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Home / Issues / № 1, 2013

Teaching science

Nikitin A..

Network technologies help to increase the effectiveness of the educational process due to new opportunities of presentation, processing, searching and storing of information, and also due to wider possibilities of the communicative process, that allows its members to realize social and cultural functions without time and place limits [1].

Today network technologies are widely used as the means of instructional instrument by teachers of: Physics, Biology, Geography, History, Foreign languages. The most important characteristic of these technologies is the integrity: the teacher of Informatics is the center of the informational educational process; he is the methodological leader in working-out and use of educational programs. The emphasis is made on natural and societal informational processes studying, on usage of the informational technologies in educational activity.

Network technologies in the educational process become more and more popular in the modern information-oriented society. In educational process the usage of network technologies helps to increase the effectiveness of educational environment and integrates the members into the world virtual community. The term "network" is defined as a method of interpersonal communication, which aims to improve the quality of interacting and to make this process easier. Due to the level of technology different types of communication networks appear and develop: mail, telegraph, Internet.

Network technologies give user the opportunity to construct content in the information stream; events, news, data and etc. are presented in a structured, personified way. That means the user selects the information, which is reliable or of his/her interest. Network technologies hold the operations in the client's account (preferable news, location and so on) and adjust the information environment to the user. The peculiar areas of the closest information environment are constructed, which allow getting the georeferenced information of a user's interest. For example, the user can learn about friends, who are near, or about sightseeing, that are on his/her way.

On the basis of abovementioned, one can assume that the interaction of future teachers with the help of network cooperation is quite effective means of academic process development. During this activity the processes of perception and personal experience growth, that are essential in modern terms, proceed dynamically.

One can define this practice as educational activity where the professional training of future teachers is realized. Practical application of such conception of future teachers learning makes possible to think about realization of professional training components, getting experience in solving various pedagogical problems, developing of future teacher's professional competence [2].

To organize this way of teaching one needs network technologies. Network technologies allow the future teacher to immerse in the network cooperation, which combines independent and collective forms. This stimulates to interaction, to searching for partners and methods of creative and academic teamwork. Network technologies are rich by a great number of realized projects, various kinds of activities, which are of the future teacher's concern. Using networks technologies the future teacher can independently choose the questions for network cooperation or generate personal unique project. Appliance of network technologies stimulates the processes of students' perception, thinking and concentration.

They also provide with great opportunities in realizing the principle of students' active involvement into training process, help personality-rearing, enable to solve communicative problems in different spheres of everyday life [4, с. 20]. Members of network projects get the possibility to study in the "real" conditions, which differ from the artificial "sterile" conditions in educational institutions.

Education, planned in such a way, allows learning social norms and cultural values and at the same time realizing projects, focused on self-development and personal fulfillment in the information-oriented society. The future teacher manages to try his/her potential as a member of network projects of different kinds, to solve non-typical research tasks, to make personal choice of research problem and the ways of solving it, to check and realize any ideas, to understand personal individual possibilities, to combine the academic activity and the responsibility for its results.

1. Nikitin A.V. The use of social networks and services in the research and educational student’s activity // Contemporary issues of the Human and Natural Science. – 2013. №4. Pp 373-375.

2. Segeev A.N. Theoretical foundations and technologies of Internet network communities training: Monograph. Volgograd: Peremena. – 2010. 255 p.

3. The organization of the mutual research and educational activity in the open informational environment : multi-author monog. / A.V. Shtirov, A.M. Korotkov, A.V. Nikitin. Volgograd : Peremena, 2012.-158 p.

4. Zemljakov D.V., Ivanov E.V., Korotkov A.M. Students’ research experience development while networks virtual museums creating //Human Sciences and Education. – 2011. № 4. Pp. 18-20.

Bibliographic reference

Nikitin A.. NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/452-24349 (22.02.2025).