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The problem of civil competence was and is mainly examined at the frames of other questions, and exactly of range of problems of civil society, questions of civil and political socialization, range of problems of civil culture, theory of forming and socialization of personality, forming of professional orientations of different categories of population etc. The competence in translation from Latin competentia means the number of questions, about which person is well informed has knowledge and experience. Competent at the defined sphere person has corresponding knowledge and skills that allow him to judge about his sphere and effectively act in it.
At modern psychologically-pedagogical science there is met a whole number of rather close by their content terms - «civil competence», «competences of civicism».
Under the civil competence it´s accepted to consider the readiness of use knowledge about rights, politics, society, state, politically-legal skills and abilities while the carrying out of different civil roles. It is directed at the literate behavior of citizen at different political, legal and social situations. In the opinion of V.Sh. Maslennikova, civil competence is the totality of readiness and ability, which allow to personality active, responsible and effective realizing of the whole complex of civil rights and charges at the democratic society, use of one´s knowledge and skill at practice. Under the "competences of civicism" it´s accepted to consider: knowledge and observance of rights and charges of citizen; freedom and responsibilities, self-reliance, own dignity, civil duty; knowledge and pride of the symbols of the state (arms, flag, hymn).
Person by reaching of age, which is stated by the law, becomes the citizen. And that means that he finds belonging to the policy and legal norms of state. Creation and development of civil society, as Z.J. Kapustina fairly notes, depends on patriotic upbringing of citizens, compound part of which is preparation of young generation to active participation at the politics of state, to the participation at lawmaking and carrying out of vital functions by the actual laws.
Civil competence side by side with civil ripeness and civil education is the most essential characterological sign of civicism. Civil competence of personality is the totality of abilities and readiness, which allow it active, responsible and effective realization of the whole complex of civil rules and charges at the democratic society, use of one´s knowledge and skills at the practice of interaction of individual with the society. Formation of civil competence of youth is inseparably connected with the forming of basic values of Russian and world culture, which define civil self-consciousness.
Civil ripeness. The sign of ripeness is the degree of social direction of personality, the measure of its socialization. It was noted that everyday values are ignored in favour of ideals, that it leads to the appearing of disharmony between official values and «natural and social practice with the organically inherent in it common sense. It causes alienation from the imposed to the person guidelines and leads to the reorientation of personality». (G.N. Filonov).
Civil education. Traditionally at civil society to the education there is assigned a part of translator of historical experience: knowledge, traditions, cultural and other values, ideological paradigms. But the role of educational institutions as institutes of civil society is insignificant. In connection with this condition there appeared strategic aim: to raise the status of schools, HEIs and social consolidations of citizens as the institutes of civil society through the realization of their interactive role at the society.
Civil education at the educational institutions should be directed to the creation of the conditions for the democratic direction of establishment, new pedagogical technologies, which reflect base democratic values. At different levels of the educational system should be solved following groups of tasks that promote the development of civil competence and senses of patriotism:
- upbringing of love and devotion to the motherland, its history and culture;
- upbringing of devotion, loyalty with respect to state system;
- upbringing of love to one´s nation, national peculiarities;
- upbringing of love and careful attitude to native nature;
- upbringing of love to native region, to the little motherland;
- transmission to the future generation human experience, upbringing of humans of high moral standards, educated, spiritually rich and loving their Motherland.
Thereby, civil education should be directed to the forming of civil competence of personality as the totality of readiness and abilities that allow it active, reliable and effective realization of the whole complex of civil rights and charges at democratic society, use of one´s knowledge and skills at the practice. Civil competence should be announced as one of the most important study results of civil education (side by side with civil values and experience of civil actions).
Civil competence can be opened through the number of key competences, each competence is kept by defined number of abilities, which compose this competence: research competence - abilities, which are connected with the analysis and assessment of actual social situation; competence of social choice - abilities, which are connected with the skill to make a choice and reach a decision at the concrete social situation, while the meeting with the concrete social problems; competence of social action - abilities, which are connected with the tasks about realization of made choice, reached decision; communicative competence - abilities of interaction with other people (including tolerance), first of all while the solving of social problems; educational competence - abilities, which are connected with the necessity of further education at the constantly changing conditions.
So far as civil competence singes out as synthesizing competence, which is based at the whole number of key competences, in so far as the task of creation of conditions for its standing should not have been solved by means only of traditional civil education (disciplines and courses of socially-political cycle). The huge role in this process is played by other educational components.
Civicism as the compound of direction of personality, in our opinion, should include following priority values: social good, rights of person, freedom of choice at the base of the realized lawabiding, social justice, equality behind the law, morality and truthfulness at the proceedings, family household relations, patriotism and tolerance.
Forming of civil competence is phased process, which affects deep personality structures and which defines in the final analysis moral self-identification. Civil competence at the psychological level corresponds itself the unity of installations and actions of subject, defined way structured content of knowledge about society, world and oneself, which is realized only in the situations of principle choice. Readiness of personality to the civil action is formed during the whole life person. The optimal sensory phase of development of the traits of civicism is the period of youth, when there occurs forming of self-identification and self-determination and consolidation of the system of the ideological views. Civicism and the competence with it as the special form of senses, morality and consciousness is formed gradually by the course of specialization of personality and accumulation of life experience. To bring up the citizen means to form in the person the number of ethic, legal, socially-philosophical values, which are the center of its ideology.
Educational sphere of higher educational institution is the most favourable for the forming of personality, which carries respect to the state power, love to the Motherland, sense of one´s dignity and discipline, harmonious sign of patriotic and civil feelings.
In the opinion of Torohti V.S., the most important mechanisms of forming the civicism, which are realized by educational establishments, is socially-pedagogical activity with youth and accumulated experience at the sphere of social upbringing. Attraction of youth to the joint activity during the education at educational establishment promotes increase of activity, independence and aspiration for communication of participants, builds the vision of new ways of solving of vitally problems, forms self-consciousness and responsibility between others.
Active joint activity, which is directed to the solving of social problems, promotes forming of the feeling of responsibility behind the country, behind the society where we live in, what in turn define the formation of civil competence. The process of civil upbringing supposes as the most important priority reaching at the personality level of mass scale real standards of approved by society legal behavior, observance of moral norms and tolerance at business, international, interpersonal and interconfessional relations. The most effective
is the attraction to the active joint activity at the sphere of civil and patriotic upbringing, ingenuously from the teen age. Educational work at the educational establishments, which are oriented to the civil upbringing of teen and youth gives an opportunity of distraction of them from the negative influence of street sphere and attraction to the community service, forming of the legal and moral culture of younger generation, professionalism and civil activity.
The work was submitted to the international scientific conference «Fundamental research», (Israel, Tel Aviv), 10-17 April, 2010, came to the editorial office on 23.03.2010.
Kluchenko A.N. FROMATION OF CIVIL COMPETENCE OF STUDENT YOUTH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23508 (21.01.2025).