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The innovations, which are implemented in the education today, require a new thinking for the medical university lecturers. The traditional methods to evaluate the students activities - at the final learning stage in particular - should go back to the past. The quality control for the future doctors training is a serious problem, and definitely on the state level [2]. The implementation of the quality control standards in the medical education system is determined by an objective evaluation of the students [2]. The European standards include the students evaluation as one of the most important components of this system [1].
Of all types of the examination approved by the federal state educational standard, the final certifying examination takes a special place. The general cultural and professional competences of the graduates are examined here. The examination involves a wide range of experts, both internal and external (lecturers of other universities, healthcare institutions, employers).
In developing the standard of the final certifying examination, it is necessary to determine the structure which is formed with determining the field of application, conceptual framework (thesaurus), general instructions of the standard, and the requirements on how to determine the objective-spatial environment, to hold an examination, to use the evaluation means related to the lecturer and student.
The professional medical education is based on the clinical disciplines (therapy, pediatrics, surgery), and the final certifying examination is an examination form for therapy and pediatrics students of the medical university. Developing the conceptual framework of the standard, it is necessary to provide the interpretation to such terms as ‘discipline', ‘clinical discipline', ‘exam', ‘test' and ‘test item', ‘interview', ‘case'.
The stages for the examination are as follows: Stage 1 - to pass a test, Stage 2 - to perform practical skills at a patient's bed, Stage 3 - to go through an interview based on the case. The requirements on how to organize the objective-spatial environment include the rules on how to choose the premises for the test control and technical facilities, how the students should behave in therapy, childcare, surgery units of the medical and preventive institutions when they are checked for the practical skills at the patient's bed, and how to hold the interview.
The requirements on how to organize the final certifying examination should consider the schedule for all stages, and the documentation needed to hold the exam. The content of the response should correspond to the requirements of the task received or question asked. The final certifying examination mark is put with due regard to the results of the test control, practical skills, and interview. The final mark can differ from the one for the practical skills and range within ± 1 mark (for a 5-mark grading system).
All evaluation means should be identified and kept in the conditions with no access for the persons not relating to the exam. The requirements to the mark should be unified.
In evaluating a response to the case, the lecturer should consider not only the knowledge of the facts in accordance with the discipline program and the knowledge of the modern literature, but also the style, structure, logics of the response, communication manners, speech culture, capability to give reasons for the response, readiness to hold a discussion, and proficiency for a clinical thinking.
2. Education Quality Control Standards for Medical University: Textbook / E.Yu. Vasileva, G. Massard, O.V. Enina et al. – Arkhangelsk: The Northen State Medical University Press, 2012/-283 p.
Makarova V.I., A.I. Makarov THE CONCEPT OF STANDARDIZATION FOR THE FINAL CERTIFYING EXAMINATION OF THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24114 (22.02.2025).