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Introduction. Fenibut possesses neuroprotective action, the presence of which is proved by clinical and experimental data [1, 4]. There was displayed the availability of the elaboration of new salts and compositions of fenibut with the objective of acquisition of compounds surpassing the basic substance in effectiveness and safety [2, 4, 6, 7]. One of the ways of functional evaluation of the neuroprotective action in the experiment is the study of the influence of the substances on the behavior of the animals exposed to the action of neuropathological factors. The objective of the work is the comparative study of the influence of fenibut and its composition with nicotinic acid (laboratory code number RGPU-151) on the behavior of animals exposed to the electric shock.
Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on white outbreeded male rats (200-220g) kept in standard vivarium conditions. The electroconvulsive shock (ECS) was modeled: the electric stimulus (50 Hz, 20 mA, 0,5 s) was inflicted to animals through the corneal electrodes. For the evaluation of the influence of fenibut and its composition RGPU-151 on the behavior of animals there were carried out the tests of "open field" (OF) and "conditioned passive avoidance response" (CPAR) [3]. The conditioning of the reflex in the test of CPAR was conducted 24 hours before the ECS, the trial of its conditioning - 2 hours before the ECS (the study included animals with the conditioned reflex), the trial of the maintenance of the reflex - in 24 hours after the ECS [7]. The OF test was carried out in 24 hours after the ECS 5 minutes before the reproduction of CPAR. Fenibut and RGPU-151 were dissolved in 0,89% solution of NaCl and were introduced into animals in equimolar amount, in the doses of 1/10 from M - 18 and 48 mg/kg, respectively [4], intraperitoneally 30 minutes before the ECS. The control animals received 0,89% NaCl solution in the equivalent volume. The statistic analysis of te results: the Kruskal-Wallis analysis, the Newman-Keuls and Fisher criterions.
Results and discussion. In the OF the motor and exploratory activity of the rats, receiving fenibut, and, to a greater extent its composition RGPU-151, were statistically significantly higher than those of the control animals exposed to ECS. The composition of fenibut with nicotinic acid RGPU-151 and fenibut displayed antiamnestic action in the test of CPAR: at the trial of the maintenance of the reflex in 24 hours after ECS in the groups receiving RGPU-151 and fenibut, the amnesia of the CPAR was noticed in 44,12% and 71,42% of animals, respectively, while in the control group the amnesia of CPAR was noticed in 100% of rats. Besides, fenibut and, to a greater extent, RGPU-151, statistically significantly increased the latent period (LP) of the first approach into the dark aisle, reduced the quantity of approaches of animals in the CPAR into it during the reproduction of the reflex after the ECS, which also indicates the presence in them of the antiamnestic - nootropic action. The antiamnestic properties of RGPU-151 were stastistically significantly more marked than those of fenibut.
Conclusion. The composition of fenibut with nicotinic acid RGPU-151 contributes to the maintenance of motor, exploratory activity and memory of animals exposed to ECS - it displays neuroprotective properties, which are more marked than those of fenibut.
2. Borodkina L.E., Bagmetova V.V., Tyurenkov I.N. // Voprosy biologicheskoj, medicinskoj i far-macevticheskoj himii. – 2012. - №8. – S. 14-20.
3. Rukovodstvo po jeksperimental'nomu (doklinicheskomu) izucheniju novyh farmakologiche-skih veshhestv / Pod red.R.U. Habrieva. - M.: OAO «Izd. «Medicina», 2005. – 832 s.
4. Tyurenkov I.N., Bagmetov M.N., Epishina V.V. i dr. // Jeksperimental'naja i klinicheskaja farmakologija. - 2006. – T.69, №3. – S.19-22.
5. Tyurenkov I.N., Bagmetov M.N., Epishina V.V. // Jeksperimental'naja i klinicheskaja farma-kologija. – 2007. – T.70, №2. – S.24-29
6. Tyurenkov I.N., Borodkina L.E., Bagmetova V.V. // Bjulleten' jeksperimental'noj biologii i mediciny. – 2012. - T.153, № 5. -S.667-670.
7. V.V. Bagmetova, I.N. Tyurenkov, L.E. Borodkina i dr. // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2013. - № 3-1. - S. 22-26.
Borodkina L.E., V.V. Bagmetova, I.N. Tyurenkov THE INFLUENCE OF FENIBUT AND ITS COMPOSITION WITH NICOTINIC ACID ON THE BEHAVIOR OF ANIMALS EXPOSED TO ELECTRIC SHOCK. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24082 (22.02.2025).