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Current transformations in the country´s economy extend interaction between the social indicators and their influence on the national and foreign economic stability. At the same time, a package of measures is needed to preserve life and health of people, solve social problems, bring the crime under control, eradicate unemployment, change the structure of consumption and reduce income differences, because all these factors, as being repeatedly stressed by Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, contribute to development of an organized crime and corruption.
The current system of corruption in Russia is definitely determined to a large extent by the economic factors, and is a result of an accelerated transition of the country to market relations, against the background of the rash globalization in the world (one should not forget the fact of the crime globalization).
Corruption causes a number of negative effects in the economy.
Speaking about economy management and struggle against corruption in today´s Russia, we should mention the financial basis of corruption, the financial streams and ways to control their circulation; the monopole groups in the key branches of economy.
The chosen alternative of economic reforms aimed from the beginning not at the structural change of an economy, or imposing elementary order in the country´s management, but at lifting some administrative restrictions and easing brakes that, according to the ideologists of the reforms, hindered potential property owners in running business activities.
Expansion of corruption cannot be endless. It is narrowed by the limited natural resources as well as other criminal or legal competitors.
Effective management of the economy, which does not give corruption a chance, national integrity of the society based on the trust to authorities and economic reforms considerably determine the success of such important goals as: fighting the crime in the country and as a result, the safety in the Russian Federation, in particular:
- overcome the crisis and provide the production recovery, followed by an independent and nationally oriented economic policy;
- strengthen the social integrity, Russian national identity and federalism basing on the legitimacy and transparency of state activities, annual expense report for all federal state officials;
- create an atmosphere of interethnic peace and harmony in the country, eliminate the reasons of sharpening ethnic conflicts in Russia, which lead to accumulation of the shadow capital;
- strengthen positions in the defense sphere and suppress corruption in the Russian Army, police and other security services, as well as at all levels of state authorities.
Protection of the Russian national interests in economic sphere should lay the foundation of the federal policy on fighting corruption and raising economy, which will enable to implement an independent and unique national economic policy. Otherwise, the issue of corruption will remain «evergreen», till the complete collapse of the Russian state.
Albov A.P., Chernych N.V. FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMY IN RUSSIA AT THE PRESENT STAGE (THE ECONOMIC AND LEGAL ANALYSIS). International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/387-23512 (09.03.2025).