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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Self-realization of technical interpreter as a lingustic personality in further engineering education
Valeeva N.Sh., Pivkin S.D.

An opportunity to learn foreign languages by a future specialist in further education polytechnic schools provides him with inviting prospects for meeting his vocational needs as well as for his growth as a more developed personality. Essentially, this is a response to the challenges of the time which permits the experts to speak of individual's growth as a self-managing and self-developing personality in his utmost self-expression.

The linguistic education more than ever before puts an emphasis on the personality of a student which calls for a priority of the productive cognitive activity over the reproductive one in the vocational training. Thus the former activity prevails in the training of technical interpreters in further education polytechnic schools as it requires originality in learning foreign languages for the engineering studies.

In further engineering education the teaching of foreign languages becomes an important component in the strategy aiming to disclose the sense and the perspective for the self-development of the individual as a linguistic personality.

The self-realization of the linguistic personality is a necessary step to in-depth study the profound qualities of the individual aspiring to realize his inner potential through the use of linguistic knowledge and experience. When seeking the sense of living the world and the man are represented as multiple texts. The individual intends to solve mysteries that the language and the text contain and by doing so to better understand himself and the world around him. Understanding of the textual world and the textual man becomes one of the most complex objectives of the linguistic education nowadays.

In the multilingual world the linguistic personality is considered as being capable of building up his cast of mind using languages thoughtfully and profoundly and is represented as a multicultural linguistic personality. The true multicultural linguistic personality is a phenomenon of the contemporary culture as well as its symbolic manifestation. This concept envisages the spiritual self-development of the said personality enabling him to look into his inner world and by doing so to express his outlook on the outer world and himself as well as to disclose his inner world.

The study of linguistic personality's self-realization in the academic and vocational activity permits not only to answer the question how the contemporary linguistic education ensures mastering of foreign languages, specific trade-oriented sublanguages and cultures by a learner but to relate this to the self-development of a linguistic personality when training at a higher school.

The contemporary linguistic education provides sufficient tools for revealing students' potential and setting prospects for their growth as potentially more significant personalities. And this takes place in the developing environment which calls for: a) creating conditions for students' self-identification and self-development; b) simulating the productive activity when learning languages and cultures; c) setting creative tasks aiming to discover facts of culture in other peoples' life; d) placing an emphasis on students' reflexive self-assessment and self-management; e) collaborating in the creative learning process .

The academic activity ensures stepwise achieving the learning goals when creating: 1) motives for studies, 2) communicating and cognitive environment, 3) problem solving contexts, 4) problem solving patterns and techniques, 5) transfer of the knowledge and skills acquired by a learner to a new context and 6) reflexive monitoring students' advancement in the academic activity [4]. In particular this framework of the academic activity is of great importance when learning foreign languages takes place in further education polytechnic schools.

The engineering training combined with the linguistic background provides a necessary tool for the self-perfection of a personality in the format of a complete text and symbols of cultural diversity that enables him to fully express himself as a unique personality.

The self-development of a personality becomes evident for student's growth in the academic activity also in monitoring his advancement in the studies. The above approach affects the dynamism of student's self-growth in the specific field of study enabling him to realize his potential in the professional career and life using the language as a tool not only for the self-training but for the self-perfection when mastering his trade at a higher school.

Bibliographic reference

Valeeva N.Sh., Pivkin S.D. Self-realization of technical interpreter as a lingustic personality in further engineering education . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24154 (01.04.2025).