» is used in two meanings: broad and narrow; in a broad understanding the term represents «vast and discontinuous assembly of facts», in narrow meaning the term colloquial speech is used as a doublet of a term colloquial style.
E.A. Zemskaya in her work gives the following definition of a concept «colloquial speech»: «...Russian colloquial speechis a speech of native speakers of the literary language functioning in oral form in conditions of spontaneous unprepared communication. In other words, colloquial speechis such language sphere of communications for which it is typical: oral form as a basic form of realization; spontaneous of communication; non-officiality of relations between the speakers; unpreparedness of a speech; participation of the speakers in the act of communication; strong support on extralinguistic situation leading to that extralinguistic situation becomes part of communication act, «fused» into speech; using of unverbal communicative means (gestures, mimics)» [Zemskaya 1979, 11].
Appearing of a significant quantity of uncodified nominative units led to that some specialists conclude that colloquial speech is uncodified style of Russian language.
Should pupils of national schools get acquainted with all this? Pupils of national schools should have an idea about peculiarities of Russian colloquial speech.
Unfortunately, in Dagestan national schools, where there is no natural Russian-speaking environment, pupils have no opportunity to listen to Russian colloquial speech answering to norm of literary language.
The essential disadvantage of traditional teaching Dagestanis Russian language is that teachers orientate the pupils at exceptionally full style of pronunciation. Unfortunately, teachers do not get pupils acquainted with the peculiarities of phonetics of colloquial speech of Russian language. Consequently it is not a surprise that many bilinguals consider pronunciation by Russians of such words as : nuuborke «na uborke», zuuralom «za Uralom», pugulyat´ «pogulyat» - a mistake. «Quite often you can hear bilinguals complaining that if the Russians make mistakes in speech, then ours are even more excusable. Such things are said because of not knowing peculiarities of Russian colloquial speech» [Abdulaev 1995, 42].
Word frequency plays a great role in facts of colloquial phonetics.
Intonation and logical stress in colloquial speech gets special meaning. If in codified literary speech different feelings, reactions can be expressed with the help of vocabulary and syntax, then colloquial speech uses all possibilities and riches of Russian intonation.
Peculiarity of colloquial speech is that it has significant contrasts of different intonations. Intonation of colloquial speech is more contrast than intonation of codified literary language. In colloquial speech variations of height, volume of sound, pronunciation speed is seen more often than in codified literary language. Excited emotions are peculiarities of colloquial speech. The intonation can convey this emotionality. That´s why it´s hard to overestimate the role of intonation in colloquial speech.
There´s an opinion that intonations of codified literary language and colloquial speech are opposite.
One of the peculiarities of colloquial speech is less in comparison to codified literary language text monotony: in colloquial speech there´s more often change of high and low tones, different types of intonation constructions, different timbre dyes, often variations of speech speed.
Colloquial pronunciation style usually differs in heightened pronunciation tempo, but it is not an obligatory character of a colloquial style.
Such intonation means as pause and syntagmatic articulation are common for both literary and colloquial speech. However, some differences in their functioning are noticeable. Pause and syntagmatic articulation (intonation-meaning unity) often do not coincide in colloquial speech. Pause rare follows articulation during normal speech speed and not long syntagmas, even on the opposite it is often made without any connection to articulation. In literary speech a pause aims to call some specific meaningful or emotional effect. In colloquial speech a pause occurs except for this reason because of physiological reasons (to catch one´s breath) and because of unprepared speech, lacking preliminary considering, consequently there appears necessity of grammar change.
One of extra-linguistic peculiarities of colloquial speech is direct talk exchange of a speaker with an addressee that is direct contact of communicators.
Thus, «colloquial speech - is not just reduction of codified speech, according to specific rules, but is an independent system, and transfer from this system into another is unavoidably connected with text structure changes» [Kazartseva, 1973, 463].
- Abdulaev A.A. Culture of Russian speech in conditions of national-Russian bilingualism. - Makhachkala, 1996.
- Amalbekova M.B. Phenomenon of bilingual personality in ethno-language landscape of Kazakhstan. - Astana, 2009.
- Zemskaya E.A. Russian colloquial speech: linguistic analysis and study issued. - M.: Publisher Russian language, 1979. - P. 240.
- Kazartseva O.M. Culture of communication. - M.: Flinta, Science, 1999.
- Kasymova S.D. About culture and norms of oral speech // Russian speech. - 1984. - №1.
- Moskvin V.P. Colloquial style as a system // Russian speech. - 2005. - №4. - P. 37-38.
- Soviet Encyclopedia Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981. - 1600 p.
- Ulukhanov I.S. About influence of languages of USSR nations on contemporary Russian language grammar // Language functioning in multinational society. - M., 1991.
- 9. Shurpaeva M.I. Linguistic norms of teaching Russian pronunciation of Dagestani pupils at advanced level. - Makhachkala: Daguchpedgiz, 1980.
The work is submitted to the international science conference «The Problems of International Integration of Educational Standards», (England (London) - France (Paris)), 23 April - 1 May, 2010. Came to the editor´s office on 24.03.2010.
Gasanova S.Kh. PECULIARITIES OF RUSSIAN COLLOQUIAL SPEECH IN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION OF BILINGUALS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23496 (09.03.2025).