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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Kriulina A.A.

Under the conditions of modern world globalization mankind sets itself global tasks. One of them which is understood as the world without boundaries (in other context, "the earth is our common house") has not been solved yet. There is a paradox that the more this problem is discussed at different levels, the more it is opposed and even repelled.

Perhaps the conditions for realization of another global task such as "world without boundaries" seem to be more favorable. The basis for such a hope is the status of education. Firstly, it is social status of education which is considered to be the most important sphere of human daily living among the other 15 spheres underlined by culture experts. Secondly, it is cultural status connected with reserving and developing cultural human heritage.

In many scientific spheres it has become common to study different phenomena at three levels such as macrolevel, mesolevel and microlevel. The phenomenon "world without boundaries" mentioned above is not an exception. In our opinion the close interrelation of these three scales is determined by the process common for all these three ones. This process is as follows: exit and implementation of education beyond any boundaries. Each of the three scales has its own specific boundaries.

So, the boundaries of the first two scales are objective and quite evident. The essence of macrolevel is as follows a person gets education not in his native or home country but in a different one. Mesolevel is connected with all the situations while getting the second, third or further degrees when a person exits the educational area of a certain university. This exit beyond the objective boundaries is mostly connected with fulfilling some allowing documents, with covering a great distance in the objective expansion.

The peculiarity of microlevel is determined by subjective boundaries covered by a person. According to the Topological Theory of Personality by Kurt Lewin a boundary has been seen as an obstacle on the way of a person walking along his life road. Subjectivity consists of the following some people take something as an obstacle while others don't see the situation this way. It means that marking different internal and external objects as obstacles may differentiate at different people. As for the education, to overcome subjective boundaries means transition from education organized by different members of educational process to self-education.

Alongside with boundaries difference the levels under analysis are also different in type of socialization people usually face crossing some certain boundaries. Let's consider typology of socialization by social psychologists made according to the criterion activity/inactivity of a subject of socialization [Belinskaya E., Tikhomadritskaya О., 2001].

As for macrolevel and mesolevel socialization is of adaptation nature, more exactly intercultural adaptation thought as quite passive adapting to different cultural standards and traditions. Leaving our home state gives birth to a necessity to adapt to a different culture of a different ethnic group or groups in a case of multinational state. There appear a great number of problems which while being solved have discovered a new branch of Psychology that is Ethno Psychology.

Speaking about mesolevel we should say that adaptation to organized (corporative) culture of members of the educational process in other universities is common for this level. The whole complex of the problems connected with this type of adaptation is a common scientific field for culture experts, social scientists and psychologists. A person doesn't need a great activity at both levels: macrolevel and mesolevel. As specialists think, socialization and adaptation result from changes in social situation. "Backwards" takes place. But a person sometimes meets a situation when he needs to "foresee" the situation.

Socialization at microlevel is impossible without maximum of different activities. Socialization at this level is social designing. The essence of this type of socialization is clearly revealed through the constant processes of cognitive learning, understanding and interpretation both the social world and the introvert world of a person [Belinskaya E., Tikhomadritskaya О., 2001].

Microlevel gets a new additional peculiarity due to the appearance of Internet. Overcoming subjective boundaries is connected with overcoming territory boundaries within virtual reality when a person getting self-educated has a possibility to enter any world library.

To sum the analysis up we make the following conclusions:

  1. Solving the global task such as "world without boundaries" we should remember three levels of scientific analysis: macrolevel, mesolevel and microlevel.
  2. Differentiation of the mentioned above levels may be done according to two criteria: a type of a boundary which must be overcome (objective or subjective) and a type of socialization connected with passive adaptation or demanding activity from a subject of educational process.

Bibliographic reference

Kriulina A.A. THE LEVELS OF SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF THE PHENOMENON “EDUCATION WITHOUT BOUNDARIES” . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24106 (31.03.2025).