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Teaching science
In the article there are presented the main stages of making up the personality of academician A.S. Saginov. Attention is paid to the fact that personalities are not only practical and political figures, but thinking people, understanding what is timely and necessary for the society. Within the period of his scientific-pedagogical work A.S. Saginov made a significant contribution to the technical progress of mining branches of Kazakhstan industry, as well as to training specialists of the highest qualification.
Modern researchers consider a personality not simply a "copy" of the society, i.e. the totality of social relations, social roles or a pure product of social system development. The interaction between a personality and the society is now understood as the activity of an individual who satisfies his needs, pursues his purposes in concrete social relations and interactions, when his adaptation to the environment (society) requirements presents only a moment subordinated to the problems of the personality self-realization. Besides, none of personalities can create great epochs if in the society there are no accumulated conditions. The presence of a personality that more or less corresponds to the social problems is somewhat predicted, sooner random though sufficiently probable. From here it follows that there exist different opinions as to the role of a personality in the historical process as a versatile, wide, multi-aspect problem. The problem of relations between a personality and history in the aspect of their influence on each other has been studied for the whole mankind's life. At certain stages of its development history itself nominates some people. Another point of view is that it is the personality that forms historical processes. IAE, civilization would not have been possible without people (personalities) who influenced its further course.
Nevertheless, the attention should be paid to the fact that a special prestige is enjoyed by the persons who refuse their interests for the sake of the society, of other people, who show their purposefulness, nobility and force of spirits. Such people are called strong, charismatic personalities. Thanks to them the society develops. Each of us is a personality, each of us is characterized by positive qualities, and if each of us could apply them in the full extent, our society would become perfect in the moral sense. Studying the role of a personality in history, G.V. Plekhanov noted that a talented person could manifest himself under two conditions: "Firstly, his talent must do him more than others adequate for the social needs of the epoch... Secondly, the existing social system must not obstruct the way to a personality"... [1, p. 28]. When these conditions are available, a talent becomes a "social force". Such a talent was inherent to the RK NAS academician, doctor of engineering, State Prizes laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Abylkas Saginovich Saginov.
Abylkas Saginovich Saginov was born in Bayan-Aul village in 1915. His childhood passed in the hard post-revolution years. Abylkas Saginov learnt to read at home, but his real studies began in Karkaralinsk where the Saginovs moved in 1924. The boy was brought to a Kazakh school but in some time he was transferred to a Russian school.
Having left school of the I step (4 forms of studying), in 1928 the teenager was sent to the Karkaralisk pedagogical technical school that trained teachers of primary school. There passed a lot of years already, but A.S. Saginov remembered his teachers well. They made an excellent pedagogical staff that educated a pleiad of well-known, remarkable persons - scientists, writers. It is sufficient to mention academician Shafic Chokin, former minister of enlightenment Khamit Sembayev, the RK NAS corresponding member Akzhan Mashanov and many others [2, p. 3].
The pedagogical technical school was allocated in a two-storey building of the former real specialized school that stands there till nowadays. Here 15-years old A. Saginov acquired his first pedagogical experience, being a teacher and at the same time the head of a small school in Komissarovka village. Here he conducted his first lessons.
In 1930 his father was sent to work at the Kounradski mine. Here there were developing works for exploration of a deposit. Young Abylkas began working as an electrician's assistant. Here he for the first time came down under the earth, to a mining working where there was being laid an electric line. Here, as he reminded, he fell ill with "mining romanticism" and firmly decided to learn mining, to become a mining engineer. About the richness of the depths of Kazakhstan steppe there were told a lot of legends. Geologists opened new rich deposits here and there.
In 1939, having graduated from the institute, A.S. Saginov came to Karaganda, where after a talk with the chief engineer of the trust Zaporoshcheko he was sent to work as a section foremaster at mine No 3-bis, where there were carried out experimental works to implement a three-layer system of developing the thickest seam "Verkhnyaya Marianna" in the Karaganda basin. In several months Abylkas Saginovich Saginov began working as an assistant of the chief engineer. In autumn of 1940 he was admitted as a candidate of a party member. In the middle of May 1941 he was given a vacation, after which in the trust there was decided to be the chief engineer at the mine. All this time he paid great attention to the issues of scientific-technical progress, the further development of the mine assets that gave him a possibility in 1947 to enter the correspondence post-graduate studies of the Mining Institute of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences.
Together with his scientific supervisor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, professor, doctor of engineering A.S. Popov, he selected and discussed the subject of his dissertation thesis, its content. The subject of his scientific-research work was very urgent, connected with present day state of technology of developing inclined thin and middle-thickness seams of the Karaganda basin. In those years coal was mined preferably from thick seams, and the developing of thin and middle-thickness seams was delayed for "later on", though their reserves made about 40 per cent of the whole industrial reserves of the basin mines. Methods and systems of development of such seams needed improving [3, p.5].
In 1951 А.S. Saginov defended his dissertation for a candidate's degree. It's worth noting that the dissertation relevance was very high at that time. A.S. Saginov was the third engineer in Karaganda who defended his dissertation without leaving his work.
In the same year A.S. Saginov was appointed the director of the Karaganda branch of the All-Union Scientific-Research Coal Institute (VUGI) that in 1952 under his supervision was reorganized into the Karaganda Scientific-Research Coal Institute (KNIUI). Within that period there became apparent a bright talent of A. Saginov as a great organizer and scientist able to solve complicated problems posed before miners of the third coal stokehold. He directed the work of the new institute to the efficient solution of a number of problems of developing the coal basin. Under his leadership there were successfully solved important problems connected with developing thick coal seams.
In 1955 A.S. Saginov was appointed the director of the Karaganda Mining Institute, in 1958 reorganized into the Karaganda Polytecnic Institute (KarPTI). He worked as its rector within 33 years, being at the same time the head of the chair "Development of mineral resources deposits". A.S. Saginov put a lot of labor in the establishing of one of the leading higher school institutions of the Soviet Union. The prior attention was paid to the issues of training scientific-pedagogical personnel. He created exclusively favorable conditions for the growth of the Institute staff's and employees' creativity.
Every year rector confirmed the schedules of defending doctors' dissertations. A.S. Saginov carried out a purposeful work in this direction with scientists of the Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan. A lot of candidates of engineering, associate professors were trained for doctoral studies at academic institutes. An active scientific-research and pedagogical work, a contribution to the training of highly-qualified personnel are manifested in the characteristic that was presented by the Secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee V. Salamotov on January 29, 1965: "... Within the period of working at the institute A.S. Saginov manifested himself as a talented leader. He did a lot of work to organize the teaching process, to provide and strengthen the material-technical base of the institute. He pays great attention to training and educating qualified engineering staff for industry. A. Saginov carried out great scientific-research and pedagogical work. He is a supervisor of a number of economic contract and state budget works... he carries out social work, at present he is elected a member of the part regional committee, he lectures and reports for the city population. He enjoys prestige among the institute collective, is attentive to his colleagues" [4, sh. 58].
In 1966 under the leadership of A.S. Saginov there was organized a united Academic Board of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute on defending candidates' dissertations in mining specialties, that proves the growing scientific potential of Central-Kazakhstan region. Within the period of A.S. Saginov's working as the institute rector there were defended over 400 doctors' and candidates' dissertations in various fields of science.
Under scientific supervision and with participation of A.S. Saginov, in the Karaganda basin there were for the first time carried out complex experimental works and industrial testing of the bench and three-layer mining of the thick inclined seam "Verkhnyaya Marianna", the technology of mining seams with sulfur-containing gases, physical-and-chemical strengthening the mass, selecting rational methods of stripping mining fields. The results obtained in these studies, the conclusions and suggestions were realized and are widely used in practice by scientific-research and design organizations.
A.S. Saginov's scientific studies are generalized in 20 monographs, as well as in numerous books, tutorials, brochures, scientific reports and articles, inventions devoted to the problems of developing seam and ore deposits of mineral resources, ensuring the growth of labor productivity at mines, improving ecological and mining safety of miners' labor. Under his scientific supervision there were successfully defended eleven doctors and over 50 candidates' dissertations.
The results of A.S. Saginov' fundamental studies were presented at the international conferences on mining rocks mechanics that were held in Belgrade and Denver, at the III national forum on theoretic and applied mechanics in Varna, the international conference on mineral resources in Almaty in 1993. For great services in the development of higher education and training qualified specialists for the country economy in 1971 A.S. Saginov was conferred the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor.
By the Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan President N.A. Nazarbayev in December 1995 Abylkas Saginovich was conferred the title of "Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan science and engineering".
A personality is always a man, and nobody but a man can be a personality. In this conception there is expressed the most important thing that is characteristic of the man - the totality of his internal qualities as of a social being, such as intellect, spirit, behavior. A man is not born as a personality but becomes a personality in certain social conditions. Abylkas Saginovich Saginov can deservedly be considered a real personality, an example for every generation. His services in the development of the country economy, of higher education and science are undisputable. Within 30 years he was the permanent rector of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute and at the same time headed the chair of the development of mineral resource deposits. Within the period of his scientific-pedagogical activity he made a great contribution to the technical progress of mining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in training specialists of the highest qualification.
In the book of reminiscences "About the travelled path" Abylkas Saginovich used an expression: "Kyzyr is a man who comes to aid at the needed moment". We think that A.S. Saginov was that Kyzyr that devoted his whole life to the people.
- Plekhanov G.V. Selected philosophical works in 5 v. V. 2. - М., 1956.
- Novikov V. To those who learnt the science of the good (to academician A. Saginov' s 80-th anniversary) /Industrial Karaganda. - 1996. - December 13.
- Piven G. Scientist, higher school organizer (to A. Saginov's 85-th anniversary/Industrial Karaganda. - 2000. - December 20.
- State Archives of the Karaganda region. Stock I - party archives, register 71, file 312.
Reference of the author
- Name: Nurligenova Zauresh Nurkenovna
- Scientific degree and title: -
- Place of work: Каraganda State Technical University
- Position: lecturer
- Short characteristic of scientific creative work: number of articles in journals - 21, reports at various levels conferences - 53, monographs - 1, co-author of 4 tutorials, 5 electronic courses of lectures on history of Kazakhstan for which there was received a certificate of intellectual property of the RK MJ.
Z.N. Nurligenova A.S. SAGINOV – STAGES OF MAKING UP A PERSONALITY AND A SCIENTIST. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/452-24046 (23.02.2025).