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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Anafianova T.V.

Research objective: to study ethnic peculiarities of young family health potential formation on a certain territory.

Research objective: On the basis of the complex social-hygienic research procedure of young families in one of the regions of Russia (The Republic of Khakassia) a multi aspect and longitudinal state of health research (1997 - 2006) of 1185 ethnic families was carried out (790 parent families and 395 young families: 220 urban and 175 rural families). The choice of the research territory is conditioned by certain formation peculiarities of the population of the Republic of Khakassia. During the last 50 years the national composition of the population changed due to several historical migrations and an intensive process of assimilation of the newly arrived population with local population. Several ethnic groups were formed out of 107 representatives of different nationalities (according to 2002 census) and local population (the Khakass people) is only 12%.

The criteria of family division into groups is a non-mixed or a mix marriage. Consequently, families are divided into the following ethnic groups: a parent family - the Russians, Russian-speaking families, the Khakass people, the Others; a young family - the Russians, the mixed Russians, Russian-speaking families, the Khakass people, mixed Khakass people and Others.


Young family is one of the national traditional values and a foundation stone of Russian youth, which is the basis of marriage, upbringing, respect and care for parents. Modern young family is in the process of forming values which are aimed at creating a stable, happy and healthy family [6]. The research of regional peculiarities is determined by the necessity of maintaining population health of the region and working out optimization strategy to maintain health potential of ethnically unstable families [1, 2, 4].

However there are no universal methods of evaluation of young family health potential in Russia. This fact cannot but influences the realization of projects directed at regular management of health resource planning in the region.

In terms of contemporary research a young family is not only a social and economic resource of the country which is used in the periods of protracted social and economic crises, but also in periods when the government is unable to solve problems in the field of education, upbringing and social service. A family as a social institute is also a social resource which provides social solidarity and unity. Being part of the social service, healthcare, education and other spheres, a family is in want of certain services and financial support of different institutions. Depending on social and economic level, families will have different forms of resources which may vary from receiving government assistance to restructuring relationships and functional systems. This fact serves as an indicator of the social health level.

The notion "resources" and "potential" are widely used in sociological literature, devoted to the study of family problems [5]. It should be noted that the above mentioned resources are the results of human activity, the basis of which are health resources of a human being and his ability to live (survive), work and achieve goals.

The main goal of healthy society is to accumulate healthy families "... capable of realizing their main functions (reproductive, educational, economic and others) in changing social and economic conditions preserving health of their members" [3].

In relation to a young family, the author thinks that the most accurate definition of a young family potential is the following: "a family health potential is a total sum of personal, reserve and formative capabilities which provide activity of a family in both normal and extreme conditions" [3, с. 62-68].


The structure of family health potential was calculated on the basis of the procedure of "Quantitative resources evaluation of young family health potential" made by the author and consists of three equal reserves (grade on a 100-point scale).

Compliance tables of estimated data of PyfP (personal young family potential), RyfP (resource (reproduction) young family potential), FyfP (formative young family potential) and yfHP (young family health potential) were drawn experimentally, taking into account the data of 395 of young families and 790 parent families.

Personal potential PyfP (secret reserve, taken from parent family) is a total sum of evaluation of medical and social parent family health, grade on a 100-point scale. According to the level of development a calculated PyfP is the following: a high level is 88,9-100 points; above the average level is 72,2-83,3 points, an average level is 38,9-61,1 points, a low level is 22,2-33,3 points and very low level is 5,6-16,7 points.

Resource potential RyfP (is calculated depending on the type of a parent family) reflects reproductive intentions of parent families (quasi-planned family - one child, a family with 2 children and a multi-child family with three or more children). According to the level a calculated RyfP is the following: a high level is 100 points; above the average level is 80-99 points, an average level is 60-79 points, a low level is 40-59 points and very low level is 20-39 points.

Formative potential FyfP (is calculated as a unity of government guarantees, social support of the population and healthcare system). Taking into account that the formative potential is calculated on a 100-point scale, the following order of government resource system relevance is established (having been formed, having been formed partially and not having been formed) which is reflected in points: a high level is 100 points; above the average level is 93,3-79,8 points, an average level is 73,1-60 points, a low level is 53,3-39,9 points and very low level is 20,1 points.

Young family health potential yfHP (is calculated as a unity of points PyfP, RyfP and FyfP) which is reflected in points: a high level is 288,9-300 points; above the average level is 232-288,8 points, an average level is 158,9-228,7 points, a low level is 102,1-158,8 points and very low level is 45,7-102 points.

The peculiarities of young family health structure potential were analyzed with the use of this procedure.

The level of PyfP of all young families made up 57,7 points (an average level) [urban - 61,9 and rural - 52,5 points]. The level of RyfP of all young families made up 82,5 points (above average) [urban - 86,7 and rural - 78,2 points]. The level of FyfP of all young families made up 56,6 points (average level) [urban - 66,6 and rural - 46,6 points (low)]. As a result the level of yfHP made up 196,8 (average) [urban - 215,3 and rural - 177,3 points].

Analysis of ethnic differences of yfHP showed that the maximum point according to an average level was found out in the group of the Russians - 61,6 points [urban - 63,9 and rural - 57,4 points]. A low level of yfHP was found out in groups of the Khakass people - 24,6 points [rural - 21,4] and in groups of mixed Khakass people [rural - 37,9 points].

The research of ethnic differences of yfHP showed that the maximum point according to the level above the average was found out in the group of the Russians - 80,4 [urban - 79,5 and rural - 81,3 points], in groups of mixed Russians 80,9 points [urban 81,0 and rural - 80,8 points], in groups of mixed Khakass people - rural - 80,4 points. A low level of yfHP is found out only in the group of the Khakass people, who live in rural area - 55,2 points.

The research of ethnic differences of FyfP showed that the level of formative potential depends on how effectively social, healthcare and management structures work. All ethnic groups are in a similar formative space and differ only by territory: urban - rural. The analysis of FyfP showed a general low level - 46,6 [urban - 59,9 (average) and rural - 33,3 (low)].

As a result the level of yfHP showed that the maximum point according to an average level was found out in the group of the Russians - 190,0 points [urban - 172,1 and rural 123,8 points]. A low level was found out in the group of the Khakass people - 128,7 points [rural - 109,8 points] and in the group of mixed Khakass people in the rural territory - 143,8 points.

Taking into account the importance of ethnic approach it should be noted that problems within the groups of the Khakass people and mixed Khakass people are connected with the personal and reserve potential of young families, forming in parent ethnic families.


  1. In general parent families and social sphere are responsible for forming young ethnic family health potential (family reserve), which reflects its ethnic differences, capabilities and needs.
  2. The development of different governmental systems (social protection, public health service and government management) provides the development and support of young family health potential.
  3. To develop population health of the multiethnic region with high assimilation, it is necessary to work out an optimization strategy for health facilities, functioning according to family principle. Their activity will be mainly concentrated on social support and healthcare of young ethnic families.

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2. Anafyanova T.V. Approaches in research of some features of young family biocycle. Modern problems of science and education. No. 6. – 2011; URL:http://www.science-education.ru. /100-4911/(address date: 16.11.2011).

3. Artyukhov I.P. Family medicine. Social and hygienic problems. Monography. Coauthors Artyukhov, V. Kapitonov, A. Modestov, O. Novikov. Novosibirsk: Science, 2005. – 264 p.

4. Kashin V.I. Modernization of Russian economy from positions of its health orientation // Modernization of economy of Russia: social context: the report on the IV international research and application conference. April 2-4, 2003. Moscow: Vision International People Group, 2003. 13 p.

5. Klyukina E.S. Young family resource potential in the conditions of the Kola Peninsula. Thesis of the candidate of sociological sciences. St. Petersburg, 2004. 197 p.

6. Okhana Ya. Youth in Russia (The literature review). Moscow: 2010. 96 p.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24076 (22.02.2025).