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Pharmacies, as part of modern health service, help to maintain health through the provision of pharmaceutical care and educational activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. Thus, the effectiveness of their activities should be evaluated not only in terms of economic parameters, but also in the monitoring of the population to determine their social effectiveness.
In 2012 for analysis of the level of social effectiveness of activity pharmacies in Russia, for example, in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, it was conducted a sociological research of public opinion, which was attended by 1,880 people.
The participants of the study were asked: "Are you always satisfied with the quality of service in pharmacies?" Possible answers and the results of analysis are illustrated in the diagram in Figure 1.
Analysis of the results showed that the answer "more satisfied than not" was chosen by most participants (51%), while nearly 31% of respondents usually were satisfied with the quality of service. About 13% of respondents answered that they did not pay attention to the quality of service at the pharmacy. Amount of negative responses was small (5%), and distributed among the answer "often dissatisfied", which was selected 4% of the studies participants and "no, are not satisfied at all", marked by a little over 1% of the respondents. Thus, the percentage of positive responses to this question is almost 82%, which can mean satisfaction with the quality of service of most pharmacies visitors.
In this case, it seemed interesting if visitors try used the services of one pharmacy or prefer to buy medicines in different places. After analyzing the responses to this question, we have learned that 34% participants of the study try to buy medicines at the one pharmacy, while 23% of respondents use the service of the one pharmacy, and the total is about 57% of the respondents. On the other hand, 22% participants of the study say, that they are buying medicines at different places and do not feel the difference and the answer "often use the services of different pharmacies" prefer more than 21% of the respondents.
In addition, visitors to pharmacies that were buying medicines in the one pharmacy (1,055 people) were asked to indicate the reasons why they had chosen this pharmacy and selected only one answer: 1. Convenient location, 2. Lower prices of medicines, 3. High quality service, 4. Confidence in the quality of the medicines, 5. Other (please specify).
The distribution of answers to this question in the questionnaire showed that about 29% of the respondents to this question had selected pharmacy in terms of convenience of its location, nearly 28% of studies participants noted the high quality of service and the ability to consult, 26% of respondents had been attracted lower prices for medicines. Unfortunately, less than 15% of studies participants reported such an important cause, as confidence in the quality of medicines pharmacy. More than 2% of the respondents who answered this question indicated their reason for choosing pharmacy and the most popular variant was "the ability to use a discount card".
For the analysis of the activity level of interaction with the population of pharmacies in the questionnaire were included questions about the events or activity that people had been seen in pharmacies (due to the fact that respondents could choose more than one answer, the total sum is of the above 100%). So that the most frequently studies participants faced with the measurement of the pressure in the pharmacy (66% of responses), the second position occupied distribution of brochures about healthy living (41%). It should be noted that the free medical consultation were mentioned in pharmacies rarely (22% responses).
Based on the results of the study, we were able to draw the following conclusions about the social effectiveness of activity pharmacies. Most visitors were increasingly satisfied with the quality of pharmaceutical care, prefer to use the services of the one pharmacy, and watched them in conducting activities to keep the health of the population.
Social effectiveness in the activities of pharmacies may be increased by the introduction of new forms and methods of pharmaceutical care, expanding the functions of pharmacy workers, strengthening collaboration with doctors, implementing mechanisms for ensuring and maintaining the quality of activity pharmacies.
Вrel’ A.K., Volchanskiy M.E., Boluchevskaya V.V., Klochkova E.A. STUDY OF THE SOCIAL EFFECTIVENESS OF ACTIVITY PHARMACIES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24083 (22.02.2025).