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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Kaigorodtsev Alexandr A.

Research of the food safety mechanism from the system approach position allows presenting it as a totality of:

- organizational structures, forms and methods of management, and legislative norms, which are the means of realization of the economic laws coming into force under specific conditions, and of securing the production process at the agricultural sphere;

- cooperation between the interrelated elements in the form of economy subjects and their relationships;

- cooperating informational-analytical centers, carrying out the monitoring, assessment and development of management decisions concerning the food safety on macro-, mezzo- and micro-levels of the agro-ration system.

Main elements of the given system´s functioning and development mechanism are:

- state regalation of the economics;

- price mechanism;

- financial-credit mechanism;

- taxation system;

- economy and commertial accounting;

- production, labor and management organization at the agricultural complex enterprises;

- agromarketing.

Basing on all the aforesaid we suggest the following definition: a food safety mechanism - is a self-organizing system of economic agents (enterprises, organizations, households) with appropriate economic mechanisms of management and peculiar to the whole system social institutes, regulating the economic agents´ activity.

It is necessary to differ the system organizational-ecomonic mechanism on the whole from the functioning mechanisms of its single elements (subsystems).

Organizational-economic mechanism is a mechanism of the food security system adaptation to the changes in the environment.

When applied to the food security system subjects, the adaptive management mechanism is to be regarded as, „first of all, a search through the motivation mechanism of the most appropriate organizational-legislative form of management, enabling overcoming the crisis issues, and, secondly, such structural reformation of production provides a no-loss functioning" of the economic.

There are essential differences between the current functioning and development processes of food safety system. This is the reason of applying different approaches to the management of these processes, and to the integration of the both processes management in the framework of a single system.

Functioning mechanism defines the economic agents´ cooperation order with each other and with state organs, performing the food safety system management, where meanwhile the organizational-management, production-technological and finance-economic relations of the system subjects are formed.

Food safety system subjects start organizational-management relations, including the agricultural policy development and realization, definition of the rational composition of the participants of the technological chain "production - distribution - redistribution - consumption of the agricultural production", development of the legislative acts, regulating the economic agents´ activity, introduction of the amount and formation and application order of the food reserves.

Productive-technological relations touch directly upon the production cycle and become apparent through the division of labor and exchange of results between the agricultural sphere reproduction process participants.

Financial-economic relations become apparent during the process of production results exchange in industry and agriculture, distribution of the profit from the joint activity of the participants of reproduction process in agro-industrial complex, use of credit means for the agro-industrial complex managing subjects´ development.

Development mechanism of the food safety system is an aggregate of the elements of this system, carrying out the elaboration and realization of the purposeful activities and parameter, structure and features´ change procedures as a response to the external and internal environment factors´ influence, with the object of increasing the effectiveness of the system operating and development. In this regard it is possible to conclude, that the development mechanism is a mechanism of adaptation, allowing effectively taking into consideration the environment factors´ influence.

Food safety system development mechanism defines a number of requirements and peculiarities of the formation of its structures (purposeful, functional and organizational), which also have some prerequisites necessary for their fulfillment:

- to formulate the list of requirements to the system aims;

- to define the model of aims structuring;

- to reveal the purposeful function parameters;

- to carry out the qualitative and quantitative assessment of aims;

- to discover the development aims´ multitude in the food safety system aims´ multitude;

- to define the peculiarities of the system development aims´ formation and realization;

- to uncover the aim-realizing elements of the managing subsystem and the object of management;

- to determine the aim-defining process features;

- to design the composition and execution order of general management function;

- to consider the contents of the main stages of the food safety system´s organizational-economic development mechanism formation.

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Bibliographic reference

Kaigorodtsev Alexandr A. MECHANISM OF FOOD SECURITY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24099 (22.02.2025).