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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


“Charity” like victimilogical factor of small business (on the example of Siberian Federal District).
Milevich A.S.

Abstract. Actuality of this article shows purpose of the study: to find factors of victimization businessmen in small business in SFD. This article consider results of main exploration on identified factors of victimization: forcible charity. Sociological picks show the representativeness of exploration: In main exploration participated 487 businessmen, and in field study- 100.

The problem of social responsibility is not a novelty. It has explored in about 20 thesis over the last 5 years. Sociologists studied this problem less, but we can distinguish Buravtcova V.N. and Sukhanova K.L. [1,2].

This research studied specific aspect of "charity" like victimilogical factor preventing development of small business. Term "charity" was taken to the quotes by businessmen of pilot study who considers charity like forced action. Exploration went 2 steps: pilot and main. 100 businessmen attended pilot explorationand in main- 500 businessmen from 5 regions from Siberian Federal District(SFD). Was taken to the analysis of questionnaires: Altai Krai- 93(19,1%), Kemerovo region- 100(20,53%), Krasnoyarsk Territory- 94(19,3%), Novosibirsk region- 100(20,53%), Tomsk region-100 (20,53%). All in all we have 487 questionnaries, wich draw up 97,4%. (13 questionnaires were rejected).

The question was: "Do you do charity?", with "yes" and "no" answers. Analysis showed that there was no answer "no" anywhere. Clarifying question is " If "yes" and answers: "voluntarily only" (241 businessmen or 49,4%), "forcibly only" (107 businessman-22,0%), "voluntarily and forcibly" (28,5%), perform a social duty to society.

Analysis in region aspect characterizes not only businessman's ratio to charity, but regard relations of power and supervisory structures to the small business. Statistics shows that opinion of businessmen of all regions SFD is about the same. The same number of Krasnoyarsk an Tomsk regions businessmen help voluntarily (each to 9,2%). Socially responsible are businessmen of Altai Krai (10,7%) and Kemerovo Region (11,3%). Low voluntary capacity marked in Novosibirsk Region (9,0%).

The highest forcibly charity is in 3 regions: Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, respectively 5,1%, 4,9%, 4,7. In Tomsk Region (3,3%) and Altai Krai (3,9%) businessmen are less forced to the charity. Such answers might be principal attention to the small business pressure.

Analysis of all answers showed far cry in region aspect: frpm 4,1% to 8,0%. Great amount of such answers in worksheets of tomsk(8,0%) and Novosibirsk (6,6%) businessmen. In forcibly-volurantarily way do charity about 4,1% businessmen in Kuzbass,4,5% in Altai Krai and 5,4% in Krasnoyarsk Krai.

The explorer was interested in questions: "Who was helped voluntarily and who forcibly?". It was allowed to check all addresses. Among them was composed rating, where were included addresses repeating over 10 times. The first place took church- 212 answers. Politic stock- 98, councils of war veterans-69, pencioners-63, stocks for poor children-61, children's competitions- 59, clubs labor veterans-59, children's sport clubs-41, visiting children's competitions- 40, children's homes- 39, club "Memorial"-36, working employers- 34, native school- 33, ex-educators- 12, please epg- 10, club"400 years Tomsk"- 10, soldiers' moms- 10. 1056 voluntary charity deals were held by 241 businessmen (4,3 times a year). This voluntary help promotes partial decision of regions' problems.

How the practice shows businessmen help with application of pressure. The list of such help lead election campaignes- 156 answers. Holidays- 88, improvement of the city-82, children's homes-52, large families- 48, circus and zoo- 34, disabled-33, social shelters- 31, women's council- 19, club "Kind deal"-14, animal's shelters- 11, children's centers-10, donors-10. By the way, 246 businessmen forcibly helped 636 times- 2,5 times a year.

Exploration revealed "charity" like factor of victimization businessmen and showed that they stand by the term "charity" which given in Wikipedia: "Charity"- the practice of benevolent giving and caring." [3]. The officials consider businessmen charity like "reallocation of resources to the social problems", but it should be completed "without voluntariness".

1. Buravtsova V.N. Transformatsiya sotsialnoi otvetstvennosti biznesa v kontekste sotsialnogo partnerstva v rossiiskom obshestve: Avtoref…. dis. kand.sots. nauk. Krasnodar, 2011. 18 p.

2. Sukhanova K.L. Sotsialnay otvetstvennost binesa v usloviyakh modernizatsii rossiiskogo obshchestva: : Avtoref…. dis. kand.sots. nauk. . M., 2010. 24p

3. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.- http://ru/wikipedia.org/wiki

Bibliographic reference

Milevich A.S. “Charity” like victimilogical factor of small business (on the example of Siberian Federal District). . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24119 (22.02.2025).