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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Solodovichenko L.N.

Arts education and creative activity of an individual in modern society contain multi-level context of interaction. At the same time, we see negative developments against cultural heritage and against culture in total. The necessity of constant developing of social structures predetermines employment of multi-cultural approach in practical arts education contributing to gain of intercultural tolerance among people.

The issues raised above require studies at various angles. In 2010 under the aegis of UNESCO the World Conference on Arts Education took place in Seoul. Participants of the Conference have enunciated the necessity to «encourage recognition of the social and cultural well-being dimensions of arts education including: - the value of a full range of traditional and contemporary arts experiences, - the therapeutic and health dimensions of arts education; - the potential of arts education to develop and conserve identity and heritage as well as to promote diversity and dialogue among cultures, - the restorative dimensions of arts education in post-conflict and post-disaster situations» [1]. The Seoul Conference Analytical Report, in preparation of which the author had had direct participation, revealed the value of both traditional and contemporary experiences in the Republic of Kazakhstan [2]. The key idea of the Report lay in apprehension of national traditions and rapprochement of cultures. Because one can learn to truly appreciate one's own culture only after visiting another culture. This defines the need for studying ethnical arts education taking as basis the idea of unity of worldwide art culture and distinctiveness of ethnic cultures.

Certain components of this problem are considered in the discipline of Ethnopedagogics, which «reflects a new conceptual approach to Ethnopedagogics as a science and art of education, systematizes the spiritual resources of people's pedagogics, characterizes and unfolds the essence of people's education in miscellaneous confessional societies, and identifies their panhuman values» [3]. The problems of theoretical basis of ethnopedagogics, ethnodidactics and national arts education in the context of contemporary education system have been thoroughly elaborated by researchers in Russia and Kazakhstan [4-5].

The Czech pedagogic dictionary defines the term of «Ethnopedagogics» as «pedagogical discipline concerned with education of ethnic minorities» [6]. We believe that this definition does not fully reveal the cognitive capacities of Ethnopedagogics. On the other hand, Czech scientists successfully study the sanative aspects of arts education: art-therapy and artefiletics. Art-therapy and artefiletics have two common areas: regarding the objective and regarding the methods. Artefiletics differs from art-therapy in that it is not intended for mind treatment, but for (1) education; (2) development of visual cogitation; (3) cultivation of creative abilities of individuals [7-8].

Our article discusses artefiletics techniques in reference to ethnic arts education in modern communication environment. Artefiletics as an experimental system in ethnic arts education is a preventive tool against the problems of contemporary society, a tool designed for proper development of individual's visual culture and ergonomic design of social space.

1. Second World Conference on Arts Education, 2010. http://www.unesco.org/ new/en/culture/themes/creativity/arts-education/world-conferences/2010-seoul.

2. Arts Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Perception of the National Traditions and Rapprochement of the Cultures: Research Paper. Available in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages – UNESCO Moscow Office, 2010; UNESCO Almaty Office, 2010; Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 2010. 54 p.

3. Etnopedagogika. http://e-kitaptar.com.

4. Volkov G.N. NII Etnopedagogiki. http://www.nii-etno.ru.

5. Yershova L.V. Stanovleniye nepreryvnoy sistemy etnokhudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya v Rossii: teoriya i praktika: diss. doktor pedagogicheskikh nauk. Moskva, Rossiya, 2006. 449 s.

6. Prucha J., Walterova E., Mares J.: Pedagogicky slovnik, 2001. S. 60.

7. Sickova-Fabrici J. Zaklady arteterapie. Praha: Portal, 2002. 167 s.

8. Slavikova V., Slavik J., Hazukova H. Vytvarne carovani: artefiletika pro predskolaky a mladsi skolaky. Praha: PF UK, 2000. 178 s.

Bibliographic reference

Solodovichenko L.N. MODERN-DAY TENDENCIES OF ARTS EDUCATION IN CZECK REPUBLIC AND KAZAKHSTAN . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24144 (31.03.2025).