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Home / Issues / № 2, 2011

Polyanchikov Yu.N., Krainev D.V., Norchenko P.A., Ingemansson A.R., Shchedrikov S.O., Amelchenko V.V., Razdrogin A.V.
The improvement of stainless steels machinability is an important problem of the contemporary engineering. Learning nature of physical processes in the zone of cutting gives opportunity to change and manage the parameters of the machining. One of the methods of efficient improvement of metal machining is cutting with advanced plastic deformation (APD).

Cutting with APD concludes in combination of two processes - surface plastic deformation, creating necessary depth and extent of work hardening and consequent removal of the hardened metal in the shape of facings. Thereby there are created conditions, promoting the improvement of firmness of the cutting instrument and the quality of work.

The research was undertaken for a turning cut of austenitic stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т (according to State Standard GOST, Russia) at semifinishing and finishing modes in a wide range of cutting speeds. The cutting instrument was presented as wolframiumcobalt, walframium-titanum-cobalt, walframium-titanum-tantalum-cobalt, non wolframium carbide blades. The measurements of uneveness were done and profilograms of the finished surfaces were written down, the runout of the back age of the carbide blade and other parameters of the cutting process were fixed. The depth of advanced hardening, created by knurling group was chosen according to the depth of cutting. Aim of the research was to find out character of APD influence on formation of unevenesses of the finished surface and on runout of the cutting instrument.

Analysis of the experimental data, obtained for different machining mode combinations, showed that unevenness after cutting APD is less than after traditional cutting. When using the experiment method not only modulus of center-lineaverage surface finish Ra (mkm) occurs. When cutting with APD this parameter of quality corresponds to finishing work, and when using traditional cutting at the same modes (speed and depth of cutting,supply) - semifinishing. That means that in some cases the method allows reducing quantity of technological transits, necessary to get the required level of unevenness. Positive impact of APD is also proved by profilograms of microasperities of the finished surfaces (height of microasperities of the surfaces finished with APD is lower and their profile is more stable). Reduction of rates of wear of cutting blades while finishing with APD was fixated.

Formation of unevenesses of the finished surface and runout of the cutting instrument are defined by the character of interaction of cutting instrument, forming facing and the finished surface. Processes in the zone of cutting (zones of contact interaction and formation of facings) are defi ned by the character of interaction of cutting instrument, forming facing and the fi nished surface. Processes in the zone of cutting (zones of contact interaction and formation of facings) are determined by temperature-deformation principles of high-speed plastic deformation. Except mode parameters of fulfi lling the fi nishing, simultaneous interaction of features of instrument and fi nishing materials, subject of conditions, forming mechanisms of contact interaction and stipulating change of types of facing formation, is considerably determined by mechanical and thermophysical characteristics of the fi nishing material. Mechanical (fi rmness, strength, ductility) and thermophysical (thermal conduction, thermal capacity) features of steel determine intensity of heat output and heat outfl ow in the zone of cutting, load on cutting wedge of the instrument, change of types of contact interaction. While fi nishing with APD resistance to deformation and parameters of heat output in the zone of cutting should differ from the case of traditional fi nishing and consequently conditions of separation of metal of the cut layer and fi nished surface and conditions of contact interaction should change. Change of the features of the hardened metal should provide more favorable conditions of contact interaction to reduce intensity of runout of the cutting instrument and getting less unevenness of the fi nished surface. Thus, cutting with APD is an effective method of workability of stainless steels. In a number of cases reduction of unevenness allows reducing quantity of necessary technological transits, and by that improving efficiency of the finishing. Reason for such influence of APD should be favorable change of process parameters in the zone of cutting.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Production technologies», Italy, Rome - Florence, 12-19 September, 2010, сame to the editorial office on 20.07.2010.

Bibliographic reference

Polyanchikov Yu.N., Krainev D.V., Norchenko P.A., Ingemansson A.R., Shchedrikov S.O., Amelchenko V.V., Razdrogin A.V. THE IMPROVEMENT OF STAINLESS STEELS MACHINING PARAMETERS AT THE USE OF CUTTING WITH ADVANCED PLASTIC DEFORMATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2011. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/389-23586 (07.03.2025).