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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Analysis of the principles of modern management in improving governance in the marketplace
Semenova I.V.

The term "management" is derived from the English word «management» and literally translates as management, superintendence, organization. Russian word "administration" and the English "management" are not unique. For, under the commonly understood as the process of distribution and movement of resources in an organization with a predetermined goal, according to a predetermined plan, and with continuous monitoring of performance. Management is a set of methods, principles, tools and forms of government organizations to improve their performance. The concept of "management" is used in the application to business organizations (firms, enterprises), which operate in market conditions. Management involves the management of not only formal but also informal organizations formed and valid.

The main objective of management - to achieve the desired results on the basis of coordination of actions of many people, so not every administration is management.Management - is primarily a commercial activity (business) group or the workforce. Some call management "business management through the filigree work with people." Management is primarily a process of managing people who carry out production and economic activity in the market. However, this word is understood broadly. For example, in an American dictionary management is treated as an administrative unit (control unit) power and the art of administration, a way of dealing with people, a special kind of abilities and skills of experts.

Modern management is looking to the future, one of its main objectives - the creation of prerequisites and conditions for economic growth of the firm. Accordingly, it is based on the following principles:

1. Basically scientific - theoretical underpinnings of the relation of objectives and results, understanding the differences between theory and practice, knowledge of the properties of large systems and methods of work in them.

2. The principle of consistency and comprehensiveness - the ability to see the manager of the most significant set of interrelated and interdependent subsystems of the firm (for example, in Japan, "the subsystem lifetime employment", "subsystem of training in the workplace", "subsystem job rotation", "subsystem reputation", "subsystem wage", which complement each other and provide increased productivity, living standards and staff motivation, the economic growth of the whole country).

3. The principle of unity of command and collegiality in decision-making (for the implementation of joint decision-making personally responsible head of the organization).

4. The principle of democratic centralism - means the need for a rational combination of centralized and decentralized principles in management, balance of rights and responsibilities between management and employees, a violation of this balance leads to either autocracy in management, or to mob rule (mob rule).

5. The principle of balance of power (Basic Law: the level of impact of the head on the slave is the degree of dependence of subordinates from the head).

6. The principle of optimal combination of industry (the interests of the firm) and territorial interests (environment, employment, social, cultural, ethnic and economic problems of the regions).

7. The principle of priority, taking into consideration the importance of milestones.

8. The principle of optimal combination of positive synergistic with the activities of the company (through a common interest in the outcome of labor) and healthy competition (competition) among its members.

9. A permanent record of psychological, age, gender, cultural and ethnic characteristics of the workers and their motivation.

Thus, management today - is constant change and continuous improvement. Experts believe that there is no perfect model and a unified management. For each firm management is unique. There are only general rules and elements that are generally used by all.

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2. A. Bolshakov Management / Study Guide. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2012

3. Heine P. The economic way of thinking. - Moscow: Novosti, 2010

Bibliographic reference

Semenova I.V. Analysis of the principles of modern management in improving governance in the marketplace. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24137 (22.02.2025).