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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Abdulaeva P.Z., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S., Abdulaeva Z.E., Gadzhimagomedova Sh.S., Magomedova M.A.,

Abstract. The paper shows the role and the importance of the electronic means of teaching the course "Education Science" in the professional training of medical students. The electronic syllabus module "History of Education Science", part of the course "Education Science", is regarded as an electronic means of teaching. The approbation demonstrated its effectiveness testified by the results of mixed-marking test on the mentioned course.

The training of medical students is only possible under the conditions of humanization and humanitarization of professional training. That's why the curriculum of medical training includes the number of liberal arts.

One of these courses is Education Science which unlike the other scientific fields has its permanent strictly fixed object that is upbringing.

According to the Federal National Education Standards of Higher Professional Education (FNES HPE) this course is included in the block "Psychological and Education Science" and is taught to the first-year students of the Dental Department, second year students of the General Medicine Department, Pediatric Department and Preventive Medicine Department, third year students of Pharmaceutical and Nursing Departments.

The development of the medical teacher as a specialist, moulding of his outlook and professional qualities cannot be achieved without profound learning of the richest historical and educational heritage. We share the opinion of many academic educators considering that the essence of the process or phenomenon is best revealed in its historical development. Indeed many education concepts are more clearly and closely comprehended on the common background of the education history [2].

Therefore the experience and previous education theories will help to understand in more detail theoretical and methodic bases of upbringing.

We have designed on the base of module technology the syllabus of the course in Education for mentioned departments and an important place in it is taken by the module "History of Education Science" including bibliographic information about famous Russian and foreign educators; aphorisms and thoughts of prominent thinkers, educators about upbringing and teaching [1].

The principal goals of the module are:

- learning of basic educational studies to increase general and educational culture;

- forming of the integral idea about the development of the education science in the world and Russian history of education.

The basic goals of this module are:

- to provide medical students with the knowledge about the trends in foreign education studies;

- to develop the idea about the theoretical base and practical application of the process of the education and upbringing in Russia.

It is necessary to seek for new technologies, methods of teaching education science which require the active use of up-to-date information and communicative technologies particularly electronic means of education.

Today scientists face new tasks, these tasks are the improvement of programme and methodic provision of the communicative process of intended specialist training. One of the solutions to this problem is the introduction of the electronic teaching means into the educational process.

Electronic teaching means are more frequently used in the professional training of the intended specialists. It is determined by the fact that the content of the manuals is being changed under the circumstances of the modernization of the education, new storage media are being introduced.

The authors of the paper [3] consider the electronic means of education as a teaching means implementing the possibilities of information and communicative technologies (ICT) and oriented to the following goals: the provision of the teaching information with the involvement of up-to-date means of ICT; accessibility of the feedback, automatization of the control and administration of the higher school.

One of the electronic teaching means is an electronic academic module (EAM).

Electronic academic module is an electronic means containing graphic, textual, digital, musical, video-, photo and other information, directed to achieve the goals of modern education.

Complex and appropriately organized application of the EAM enables a teacher to achieve a basic educational goal in the process of communicative training of students, this goal is a development of individual and professional communicative skills of intended specialists and forming of the properties necessary for efficient communication.

The application of new electronic academic modules in the process of education provides with the number of opportunities:

- automatization of data storage in any required form;

- the work with unlimited data volume.

EAM "History of education science" is supplied with plenty of illustrations which are difficult to present in the traditional pattern of education.

We offer one of the forms of presenting a module, which includes different methods of cooperation of a student and teacher, when an educator performs a function of an instructor, longing to communicate with each student. The effective realization of the above-mentioned is achieved with the use of electronic teaching means in the module learning.

The advantage of electronic teaching means is the possibility to use the films, video-clips, slides, diagrams, illustrations in the same lecture.

We think that the lecture with the use of electronic teaching means is not only the set of slides in the function of the illustrating material but also a method of foisting teaching skills.

EAM contains such items as lectures, practical lessons, bibliography, appendices.

The advantage of the EAM is the convenience and simplicity of the projected interface, enabling to attract the attention of medical students to the learning of the module "History of Education Science", the opportunity to shift the focus in the education on the development of each student and successful learning of the academic material.

The effectiveness of the EAM "History of Education Science" in the process of teaching is confirmed with the results of mixed marking test.

1. Abieva E.G, Abdulaeva P.Z. History of Education Science: Manual for students. – Makhachkala: Publishing House DGMA, 2009. -14 p.

2. Aliev N.I., Abdulaeva P.Z. fundamentals of general and medical education science. Manual for medical students. - Makhachkala: Publishing House DGMA, 2011. – 19 p.

3. Aghakhanova R.A., Vezirov T.G. The conditions for the development of students’ professional competence in the road traffic institute on the base of electronic means of education// Economic and humanitarian studies of the regions. Scientific journal. - №1. – Rostov-na-Donu, 2011. – P.21 -27

Bibliographic reference

Abdulaeva P.Z., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S., Abdulaeva Z.E., Gadzhimagomedova Sh.S., Magomedova M.A., ELECTRONIC SYLLABUS MODULE AS A MEANS OF TEACHING EDUCATION SCIENCE IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF INTENDED SPECIALISTS IN HIGHER SCHOOL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24066 (31.03.2025).