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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Stukalenko N.M.

There is o lot of documents concerning the education sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are: RK law "About Education", Education Development State Program up to 2010, RK President N.A. Nazarbaev message for the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan is working towards rapid economic, social and politic modernization", Convention recommendations concerning technical and professional education, High Education World Conference Declaration, UNESCO recommendations concerning non-stop education etc. The above mentioned documents are the evidence of the fact that  World Community is anxious about Ecology-oriented Education Problems, which are close to every country of the world. These problems are caused by ineffective ecological approach for the education, by the drawbacks of intellectual, personnel and moral development of the youth. Moreover the education system is not ready to form the ecology-oriented mentality of a person or the whole society in the spirit of human values, tolerance and cooperation [1: 2].

As education is closely connected with the formation of Personal Ecology-oriented awareness, it can overcome negative trends in social development. The teacher has always played the main role in this sphere. He is a competent professional who knows much about ecology-oriented up-bringing. He is a creative personality, who can organize Complete Pedagogical Process Ecologization and improve his knowledge and skills.

The main aim of the training on various levels is to help the teacher to develop the ecology-oriented knowledge and the ability to solve questions which deal  with his professional duties. These questions are dealt in terms of ecology-oriented education and student's up-bringing strategic realization in practice. Since we could not  solve any ecology-oriented problem without qualified personnel, teaching the ecology-oriented ideas and deep systematical approaches, ecology-oriented education, according to "Kazakhstan 2030" strategy, is becoming an urgent question aimed at the new ecology-oriented mentality formation. For the benefit of mankind ecology-oriented education is to give new knowledge, new morality and system of values. People have increased their consumption in a way that leads to over-wasting the suppliers of biosphere. It is necessary for the new generation of Kazakhstan to join the world movement for firm development, which includes: purposeful future construction, harmony in social-economic processes for the benefit of present - day and future generations. Environment is the most important problem for the mankind nowadays [2: 4].

Interaction between nature and society, improvement of the human environment became acute and urgent questions under scientific and technical progress. Serious ecological crisis which hit our planet and changed people's attitude to the nature, made them think over all achievements of world civilization. Is it possible for mankind to survive? The answer to this question depends on the level of ecology-oriented up-bringing and people's ecology-oriented awareness. It is schoolchildren, who are to be the leaders in future can save humanity and prevent people degradation or destruction. That is why we must take into account the ecological crisis and counteract it with the help of education. As a result modern teachers must be ready to teach ecology at school. Reforming the targets and present-day education essence, as a social institute, is one of the main conditions of the stable development. We should realize that social ecology-oriented education is based on the fact that neither mankind knowledge of nature, nor its present in it can replace ecology-oriented information. That is why ecology-oriented education must have the leading status.

The main aims of ecology-oriented education are the formation of People Ecology-oriented Awareness and developing their responsibility for the environment. This attitude is based on the idea which helps to follow moral and legal principles of the environment, to teach the ideas of optimization and to know how to study and protect their country and how to renew natural resources. These demands will be realized only then when we begin to teach our children to be responsible for the environment. We should also elaborate vital principles of nature salvation. As it is known, the main factors of child, s attitude to the environment are: knowledge of nature, teaching ecology at school and mass media. Ecology at school is the main factor which enables to give firm coordinated systematic knowledge.

Teaching and training process forms the appropriate schoolchildren's attitude to the nature. During this process they study social values.  Schoolchildren's positive attitude to the environment is a purposeful process and needs a systematic approach. Teachers plan and organize socially useful work for the pupils to protect our environment. We should train teachers to form ecology-oriented up-bringing among students through cognition, experience, creative work, research in practice, study of local lore and sport activities. The teacher who takes a great interest in environment protection and is ready to work in this sphere can teach students appropriate attitude to nature.

Future Teachers Ecology-oriented Training Organization is a part of their professional training which enables them to solve very important problems. They are: future specialist's ecology-oriented awareness development and their assurance of the necessity to protect nature and prepare their students for it. Teachers ecology-oriented training is an important problem in realization of non-stop ecology-oriented education one of the proprieties of our society development. This is confirmed by the fact that every contemporary school needs a teacher who knows his subject. Moreover he must be able to teach their students to love nature and people. However, people are not ready for substantial methodological components of the contemporary pedagogical education, which are unable to provide positive grout of ecology-oriented awareness. We need new systematic approach to the ecology-oriented teachers training, new methodological, theoretical and didactic basics of content and method construction, their ecology-oriented training and ecology-oriented awareness development. Ecology-oriented training process is not yet thoroughly analyzed. Pedagogical universities have very little data to solve this program. Moreover they do not use their chance to train ecology for the future teachers [3: 12].

Educational institutions do not take into account the question concerning teacher's ecology-oriented training level increase. Methodological work in different kinds of pedagogical groups does not embrace a subject of teacher's ecology-oriented awareness development and of perfection their pedagogical craft to teach and bring up students. The contradictions shown below are getting worse because education system on present-day of its development has general methodological and pedagogical problems. They are: ecologization process in all spheres of modern society is deteriorating and teachers ecology-oriented training problems are insufficient elaborated; necessity to improve student ecology-oriented awareness and low quality of this training in reality; the possibility of systematic teacher's ecology-oriented training and their real professional ability to teach students ecology. Teacher's ecology-oriented training is the most difficult task of our education system. One of the most important aspect of the personality formation in XXI century are teachers who competent enough to teach ecology. Moreover they must be able to bring up the strong generation with new ecology-oriented awareness and new ecology-oriented mentality. The systematic approach to the teacher's ecology-oriented training on every stage of non-stop pedagogical education is the solution of this problem. We can regard this approach as the most important means to increase the level of teacher's ecology-oriented awareness, to improve their knowledge and skills for students, ecology-oriented up-bringing.

1. RK High Pedagogical Education Concept. – Astana, 2005.

2. Republic of Kazakhstan ecology-oriented education concept. – Almati, 2001.

3. Ecology-oriented education program. – Almati: RIK KAO after the name of I. Altinsarin, 2000.

Bibliographic reference

Stukalenko N.M. ABOUT ECOLOGY–ORIENTED EDUCATION PROBLEMS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24146 (22.02.2025).