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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Parameters expanded reproduction in farms at various norms of accumulation: mathematical modeling and computer experimenting
Burdа A.G.

In modern conditions of development of agrarian economy farms strongly occupied the niche among producers and develop, carry out the functions, provide the population with food and supply the industry with raw materials. The country farms which have passed a stage of the formation, solve problems of expanded reproduction. Thus there is a mass of new questions therefore synthesis of practical experience of conducting expanded reproduction in country farms is represented actual for many farmers. And any experience is interesting: both domestic, and foreign, both practical, and experience of model calculations, computer experiments.

Computer experimenting on the basis of creation of mathematical models finds application in various spheres of researches of economy of agro-industrial production: at justification of an economic cargo transportation [8], determination of rational parameters of economy [4; 5; 9], stockpile management of the enterprises [6], forecasting of prospects of reproduction processes of raw materials and production [10], a rating assessment of efficiency [3], modern information technologies [2] thus find application. Advantages of computer experimenting in economy are obvious as allow to save considerable means and allow to avoid experiment with human destinies.

Within search of the solution of problems of management by reproduction process in country farms, we made optimization of productive and economic parameters of a farm "A white swan" Korenovsky region of Kuban. This economy has 185,17 hectares of an arable land, in it five members of economy on a constant basis are occupied, and if necessary two seasonal workers are employed. Economy strategy - production of grain on sale. All problems were solved on methodical and program development of chair of economic cybernetics of the Kuban state agrarian university [1; 2; 7].

We considered various statements of economic-mathematical tasks of optimization of production parameters, each of which represents rather independent task reflecting possible productive and economic situations.

In the country farms using work of the members there is no division of the income into profit and the compensation, owners participating in production as the last to themselves don't charge a salary, and their income is formed at the expense of a difference between revenue and costs of production and realization, including compensation of hired workers. Therefore as criterion of an optimality it is expedient to use not only profit, and the economy income.

Solutions of economic-mathematical tasks show that in many cases work of workers is used not completely, it is impossible to borrow with a production activity of all members - there are no the land resources which are available in economy. The way out can be found, having changed housekeeping strategy, from five members of economy to three to find other kind of activity, to increase the area of the earth of economy at the expense of its rent or purchase. The first two ways can be solved only by head and members of a farm, and the third demands an economic justification and first of all calculations of requirement for the rented areas. The economic-mathematical model offered by us [2, with.354] allows to execute all necessary calculations for justification of the demanded area. For this purpose it is enough when developing numerical model in a condition to provide possibility of rent of the necessary land area.

Land lease allows to increase significantly land resources of a farm, to increase production of grain and sunflower seeds, cost of gross output. However, there is a number of questions: whether the economy at the expense of own activity of a message expanded reproduction, that is without attraction of investments from outside will be able, at the expense of own profit to expand purchase of the fixed and revolving funds and to bring them to the optimum sizes? It is thus important to establish the term necessary for a farm for finishing of parameters of economy to the optimum.

It is necessary to solve a continuous chain of tasks of optimization of parameters of a farm, since the certain fixed level by years. Conveniently annually to direct an identical percentage share of the got profit on expanded reproduction - it is admissible, 25%. Then possibility of increase in a share of accumulation to 50, and then and 75 percent is investigated. Thus transition terms from initial to optimum option will be reduced and it will be possible to choose acceptable option for practical use by economy. According to the described scheme economic-mathematical problems of optimization of production parameters of a farm "A white swan" were made and solved.

Calculations show that transition process before achievement of optimum parameters of expanded reproduction of a farm will take four years and for the fifth year optimum proportions in structure of production resources and results of production and economic activity will be received. On the fifth year all members become constantly busy workers in own economy, besides it is necessary to attract 3000 persons-hours of seasonal labor annually. The economy has to have 662 hectares of an arable land, it will be able to make 2774 t of grain and 331 t of seeds of sunflower. The cost of gross output can reach about 12 million rubles, and profit - more than 6 million rubles a year. Results of computing experiments convince that the farm "A white swan" can independently, without external investments, reach optimum proportions and values of production parameters and to provide optimum expanded reproduction of the economy.

In the optimum plan achievement of full transition to optimum option of expanded reproduction at norm of accumulation in 50% requires only two years, against four, at norm of accumulation of 25%. Practically for the third year the full employment of a manpower is reached also, both all other parameters and indicators receive optimum values. Calculations show that transition to optimum option of expanded reproduction of a farm "A white swan" in one year can be carried out at norm of accumulation in 60%.

The optimum option of production parameters of a farm "A white swan" provides all proportions provided by conditions. Manpower, land grounds completely, thus the criterion of optimization reaches the greatest possible value

Use of offered mathematical models and results of computer experiments on materials of concrete economy help to eliminate difficulties which businessmen meet, heads when planning activity with use of economic-mathematical methods and models, disseminate prejudices concerning possibility of carrying out computer experiments in the field of economy and farm management on an expanded basis. As show researches, the various enterprises for the sizes in all forms of managing can be both high-profitable, and weak, irrespective of their specialization, the size of farms, investment level. Optimum proportionality of all system of production parameters and their compliance to local conditions is required.

1. Burda A.G. Parametrization and computer experimenting of processes of expanded reproduction in farms / A.G. Burda//Polythematic network electronic scientific magazine of the Kuban state agrarian university (The scientific magazine of KUBSAU) [An electronic resource]. – Krasnodar: 2012 .– No. 10(84). – Access mode: http://ej.kubagro.ru/2012/10/pdf/16.pdf

2. Burda A.G. Burda G.P., Kosnikov S. N., Permyakova S. V., Autumn B.B., Frantsisko O. Yu. Information technologies and model exercise machines in training in methods of optimum decisions in agroeconomic systems: monograph. - Krasnodar, 2012. – 133 pages.

3. Burda A.G., Kosnikov S. N. Technique of a rating assessment of use of fruit potential and its economic efficiency in farms of Krasnodar Krai//Works of the Kuban state agrarian university. 2009 . T. 1 . No. 16. Page 7-12.

4. Burda A.G., Metelsky E.A.Upravleniye process of expanded reproduction in farms: results of computer experimenting / Regional economy: theory and practice. 2013 . No. 14. page 30-40.

5. Burda A.G., Metelsky E.A.Upravleniye process of expanded reproduction in farms: results computer experimenting / Digest finance. 2013 . No. 5. Page 58-68.

6. Burda A.G.. Chulkov D. V. Trend-seasonal models of stockpile management of baking productions//Works of the Kuban state agrarian university. 2009 . T. 1 . No. 18. Page 28-32.

7. Economy Modelirovaniye's. Manual for higher education institutions. Part I. Methods of modeling of production and market/G.P..Burda, A.G. .Burda, An. G.Burda. – Krasnodar, 2005.

8. Zamotaylova D. A. A.G Burda. Optimization of transportations with use of the automated information system of the visual solution of transport tasks//the Polythematic network electronic scientific magazine of the Kuban state agrarian university. 2010 . No. 60. Page 183-190.

9. Parametrization, modeling and optimization of competitive agrarian and industrial complex: monograph / A.I. Trubilin, A.G.Burda, G.P.Burda, I.M.Blagivsky, S. N. Kosnikov, V. V. Kochetov, E.A.Metelskaya, S.I.Turly, O.Yu.Frantsisko // Under the direction and edition of the academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Doctor of Economics, professor I.T.Trubilin. – Krasnodar, 2012. – 630 pages.

10. Ulezko A.V. Kurnosov A.P. Tyutyunikov A.A. Imitating modeling as the instrument of research agroeconomic systems / Economy of the agricultural and processing enterprises. – 2012. No. 8. Page 28-30.

11. Frantsisko O. Yu., Burda A.G. Choice of a mode of the taxation at development of subsidiary processing productions of the agrarian enterprises//Works of the Kuban state agrarian university. 2009 . T. 1 . No. 16. Page 72-77.

Bibliographic reference

Burdа A.G. Parameters expanded reproduction in farms at various norms of accumulation: mathematical modeling and computer experimenting. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24086 (22.02.2025).