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Research on the systematic problem(structure) of mentality is essential to proper raising and resolving questions of gnoseological knowledge. The philosophical principle of system approach is a specification of the principle of universal communication phenomena. From an ontological point of view it is that all things in the world are developing systems. Systemic principle makes it possible to comprehend the world as integrity (dialectical Unity). From the gnoseological point of view - all phenomena are knowable as a system. The system is the thing on which the relationship with the previously fixed properties realizes. But this definition gives the second option: the system is the thing on which properties are implemented with fixed in advance relatioship. Many elements are the substrate of the system. Attitude forming system, is called a strategic system-forming relationship or its structure. Property relations, about which a lot of things (the substrate) form a system (integrity), called for a strategic property - concept of the system. Therefore, any system can be analyzed on structurally, substrate, conceptual levels of the organization. The direction of systemic analysis comes from the properties and relationships to things. The study begins with a concept system, then its structure and elements. The result is a special type of structural ontology - qualitative understanding of things.
Ontological status of understanding mentality consists in how to treat consciousness - as a thing, or as a property, or as an attitude. As a result, there reism, attributive, relativistic structural ontology. The first model, when consciousness is treated as a thing has a spatial and quality options. The second model is presented in a materialistic philosophy. The second model is presented in the materialist philosophy. Relativistic version of understanding consciousness is associated with quality reizm, but most fully elaborated in phenomenology and in objective idealism. Reizm accepts without reason reality and systematization of mentality. In this regard, the strategy is applied design of mentality as a system object. As a result , firstly, there is gnoseological system model of mentality, where it is presented as a mechanism of knowledge; second, ontological system model of mentality where the mentality is the object of the research; thirdly, it may be mixed gnoseo-ontological system model of mentality.
Analysis of the system of the mentality can take place at the conceptual, structural and substrate levels of system organization. Hence their substantive difference: the ontological system model of mentality is the perfection of mentality is a concept, attitude of reflection will be structural function, and the specification reflection of mentality activity - substrate (for example, the consciousness of the social system of a society).
In the gnoseological system model of mentality - ideality will also be a concept, a subject-object relationship specifies the structure, form of sensory perception and thinking in the mentality activities of man will be a substrate system (for example, a study of semiotic system of one or another kind of consciousness).
Philosophical study of mentality as a system, is important for the development of scientific research and for organization of practical activities.
Bobrova S.P. Mythological mentality as the system. Ivanovo, 2001, 280 P.
Dmitrevskaya I.V. Worldview as the system // theory of mentality and worldview: history and modernity. Ivanovo, 1992.P. 5-45.
Bobrova S. P., Padylina A.L. SYSTEMIC PRINCIPLES AND MENTALITY (THEORY OF GENERAL SYSTEM). International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24081 (22.02.2025).