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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Kazakhstan´s oil industry In 1950 - 1960 years.
Berdyguzhin Leskaly Bazargalievich, Sarsenov Aldar Сарсенович, Mehdizereev kypgacar Bulatovic

In 1950, having produced 1,059 tons of oil, the Kazakhstan oil industry has given 5% more product than in 1940 [7, p.157-158].
During these years, have been discovered and started to give the company's products Munaily (1948), Karaton (1949), and small deposits Zholdybaev, Bekbike.
If the Kazakh oil industry before the war were Emba oil trusts and Aktobe oil, in the postwar years, it has undergone major structural changes. Kazakhstan Oil Exploration trusts were created, Aktobe oil exploration, geophysical expedition.

Through the intervention of the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR KI Satpaeva in July 1946 in Guriev was formed Ural-Emba base of scientific research. Was appointed director of the base Sapar Karymsakov (1904-1975).
Sapar Karymsakov began his career in 1925 in Dossorskoy oilfield reservoir. While you work, he graduated from the Moscow Mining Academy. In the years 1929-1931 the principal trade schools in Guriev and Dossor, in the years 1931-1941 Head of Geology and search the office of trust "Emba oil", and later director, in the years 1942-1943 Director of the Central Research Laboratory of trust " Kazakhstan oil " in 1943 -1944 years director of oilfield Dossor [6, p.177-178].
At research facilities were formed petroleum geology, the sector of oil fields. New look oilfield professionals, that is, the extended use in their research work formed the basis for the opening in 1956 of the Institute of oil and close communication scholars Petrochemical Institute, established on the basis of this institution, and the scientists of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

Were carried out in the 1950s, sophisticated research institutes led by Director V.G.Benkovsky, T.G.Sarbaev production and scientists led by P.Ya.Avrov, A.B.Li, M.A.Arapetyan, S.E . Shakabaev. Research projects have been set up, with the discovery of rich oil and gas reserves began a fierce struggle.
In the late 1950s, began to search for to bear fruit, there were large deposits. The parade was headed by the discoverers of deposits frames trust " Aktobe oil " and " Aktobe oil exploration
Trust " Aktobe oil " was created December 23, 1936 by an order number 2022 of the Ministry of Fuel Industry. The first director of the trust was appointed Ya.V.Lavrentev, director of the company Shubarkuduk - I.A.Dolgov, director Aktobe oil exploration - M.I.Durakov [1, p.26].
In 1950 the trust " Aktobe oil " ran Rakhymzhan Sagyndykov (1904-1991). Having started his career in 1920 working oilfield Makat, R. Sagyndykov in 1933-1935 years, graduated from the Baku Academy of commercial oil fields and ran Bayshonas, Makat Koschagyl, Zhaksymay [2, p.36].

The Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSR, which holds data on the oil-rich territory on the basis of studies of Aktobe region in November 1950 on the basis of trust " Aktobe oil " created a trust " Aktobe oil exploration." It was said that the current main task - an urgent exploration of oil reserves and the opening of an emergency. For these purposes, the trust assembled a group of experts who know their business, and organizational skills. These were: R. Sagyndykov, I.V.Suhorukov, P.Ya.Avrov, V.N.Strakov, A.Avvakumov, I.B.Dalyan, G.N.Okulov,I.P.Ermalkin,S.A.Shutin.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR of 27 June 1957 Trust " Aktobe oil exploration " was given to the Ministry of Geology Kaz SSR. In this regard, the head of the trust was appointed the former head of the " Altai exploration of nonferrous metals " experienced I.V.Gerkashin.
May 25-30, 1959 in Guriev (Atyrau LB) held a scientific and technical conference dedicated to prospecting and exploration in the Ural-Emba oil region. It was attended by Minister of Geology A.S.Bogatyrev Kazakh SSR, head of the department P.I.Kraeev. Discussed gas prospects Mugadzhar district, where there are signs of oil reserves, that is, the carrying out of works Drilling band Martock-Kumsai-Kenkyak, located 200km . South of the city of Aktobe.

In the result of the survey - drilling work in August 1959, near the village of Kenkyak well number 34 went to 20-foot gusher.
As a pioneering oil field with respect Mugadzhar called party led G.Tarshilova, chief geologist Vladimir Vasiliev, chief engineer G.Goroshnikova, geologist L.Traynina, masters M.Sherniyazova, D.Turabaeva driller, assistant driller K.Sarieva, fitter L.Kabit.
In order to determine the amount of reserve deposits Kenkyak and quality of extracted product, November 17, 1960 Order number 847 Ministry of Geology of the USSR established a special commission. It consisted of the chief geologist of the Ministry G.N.Enikeev, chief geologist of the trust " Aktobe oil exploration " V.A.Avvakumov, and heads of departments Yu.M.Gridasov, K.H.Bakirov. In conclusion, the Commission on 20 November 1960 shows that the supply of oil are Kenkyak is 80 million tons, and its composition is very high quality [3, p.136-137].
The great merit of Kazakh oil workers, geologists, experts was Prorva open field, located in the South Emba. Due to the strong labor Guriev deep drilling company who carried out reconnaissance work on the field drilling Prorva, one year later, August 11, 1960 was received gusher. Because Prorva oil was obtained in a mixture with a gas spring of 1962 from the well number 2 oil and gas fountains went at the same time, making up a fire. The height of the burning of oil and gas fountain was 300 m, diameter - 40 m.

Prorva oil over the stock and quality of oil surpassed even Kenkyak. The field was announced on the territory of the shock settings where trust " Aktobe oil exploration " sent two teams to operate the wells, oil Bayshonas - drilling specialists.
As a pioneering field Prorva gave the names of the master drilling T.Kulgeldieva, S.Muzhieva, S.Laptina, K.Dosanova, Yu.Fillipova; geologists K.Aytbaeva, S.Sүleymenova; eksperementiruju well Zh.Zhumagalieva [5, p. 48-49].
In February 1963, it was created Prorva managing director was appointed drilling. Ego Mutigulla MATASH.
The chief engineer was N.Marabaev, Chief Geologist - K.Dauletov.
For industrial development Prorva decision of the West Kazakhstan National Economic Council from July 1, 1963 was established management "Prorva oil" as part of the Trust "Emba oil." Management Team Management "Prorva oil" was approved as follows:
Head of Department - S.N.Nurzhanov, Chief Engineer - K. Balzhanov, Deputy Head - N.Kituev, chief accountant M.Utenov, Chief Geologist - O.Eskaziev, Production Manager - E.Lepenov, chief electrician - U.Tlepov , the chief vet - V.I.Zhilinkov, Chief Engineer PHE - M.Zhumatov Engineer - M.Tanabaev [4, c.226-227].
Later, the head of the department was K. Balzhanov, head of the drilling firm - N.Marabaev. As part of training were such talented engineers, as Nauryzgali Beshimov Rziev Askar, Abenov Islam Kaliev Bakhit, Nurbaev Tolep, Esengaziev Bahytzhan.

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Bibliographic reference

Berdyguzhin Leskaly Bazargalievich, Sarsenov Aldar Сарсенович, Mehdizereev kypgacar Bulatovic Kazakhstan´s oil industry In 1950 - 1960 years. . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24080 (22.02.2025).