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Home / Issues / № 2, 2012

Teaching science

Gaming technology as a way of focused and effective student learning
Varaksin V.N.

Modern educational technologies are sent to intensification of educating. Therefore all educational process in the system of playing technologies is sent to activation of theoretical knowledge in the directed playing activity. The different types of playing activity can assist the increase of level of educational activity. The use of positive parties of theoretical forms of educational activity is thus possible, in totality with active methods educating that have the obvious winning at back of mastering of information. All stages of educating are built in form playing employments. The variety of forms of educational activity can be designed in train game, accenting attention on the elements of psychological training and receptions of self-perfection, rational work with texts and creative competitions, on the mutual estimation of current results of mastering of educational information and quality of acquisition of professional skills taught. In the process of  organization of plot-role-playing games it is expedient to enter the elements of the autogenic training and elements of generation of ideas. Thus, there is activation of cogitative and creative processes, necessary experience of communication and steady skills of professional activity are acquired. As basic factors of intensification of educating it is possible to distinguish the following:

it is purposefulness of the vocational training;

are active methods and forms of the vocational training;

it is the use of scenarios of plot-role-playing for development skills of professional activity;

it is an increase of informing capacity of maintenance of trade education due to application of new technical equipments;

it is application of wide spectrum of playing techniques assisting strengthening of motivation of the vocational training.

Kevin Willows, the professor of university of Pennsylvania, exposing positive parties of playing technologies, talks: «Igrofikazia is this separate serious direction that can improve business and education. Elements of game actually we are taught and do the best workers».

In western scientific literature playing technologies have the name - gamefikazia and game play, that in translation can be pronounced as igrofikazia, enthralling-teaching-playing and playing process, they mainly tie down to information technologies, by the design of playing a computer in the mode on-line, etc.

Dividing opinion of К. Willows relatively igrofikazii, we use in the professional activity playing technologies we notice that with the use of playing technologies in educating interest shows up in educational discipline and is on constantly high level.

The high level of organization of educating gives possibility of lining up a playing process within the framework of involving teaching game.  Planning of playing process or process of receipt of professional skills is in a game, it directionally on those knowledge and skills that must be passed to student [3].

The scenario planning of teaching game allows to creating mechanisms and situations in that afterwards the process of educating will be «built» already directly. Participating in realization of professional game the student acquires skills of organization of work in a command on the achievement of joint aims and development of межличностных communications.

The instructiveness of educating is arrived at due to possibility of student to interfere and change a situation in that he appeared, change the «course of events», find the ways of decision of the modeled situations [4].

Organization of teaching playing technologies takes place as follows: an educational group on practical employment is divided by small groups (3-5 persons are in a group). A situation in that they must in the process of discussion choose the most effective variant of her permission is given out every small group, after charge to one of members of group to come forward before all collective, protect the variant of permission of conflict situation and answer the questions of large group. For example, next situation: the «Duty teacher, appealed to the class leader of 6th class with a complaint, that the student of this class Elena (12) in a woman rest room on a wall wrote abusive expressions in an address the teacher of mathematics the human defecating. Your actions».

In the process of the job processing the members of small group must execute next tasks:

1. To define to what group of situations, the taken apart situation belongs.

2. To give a variant or variants of effective exit from this situation.

3. To bring positive and negative parties over of development of situation.

4. With a help, the brought incremental variant over of permission of problem situation it is necessary to make the report of small group for all group.

The Small group after a discussion offered a next variant, permissions of problem situation: class leader together with Elena after lessons will remain and together will wash down the stained wall. Then a class leader will talk with Elena and will invite the parents of Elena, to find out that takes place.

As base foundation of development of playing theory we used researches of Э. of Bern, К. of Gross, Д. of Stenly Hall, G.Spensera, Z. Freud, all researchers determine reason standing on the border of biological and social in playing behavior man. Determination of reason in a sufficient degree helps a small group at the discussion of basic aspects of playing possibilities. It is known that in the process of playing activity there is training of body, idea; new decisions are produced; spare time is filled certain by purposeful activity that can come forward as means of entertainment or as means of educating.

Researches of home authors of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, V.G. Маrzа, D.B. Эlkonina, А.I. Savenkova, А.N. Versksa, V.A. Karakovskogo, S.А. Shmakova of and other, examine playing behavior as form of социально-ролевой activity, distinguishing the specific feature of game - presence of role to the same. Exactly through attitude of man toward a playing role and socializing possibility of game will be realized.

Shmakov S.A. warns that the position of the lines of communication students in the game, the teacher should know that the students in terms of the playing time and play space can act as independent authors role, capable of it creatively develop in relation to the experience of knowledge and impressions. The teacher as a leader, in any (primary, secondary, episodic) the role of goes in the game on the first plan, he ought, as the initiator and organizer of inspire on gaming activities students can, in the process of simulation gaming activities to offer a new idea, assign other roles, the conduct of any elections and given to the attributes games [5].

The phenomenon of educational games is the most obvious, if it is considered as one of the ways of targeted and effective development of professional skills and abilities in the process of creative solutions professional educational situations.

The need of the student in the game behavior is dictated by modernity, and the possibility of «enter» in the game mode is caused by a particular vision of the world and associated with the ability to create something new, original and memorable. Hence, the need for allocation of playing time in the training practical training normal student life. As a gaming options organization of training of we in of his practice of using long been known methods of student parliamentary debate, as well as the methodology of the position-role-based study of the training material. The last technique, developed and introduced by us in the educational process of the higher school, has been successful in the past three years [2].

Student who has skills in solving problems, getting into the school collective in which there are collective, the group forms of work at the lesson, can seamlessly fit and in new forms of class, such as the lessons of creativity, interdisciplinary, integrative and of different ages.

The game takes in the real space of our social and cultural life of a special place, and in real time - special playing time. The time spent on the game and the real space occupied by the game conducive to the acquisition of gaming experience, with the help of which there is a special game of skill and knowledge, and they in turn form the gaming culture of modernity.

Of Э. of Bern, looking at the game as a heritage of humanity, says: «the Different cultures and social classes have their favorite games... And further, this is the cultural value of games» [1].

The status of the multifunction phenomena gaming activity occurs at the junction of two opposites: pedagogical theory and the role of behavior, resulting in their unity. Educational game situations act as models of communication, in which solved the problem of exit from a crisis condition of the individual or of the group, the development of new solutions, and of the knowledge of opportunities of each individual, to identify their «limits», stress reduction, development of communicative skills and much more.

Thus, the passion of one or another rationally-the practical side of gaming activity, which try to fit in the scope of computer virtual games, is a consequence of the absolute features of this complex cultural phenomenon, above all, to belittle the creative-transforming the beginning of the game, it is typical of the nature of the human game behavior.

1.Of Bern of Э. Games that people play. People who play in the game. Minsk. 1992. 383с.

2.Varaksin V.N. Position-role-based study of educational material. // The materials of public lectures for students of GOU VPO «TGPI». www.tgpi.ru.

3.Petrusinski V.V. Educational technologies. Acmeology. M.: 2002.

4.Ponomarev E. Introduction in gaming technology of teaching activities of the modern school. Kemerovo, 1997.

5.Shmakov S.A. Her Majesty - the game. M.: 1992.

Bibliographic reference

Varaksin V.N. Gaming technology as a way of focused and effective student learning. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2012. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/451-24033 (22.02.2025).