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In the conditions of market economy as guarantee of survival of the agricultural enterprises their steady financial position serves. Financial stability of the enterprise is predetermined by influence of set of internal and external factors.
Difficult predicted changes of economic policy of the government, inflation, unbalance of the market belong to factors of environment, political instability.
Factors of environment are subdivided into two main groups: direct and indirect influence. In case of change in factors of direct influence the agricultural producer can doubly react: it can reconstruct the internal environment and begin policy, as active adaptation, and to policy of counteraction. The agricultural organizations are compelled to adapt for factors of indirect influence as much as possible the purposes, tasks, structure, technology, the personnel.
Internal factors are dependent and therefore the enterprises by means of influence on these factors can correct the financial stability.
The first group of internal factors is formed by organizational and administrative factors which define the purposes and strategy of development of the enterprise: improvement of organizational structure and management structure; optimization of structure of employees of the enterprises for quantity and professionalism; effective use of work of workers, labor productivity increase; improvement of level of management; increase of culture of the enterprise and its reputation; marketing improvement.
The second group of internal factors, by influence on which it is possible to increase financial stability of the enterprise, it is presented by production factors where enter: volume, range, structure, quality of production; prime cost, security with the fixed and current assets and level of their use; existence and infrastructure degree; production ecology.
The third group of the factors directed on increase of financial stability of the enterprises, financial and economic factors form. Increase of financial stability of the enterprises within this group possibly in the following directions: constant financial analysis of activity of the enterprise; solvency increase; optimization of structure of property and sources of its formation; optimization of a ratio of own and borrowed funds; profitability and profitability increase.
Enterprise self-financing - a basis of his independence and independence also is provided by economy of resources and carrying out flexible expensive and price policy. However it isn't always favorable to enterprise to finance the activity only at the expense of own means, attraction of borrowed funds is necessary. One of the key directions of growth of financial stability of the enterprise - increase of its profitability and profitability. Growth of profitability of the enterprise promotes implementation of expanded reproduction, opportunity to answer according to the obligations, growth of level of profitability that increases financial stability of the enterprise. Thus, influencing internal factors, the enterprises will be able to increase the financial stability and, therefore, to provide a worthy place in the market.
It should be noted that for providing a sustainable development of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises such factors, as an employment rate of country people, educations and qualifications of shots, operating conditions of social and engineering infrastructure in the village, level of the income of the population, including rural, including social privileges and payments, change of a ratio of number of urban and country people, etc. have essential impact.
All destabilizing factors of stability of development of agriculture can be divided on objective and subjective. Objective include: imperfection of financial, monetary, credit, tax systems, regulatory and legislative base of reforming of economy; rather high rate of inflation; unforeseen changes in production process (physical and obsolescence of the equipment, cars and mechanisms), development and deployment of new technologies, ways of the organization of the work, unforeseen changes in the intraeconomic relations, problems of financial stability, solvency.
To the subjective factors relating directly to managing, the insufficient skill level of administrative shots and experts, incompetent work of divisions, non-compliance with contracts, mistakes in decision-making belong: decrease in sales volumes because of bad studying of demand, lack of advertizing, a marketing network, decrease in output; decrease in quality and production price; big debts, mutual non-payments, etc. The analysis of influence of internal and external threats showed that destructive influence of the internal factors which have caused disorder of economy as a whole and agro-industrial complex, in particular, appeared much more large-scale, than external.
Snegiryovа N. V. The factors influencing development of the enterprises of agriculture. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24142 (11.03.2025).