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This century - a time of global reforms. The current stage of modernization of education put forward higher requirements for the training of teachers. This should be a creative minded person, communicative leader who can effectively influence the audience. Therefore, a prerequisite professionalism of the teacher is the high culture of his speech and writing. According to the S.D. Yakusheva, speech culture - a culture of personality that develops on the basis of objectively existing links between language and cognitive processes, suggesting a sense of style, taste and erudition developed [1, p. 59].
The topicality of forming speech culture of the teacher in the profession is obvious. The obvious pedagogical value carries a speech culture of the teacher, which is a model of the native / non-native language, cultural voice of the younger generation. [2]
Why do need to say too much about the culture of the voice of the teacher?
1) Language teacher - is a professional weapon, a tool with which completes and submits all thought. Because the specifics of the teaching profession is the constant activity of contact with other people. The work is aimed at the formation of the teacher the student's personality, the production of certain rules of behavior, intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, specialized knowledge, but also the professional communication skills, which are based on speech culture, which includes the norm and verbal skills.
The normative aspect of speech is expressed in its grammatical correctness of conformity orthoepy, accentology, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax.
Feasibility of speech - its conformity qualities such as accuracy, consistency, relevance, clarity, conciseness, effectiveness, expressiveness.
2) The teaching profession requires a broad general education and high moral qualities and professional skills. It is common knowledge that the teacher must be a person who goes ahead of the general education special because every day he has to deal with a variety of the phenomena of life, and these phenomena teacher should properly assess, to take the right decision for them and to make sure their point of view, accessing it children.
3) Speech culture is not a private matter of the teacher, and social need. Teacher immoral prevent errors in his own speech, he verbal identity and communicative leader, said he not only remembered, but also repeatedly played back. Approved teacher speech errors discredit teacher education in general. If the error went unnoticed, the teacher is a guide barbarism.
4) It is necessary to talk about the culture of the teacher and speech and because the words spoken by the teacher, have a major psychological impact. For example: each actual element: greeting, handling, post lesson topics, staging evaluation, comment on the answer, praise and blame - should have its own specific voicing, targeting their perception of speech or action algorithms.
Violation of the rules of language teacher can cause a negative reaction on the part of the student.
5) Talking about the culture of the teacher should be the voice and because speech culture requires the ability not only to regulatory and better to build it, but to speak so that the source with the maximum fullness understood what was said. Volume of understanding - a reflection of the qualities of speech teacher.
Thus, from the above that the teacher should have a voice culture, that is not only understand the importance of all elements of the language (words, different types of sentences, intonation), but remember, as they use them in a literary language.
Formation of speech culture of the teacher is an important component in the development of his general culture. The notion of «speech culture» is the concept of «ideal speech» sample, according to which should be built right speech teacher.
That speech culture of the teacher largely determines the quality of the educational process creates favorable conditions for learning, education and development of students at all levels of education. In order to improve its voice culture, the teacher must constantly work on themselves, raising the level of general culture, which will undoubtedly contribute to the growth of his teaching skills, and therefore the success of professional teaching.
2. Kadyrova G.R., Maimakova A.D. Culture of Russian Speech: linguistic norms and business communication. Textbook for students of Kazakh branches of pedagogical universities. – Almaty: KazNPU Abay, 2013. – 252 p.
Maimakova A.D., Kadyrova G.R. SPEECH CULTURE OF TEACHER - BASIS OF PROFESSIONAL TEACHING. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24113 (22.02.2025).