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Ensuring quality of education at diverse ways of the solution of this problem is determined by the identity of the teacher and level of his professionalism that defines need for the highly qualified pedagogical staff possessing a complex of professional and important personal and business qualities. In the conditions of modernization of educational systemthe problem of realization of potential of the personality in pedagogical activity demands scientific reconsideration and improvement of process of practical realization.
Variable opportunities for a choice of an individual way of self-development of the teacher are defined by the educational sphere of professional education possessing considerable potential of personal and professional development and being not only a condition, but also means of self-development. This is the integrative professional developing educational sphere based on idea of level integration. This environment possessing property of integrity and organized by the principle of variability as unities of variety represents system of the opportunities responding of self-development of the teacher.
Integration of professional and developing educational environment of a secondary and highprofessional education establishment is carried out at methodological, structural and functional, substantial levels.
The basis of methodological level of integration professional and developing educational sphere of higher education institution and college is made by synthesis of system, synergetic, environmental, personal and activity, ecological and psychological, competence-based approaches. The marked interconnected approaches correspond to essence and character of the integrative educational sphereas complete system. At the first, philosophical level there is a system approach. Base of the second, general scientific level, synergetic approach makes, at the level of psychological and pedagogical sciences there are environmental, personal and activity, ecological and psychological, competence-based approaches.
Structural and functional level of integration professional and developing educational sphereis characterized by interaction, interpenetration of educational environments of different levels of the organization and the various functional accessory which plurality forms integrity of the educational sphere of the particular educational institution interacting with external educational environment in a broad meaning. Such educational spherein interrelation of forming structural and functional components influences as a unit to a process of personal and professional self-development of the teacher.
Substantial level of integration professional and developing educational sphere of higher education institution and college is organized as association of variable opportunities of developing resources. Communications and the relations between them have cooperating character. Possibilities of personal and professional self-development of the teacher considerably supply resources of informative educational spheres which provide use of modern information and communication technologies and transition to open educational system.
The integrative professional developing educational sphere of educational institution of system of professional education includes the following interconnected components interacting with surrounding sphere:
- the material component is considered as set of subject and material conditions of the sphere;
- the substantial and methodical component defines providing of developing opportunities of the sphere and the organization of scientific and methodical maintenance of process of personal and professional self-development of the teacher;
- thesocial and communicative component as the social organization of the sphere defines interaction of subjects of educational process and character of their relationship.
Thus, the integrative educational sphere is in essence a set of situations in which opportunities for a choice of the direction and the content of personal and professional self-development of the teacher are defined. This is a creativefunctionofthissphere.
Ushakov А. А. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE INTEGRATIVE PROFESSIONALDEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL SPHERE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24153 (22.02.2025).