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At present drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking, drunkenness and alcoholism are among the most serious problems of our society and are a serious threat to public health, the economy, social sphere and legal order.
The results of sociological studies show increased interest in the younger generation to the consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS) - drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The increase of tolerance to them among young people is noticed. According to the official statistics, 4 million people in Russia consume narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances illegally, 62.4% of whom are under the age of 30 years. 350 thousand people are registered in drug dispensaries. 800 thousand people die every year from drug use. Age of children who start to use drugs has dropped from 17 to 11 years. The problem of drunkenness and alcoholism has also assumed alarming proportions in the past decade. The decrease in the age of first tests of tobacco smoking is marked.
In recent years, anabolic steroids are widespread among young people and athletes; it is strong substances and hormonal preparation, which have a negative impact on the human organism, especially in the central nervous system.
The problem of counteraction against involvement of population and especially young people and minors in the environment of dependent on narcotics is a burning question in most regions of Russia. Teenagers abuse drugs 7,5 times, and non-narcotic psychoactive substances 11,4 times more likely than adults.
A steady "rejuvenation" of drug addiction takes place. In Russia, the average age of first alcohol use among boys dropped to 12,5 years, among girls - up to 12,9 years, age of initiation to toxic and narcotic substances dropped respectively to 14,2 years for boys and 14,6 years for girls.
In addition to growing number of people who abuse drugs, the increase of the negative medical and social consequences of drug abuse is noticed. This is increased mortality at 7-11 times, increased in dozens of times the number of suicide attempts and drug related diseases, first of all AIDS.
According to international statistics, all diseases related to drug abuse, provide about 10% of all deaths and 20% of all hospital admissions. Moreover, at present about 40% of admissions to psychiatric hospitals are adolescents with the delinquent form of behavior in conjunction with narcotization and substance abuse. In such a way, based on the age characteristics of most drug addicts (13 years - 24 years), the future of the country is actually under threat.
The criminality among persons who abuse drugs and other psychoactive substances is very high. The internal affairs bodies reveal thousands of juveniles who have committed crimes under the influence of psychoactive substances.
Prevention of psychoactive substance abuse is a complex of social, educational, medical and psychological measures. They are aimed to identify and remove the causes and conditions conducive to the spread and psychoactive substance use, prevention of development and elimination of negative personal, social and health consequences of psychoactive substance abuse.
In international practice, there are following main models of prevention: medical, educational, and psychosocial.
The medical model provides basically informing the students about the negative consequences of taking drugs and other psychoactive substance for physical and mental health.
The educational model is based on the educational and pedagogical methods of activity of specialists of educational institutions and is aimed at the formation of children and young people the knowledge of the social and psychological consequences of drug addiction, so that they can consciously refuse to accept the psychoactive substances.
Psychosocial model is aimed at the development of specific psychological skills of confrontation group pressure and conflict resolution; it also focused on the formation of skills to make the right choice in a situation supply of drugs.
The real drug situation in the country and society's need for fundamental change in it dictate the necessity of a comprehensive, conceptually meaningful approach to solving the problem of preventive care to prevent drug use and the development of drug addiction. Active preventive measures should be based on the methodology of forming among children and youth conceptions about human values, healthy lifestyles, preventing involvement into narcogenic situation; on the development of children and youth as well as those, who have taken the first tests of psychoactive substances, skills of active psychological protection from involvement in narcotization and anti-social activities (primary, secondary and tertiary prevention); on early identification and diagnosis of drug addiction, and on rehabilitation of children and youth returning from narcotic environment to normal life (secondary and tertiary).
Pronin A.A. The social and legal provision of narcotic security in Russia. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24130 (11.03.2025).