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Despite the fact that in recent years there achieved remarkable results in the way of development of the activity of dialogue interaction in a multicultural communities, many developing and developed countries, presumably, aren't able to reach the level of conflict-free coexistence in the near future. These problems are researched by many of the well-known scientists, among them - N. Balabanova, V. Zhukov, V. Pylypenko [1], S. Grof, P. Russell [2] N. Sapp [3] E. Titarenko, I. Gorohova [5], etc.
Because of the existing social conditions of development we cansingle out three main problems. The first is the diversity of cultures in today's economic environment is erased those concepts that promote rationalization, standardization, measurability of the spiritual and ethical values. The second concerns the paucity of opportunities for a package of social services that would be fair to meet the basic needs of the representatives of the various sections of the population (including migrants, refugees and other protected categories, etc.). The third problem is related to the quality of education in socio-humanitarian sphere, its relevance to the realities of the social structure and its usefulness for young people as effective, productive and income-generating activities in adult life.To encourage the development of the activity of dialogue interaction between members of multicultural communities, it would be useful to explore alternative mechanisms in order to achieve it. We believe that it is necessary to empower socio-cultural educational component, not only for young people but also for the different sections of the population.
To the main qualities and characteristics that need to be developed, we can include the following: caring, empathy, tolerance, respect for the people of other cultures, a focus on common interests, reflection in the perception of the values of other cultures, both human achievements.
We believe that it is necessary to develop and promote social programs and projects aimed at promoting mutual respect and understanding. That's why it is necessary to know the regularities according to which the dialog interaction between the multicultural communities is an active development.
The interpretation of the regularities in the development dialogue interaction of representatives' multicultural communities can be reduced to the following points:
- generalculture creative activities through dialogue interaction increases the effectiveness and determination to achieve the goals of social development;
- representatives of those cultures that are considered to be more developed in a number of indicators such as science, education, employment, health, leisure, environment, public order, etc. A total of culture creation reduce the activity for the representatives of the less developed cultures could overcome cultural barriers and adapt to their new cultural environment;
- established leaders of developed cultures are the first among equals, the developmentof members of other cultures the multicultural community is impossible because of using coercion and abuses of the rights and freedoms;
- the development of the activity dialog interaction between members of multicultural communities dependon favorable environment in all the aspects, becauseif the representatives of one culture will be cut off from the communication, their development will stop and degrade;
- the emergence of a sense of unfairness and discrimination surrounding the representatives of the less developed cultures are socially constructed and confronts her activity in the dialog interaction.
As the patience of abuses on the part of other, sometimes less developed cultures, has certain limits, the regularities and conflicts will be born on the basis of misunderstandings. As indicated in the report of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century "Education: Hidden Treasure", the main danger is the appearance of the gap between the minority, able to adapt to this new way, the emerging world, and most of that is going to feel powerless to influence on the society. This gap entails not only the risk of failure of democracy, but also numerous riots [4, p. 60].
In today's society there is no reasonable sufficiency of resourcesto a dialog interaction solutions for many issues. Under reasonable sufficiency of resources we understand the totality of time, financial and human resources needed to meet the challenges of society as a whole. The amount of resources which has the repayment will always be inadequate and inefficient use, as it only locates the individual problem areas. We believe that solutions to disputes and conflicts between members of multicultural communities require a special strategy of building a conflict-cooperation, based on a peaceful dialogue, humanity, the unity of mankind.
And if the basis of this strategy has the core values that can be called universal, then we need to develop certain skillsfor each representative of that culture. These capabilities, in our opinion, are necessary for the construction of educational and social programs. Here they are:
1) the ability to adequately assess and think critically about the cultural heritage of the representatives of the people and the people living on the same grounds;
2) the ability to upgrade and transformation of the native culture;
3) the ability to self-comprehension of the best examples of world culture;
4) the ability of the organizations to encourage cognitive powers regarding the nature of multicultural space;
5) the ability to comprehend the values of other cultures to the development of a multicultural society in unity and harmony.
Educational and social programs which are built with the selected regularities, in our opinion, will help to consolidate the values of peace, solidarity, tolerance, responsibility, and respect for the rights of speakers of different cultures.
2. Grof S. The revolution of consciousness. Transatlantic Dialogue / S. Grof, Ervin Laszlo, P. Russell. – Moscow: AST, 2004. – 248 p.
3. Sapp N.N. Social dialogue in the environmental conflict / N.N. Sapp. - Kharkov: Publishing House of the "base", 1999. - 175 p.
4. Learning: The Treasure (Report of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century) / / care and education in international law and national legislation: Sb.dokumentov / Comp.: G.P.Shevchenko, S.F.Rashidov, S.S.Rashidova . - Lugansk: Publishing House "Noulizh," 2011. –P. 60-68.
5. Titarenko E.Y. Dialogue of Cultures: East - West / EY Titarenko, I.V. Gorohova / / Shodoznavstvo. – 2007. - № 38.–P. 160-167.
Moskalyova L., S. Gurov, Т. Gurova, O. Kanarova REGULARITY IN DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY DIALOGUE INTERACTION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES’ MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24120 (22.02.2025).