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Home / Issues / № 2, 2012

Teaching science

Egorova Yu. A.
In September 2011 held a massive shift of Russian higher schools on the system of two-tier of education and the Federal state educational standards of the third generation.

These innovations make a demand to competence of the teacher of higher school, which, to be successful in the new environment, must to formulate purposes in the spheres of self-education and self-development and develop a plan to achieve them.

To help teachers of higher school, oriented on self-education and self-development, author of this article, on the based study of peculiarities of system of modern higher education, designed the «Model of purposes of self-education teacher of higher school in the context of Bologna process and the Federal state educational standards». Twelve group of purposes, that are included in this model, are the basis for the formation of modern knowledge, necessary for teacher of high school to effective work. Consider the characteristics of these groups of purposes.

1. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of the Bologna Process include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of the term «European educational space»;

b) about the need for «harmonization of national educational systems of higher education in Europe», «compa­rability of qualifications in higher education»;

c) about the meaning, purposes, principles, the basic characteristics, structure, functions and logic of the Bologna process;

d) about of the normative documents, regulating the process entering of higher educational establishments in the Bologna process (Bologna Declaration, etc.);

e) about of sys­tem are comparable, comprehensible qualifications (academic degrees) in the sphere of higher educa­tion.

2. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of introducing two-tier system of higher education (bachelor - mas­ter) include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence, meaningfulness, advantages and disadvantages of two-tier system of higher education;

b) about the features of undergraduate and graduate programs;

c) about of changes in the system of higher education, that have arisen because of the introduction of a two-tier system (changing content and structure of educational programs, transform of organization of educational process, introduction of new teaching technologies, updating resources of educational process);

d) about the practice of introduction of two-tier education in a higher educational establishments in Russia;

e) about the essence of the term "individual trajectory of learning";

f) about the essence of non-linear organization of educational process, about the institute of academic consultants (tutors);

g) about of the normative providing of level programs.

3. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of introducing the Federal state educational standard of higher education bachelor-master in the educational process of higher school include purposes formation of concepts: about the essence and structure of the Federal state educational standards and features of its introducing in the educational process.

4. Group of purposes of self-education on the problems of Principal educational programs of higher educational establishment, that implement of the Federal state educational standards of higher education include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about a matter of fact, the basic charac­teristics and struc­ture of the Principal educational program;

b) about the features of the Principal educa­tional undergraduate and graduate programs;

c) about the contribution, that should make each teacher of higher school in the projecting of the Principal educational program of higher educational establishment.

5. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of educational-methodical com­plex of discipline include purposes formation of concepts: about the essence, the basic characteristics and struc­ture of educational-methodical complex of discipline and its role in improving the quality of the educational process.

6. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of credit-modular or­ganization of the educational process include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of the terms «a unified system of academic credits» (a system of ECTS - European Credit Transfer Sys­tem), «credit unit (krédit)», «a system of credits», «point-rating system of assessing of learning outcomes of students», «module», «modular design of the educational pro­gram», «an individual student plan»;

b) about the functions of the credit system;

c) about the sense, basic characteristics, structure, functions, logic and content of credit-modular organization of the educational process.

7. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of competency ap­proach in education include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of the terms «competence», «general cultural competence», «professional competence», «competency matrix», «competence model of training», «model of competence of graduate»;

b) about changes in all elements of pedagogical system in connection with the introduction of competence-based approach: in a values, purposes and results of education and upbringing; in content of education; in activities of teachers and students; in the technology of the educational process; in educational environment; in a relationship with the external environment - with the family, manufacturing, public, mass media, public authorities, etc. [1];

c) about the features of designing of discipline and of pedagogical process to meet the requirements of the competence approach.

8. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of activity ap­proach to education include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of the terms - "activ­ity", "activity approach";

b) about the structure of the learning activities of the modern student of higher school;

c) about the types and elements of learning activities for solutions specific problems within the subject;

d) about the purposes, methods, forms and technologies of teaching in the context of the activity approach.

9. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of innovative educational technologies and active methods of teaching include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence, purposes, functions and types of innovative educational technologies and meth­ods of active learning;

b) about the specifics of the use in the learning process active and interactive forms of teaching (computer simulations, business and role plays, case studies, various trainings) in conjunction with extracurricular work for the purpose of forming and developing the skills of students;

c) about the specifics of the active forms of learning: problematic lecture, lec­ture-visualization, lecture with two lecturers, lecture with a pre-planned errors, lecture - press confer­ence, a lecture with the analysis of the specific situation, lecture - consultation, training, lesson with compli­cating conditions;

d) about the methods of group decision creative tasks (a Delphi method, method of diaries, method of 6-6, method of developing cooperation, brainstorming, a business games: simulation, operation, role) [2];

e) about the need to develop and applications innova­tive learn­ing technologies with using the new information and communication technologies, the intro­duction of distance learning technologies and new organizational forms of research of students with involv­ing employers, shift of focus to the independent work of students.

10. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of assessment of learning outcomes of students  in the context of the Federal state educational standard of higher education include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of technology pedagogical of meas­urements;

b) about a methods of diagnosing or control the level of possession students of all acquired competencies;

c) about features projecting the fund of assessment tools on the basis of the Fed­eral state educational standard of higher education;

d) about the need to improve the tradi­tional means of control in the context of competence-based approach and adapting innovative means, including those coming from foreign practice or other educational systems (general and secon­dary vocational education): tests, tests of actions, situational tests (simulation methods of learn­ing activities), case-method, method of project, portfolio.

11. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of develop the best approaches to a student in the context of the Federal state educational standards include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about of student-oriented approach (student-client);

b) about the student as the subject of the learning process;

c) about the principle of individualization of learning and independence of the stu­dent, when the student takes a personal part in the formation of their individual learning plan based on a large freedom of choice of subjects.

12. Group of purposes of self-education on the problem of academic mobil­ity include purposes formation of concepts:

a) about the essence of the terms «academic mobility», «a joint educa­tional program», «probation period», «exchange of teachers and students»;

b) about the require­ments for a teacher of higher school in the context of the implementation of program of academic mobility;

c) about of the linguis­tic competence of the teacher of higher school.

A teacher of higher school must systematically engaged in self-education and research activi­ties, improve their qualifications, study the domestic and foreign experience of teaching, establish and develop professional contacts with Russian and foreign colleagues

1. Verbitsky, A. Personal and competence approaches in education: problems of integration / A. Verbitsky, O. Larionova. - Moscow: Logos, 2010. – 336 p.

2. Kovtun, E. Formation and verification of competency: new educational technologies, fund of assessment tools: Presentation [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://dssp.petrsu.ru//.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/451-24026 (22.02.2025).