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The development of socially active person is a key problem in modern education paradigm. One of the most important aspects of this problem appears becoming a specialist, which owns the basics of communication, oriented on achievement of mutually agreed actions in a society.
Communication, providing adaptation of future graduates to the new conditions of life, acquires the significance of values for students preparing to become experts in various fields of national economy.
Internally - synthesizing part and content of professional formation of personality is a plan of its professional culture, representing the internal process of structural and dynamic development of the subject in the context of occupational origin. It manifests itself and imprints a complex transformation process of psychological structures (mental image) of personality, the formation of its career-oriented substructures and professionally important qualities, as well as the development of complex functional systems that implement various kinds of professional activity in accordance with the content and requirements of social situation professional development.
The true function of the education system is to develop a new orientation of the person who owns the language of effective social interaction ¬ carrying in their minds and consciousness a holistic image of the profession and his own "I" in it.
Communication activities in the field of professions such as «man-man» are constantly expanding with new values of subjective nature. Under rapid and radical social changes, the system of values, during its translation, is filled with a new content.
The contradictions inherent in modern education show the reorientation of values. Following the changes in social, technological and informational activities is becoming more difficult. The increase in the content of educational programs does not provide solving the problems. [7]
Integration of Russia into the world educational space causes a new perspective on teaching in conditions of intercultural communication, enriching the innovation process of renovation of teacher's education. Using the world achievements in education will speed up the integration process.
The dynamics of social life complicates the task of education. A new educational paradigm includes the school of life and creativity of a teacher. Educational technologies realize the discovery of unknown patterns, new ideas, methods and means. Variability, individuality, the search are inextricably linked with creativity in teaching, the result of which should become a developing personality of a future teacher.
Today, one of the important trends is a communion of future professionals to the basics of social and ecological knowledge as a wide range of scientific fields, studying the relationship of social structures and a person with the natural and social environments of their dwelling. It is an integral area of human knowledge that provides awareness and understanding of the deep, multi-level and system relations of a man and society with the nature, social and cultural environments. More broadly, the social ecology covers the circle of questions of antroposystem interaction with the biosphere, as well as its inner biosocial organization of human society. [1]
Today, it is more actual the application of socio-ecological approach in the area of social interaction and, above all, interpersonal, inter-group and inter-ethnic interactions, especially in the North Caucasus. The threat of the interethnic conflicts explosive proliferation in the south of Russia requires from a pedagogical community the improvement of training level in communication skills for ensuring a positive and productive contact.
In the contact interaction, as a special process that provides convergence of the individuals are concerned, both people and social institutions. This interaction is associated with the desire of participants to achieve a special state in interaction, indicated by the presence of the contact. It is expected a lot from it, starting from a state free from stress, and ending with the establishment of a mutually trusting relationship. Many professionals, interested in getting the optimal results of performance, program the contact. In its establishment are concerned policies seeking consensus and lawyers using the contact to build a basement of conventional agreements. It is necessary to artists of social work, scientists, publicists, managers, and teachers - in short anyone who sends to others the patterns of behavior.
Contemporary social situation produces intensification of a person's social relations, an extension of its communication, and the ever-increasing burden on the mental activity. This makes the process of communication more and more diverse and intense.
The study of contact interaction patterns will not only improve the psychological culture of individuals, but also assist in solving critical social problems - reducing the tension that leads to aggressiveness, poor understanding, and disorganization activities.
The problem of identity formation, which is acute in science and practice, gains a lot in connection with the study of the contact interaction, it is well known: many negative qualities are formed in humans, particularly in the child due to the loss of trust in people, breach of contact with them [3].
Current state of research contacts is that theorists and practitioners at the same time are involved in many issues, somehow relevant to it, starting from the factors that influence the interaction, and ending with the characteristics of the motives that ensure the convergence of people. These factors are studied in the communications system as a whole (A.A. Brudniy, E.D. Shakuovr, U.A. Sherkovin, etc.), and in the system of communication (G.A. Andreeva, A.A. Leontyev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Mudrik, N.N. Obozov, etc.).
These factors are studied as a communications system as a whole (A.A. Brudniy, E.D. Shakurov, U.A. Sherkovin, etc.), and as a system of communication (G.A. Andreev, A.A. Leontyev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Mudrik, N.N. Obozov, etc.). In the system of relationship, factors were studied by individual researchers or as interdependent actions, or as exchange (A.A. Bodalev, B.F.Lomov, L.B. Filonov). Certain authors have studied the process of building confidence and mutually relations (A.G. Kovalev, L.Y. Gozman, F.L. Krichevsky). There are studies that cause difficulties in communicating and interacting ¬ which are known as psychological barriers (L.I. Bozhovich, A.D. Glotochkin, M.S. Neymark, L.S. Slavina), and the mechanisms of emergence of such barriers (L.S. Alekseyeva, Z.A. Noliu, L.B. Filonov).
Several authors have analyzed the forces determining the direction to convergence and interaction between people. K.E. Atkinson works are devoted to phenomenon associated with the motivation of achievement or avoidance. Works by A.N. Leontyev, Y.M. Orlov, P.A. Sosnowsky are of particular interest, which address the specific motives as the driving force of contact. Works by V.K. Vi-lyunasa and V.G. Leontyev are also of particular importance where the structure of motives and mechanisms of their formation and operation are explored. In particular, V.G. Leontyev gave universal scheme of motivation that allows building a model of a possible motive, to identify a feature of its impact on the activities and behavior of the individual.
Thus, it is a quite widespread research on communicative structures in the psychological literature. However, extremely limited number of researchers study communication contacting a special kind of interaction, aiming at bringing people together. Along with this, it is widely studied motivation, but almost exclusively in the mainstream of activity theory. There are some works on the motivational aspects of the interaction (but, in this case, it is studied mainly age-motivation communication and mutual interaction). Researchers of contact interaction have not yet put a special issue on the motivational basis of this process.
In general, communication skills contribute to the organization of interaction in the course of joint activity, lead to mutual understanding and establish necessary professional and business relations based on cooperation, mutual respect and support.
In general, communication skills contribute to the organization of interaction in the process of joint activities, leading to mutual understanding and establishing the necessary professional and business relations based on cooperation, mutual respect and support.
Development of the most important for teacher communication skills associated with a number of pedagogical tasks solution of which is provided by searching of scientific and theoretical frameworks in the field of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, etc.
There have been already accumulated considerable fund of knowledge in science, necessary for production and study of the problem of communicative personality formation development. These are works of the Russian scientists in the field:
- The activity theories by K.A. Abulkhanova - Slavskya, A.V. Brushlinskiy, G.S. Batishcheva, V.D. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev, V.N. Sagatovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, G. Schukina and others;
- Theories of personality development by B.G. Ananyeva, A.G. Asmolova, L.S. Vygotskoy and others;
- Theory of future expert culture formation, including the culture of communication by N.D. Arutyunov, B.C. Bibler, A.A. Bodaleva, A.B. Dobrovich, M.S. Kagan, N.B. Krylova, .I.F. Isaeva, E.I. Passova and others;
- General pedagogical principles of abilities formation by T.K. Alexandrova, S.R. Kiselyofa, A.A. Leontyev, B.F. Lomova, V.N. Maximova, G.V. Nikitina, V.N. Romanenko, N.F. Talyzina, A.V. Usova and others;
- Study of communication skills by E.E. Borovikova, A.A. Derkach, I.V. Zabrodina, A.N. Ksenofontova, N.A. Tomin, V.D. Shirshov, S.F. Sherbak, N.M. Yakovleva and others;
- General pedagogical and didactic principles in preparing students for future careers by K.S. Akhiyarov, S.S. Matushkin, V.V. Serikov, V.A. Slastenina, A.P. Tryapitsina, V.G. Ryndak, P.I. Tchernetsoff and others;
- pedagogical technologies by V.P. Bespal'ko, B.S. Bloom, I.V. Clarin, E.I. Tikhomirova, M. Choshanova and others;
- pedagogical technologies by V.P. Bespal'ko, B.S. Bloom, I.V. Clarin, E.I. Tikhomirova, M. Choshanov and others.
Direction in a line with concepts of value phenomenology of individual development and formation in different areas of life, including professional, is noted the most promising in this regard (V.I. Andreeva, B.S. Bratus, T.K. Akhayan, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, D.A., Leontyev, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.)
In a study of advanced features of educational activities, it was determined that the communicative culture - is a multifunctional multi-faceted phenomenon serving as an internal core structure in a teacher's work and is the basis for the formation of professional competence and effective activity.
In the logic of scientific research, the communication skills reflect the individual orientation to the effective and targeted communication, to the implementation of communication activities in the changing conditions. In this case, the communication skills form a set of skills that allow you to control the activity at a high level. [2]
The source of isolation and selection of communicative skills in a modern system of teacher training were works by I.V. Zabrodina, K.S. Kagan, S.R. Kiselgof, A.N. Ksenofontova, A.A. Leontyev, A.V. Mudrik, E.I Passov, G.V. Rogova, N.A. Tomin, A.V. Usova, G.I. Shchukina, N.M. Yakovleva and others.
Under the communicative abilities in a structure of the specialist - teacher professional culture is understood a set of conscious intellectual and communicative actions that allow actively to include in a socio-controlled and purposeful process of social interaction.
Based on the characteristics of a present stage of education development, the communication skills of future professionals become the leading factor of educational process in conditions of pedagogical colleges an accelerator and a catalyst in the formation of updated mentality (O. Dolzhenko, I.V. Zakharov, E.S. Lyakhovich, and M.S. Ladyzhets).
Humanization and democratization of education define principles of personal development, free of solutions choice, able to predict, analyze, polemize and others.
Development of communication skills will be successful in that case if content and character of teacher training allows emphasizing the value-important types of communication structures and their structure. As components of the latter are the following:
- Indicative skills - adequate individual corporate assessment of communicative situation (ability to assess the situation, ability to determine the trend, ability to adapt and ability to make timely decisions, ability to identify their own "niche", ability to evaluate market conditions, ability to show the communicative activity);
- Information - analytical - search, analysis, synthesis of information (ability to find the sources of information, ability to send information in time, ability to use the available sources of information, ability to provide information to the press, radio, television);
- Forecasting - determination of cause-effect relationships (ability to predict, ability to design a communication, ability to determine strategy, ability to anticipate, ability to model the system of relations, ability to adjust the action);
- Polemical - speech culture, argumentation, laconic, brevity, the dialogue (ability to be open to debate, ability to communicative, and ability to lead debate, dialogue, conversation, negotiation, ability to use verbal and nonverbal communication, ability to participate in television and radio debates, conferences, "round tables ");
- Visual-Presentational - creating an image, the formation the style for position activation in communication (ability to identify the characteristic features ability to use techniques of imageology, ability to create a special style, ability to constitute oneself in social interaction);
- Creative - the decision of heuristic problems, search, selection in situations of crisis, risk, uncertainty (ability to make decisions in a non ¬ standard situations, ability to influence the opinions of others, ability to use psychological techniques of performances, publications, business letters);
- Reflexive - assessment, self-assessment, self-actualization, modeling the image of future communication (ability to carry out self-examination, ability to reflect on their own actions, ability to identify "I am real" and "I am ideal", ability to self actualize, ability to self-develop.
As the criteria of communicative skills, formation can be identified: awareness of the pedagogical task, readiness to actualize necessary knowledge, clarity and completeness of activities images, quality of actions execution making up the structure of communicative skills.
Ability to carry out social interactions based on pragmatics of communication-oriented skills. Filling the meaning, content and emotional tone of targeted communication brings cognitive - evaluative and affective-emotional evaluation of communication.
Socio-ecological approach to teaching communication involves personal development of neoplasms, ensuring the achievement of the thoughts unity and actions, ability of a free communication based on interdependence understanding and mediation of pedagogical influences and socio - cultural impact of their implementation in the children's environment. Ecology of communication is to realize the inevitability of mutual contact of the parties in terms of their lives community in one natural and socio - cultural environment.
In general, the development of future specialists communicative culture proceeds more successfully under conditions simulating the actual process of communication inside and outside the structure of teacher contact on the basis of the theoretical, methodological and practical experience. The process of task solution happens on the basis of teachers contact ecologization, increasing the capacity for flexibility and system oriented ¬ ING in the socio - cultural environment based on self-reflection and creativity. [6]
2. Ikonnikova N.K. Mechanisms of intercultural perception // Sociological research. - 1995. - № 8.
3. Kagan M.S. Philosophy of Culture. St. Petersburg, 1993.
4. Sitaram K., Cogdell G., Foundations of Intercultural Communication // Man - 1993. - № 2-4.
5. Sorma G. Collision of Cultures // Dialogue - 1992. № 13.
6. Sukhih S. Modeling the communication process. - Krasnodar, 1998.
7. Shapovalov V.K. Ethno-cultural orientation of Russian education. - M.: Project of UNESCO, 1997. - 173.
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