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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Volzhanova O., Karmanchikov A.

The importance of the problem of gender self-identification of a child as a boy or a girl is one of the current issues. Modern school is mainly aimed at educating girls. The following things can serve as a confirmation of this thesis:  teaching staff, almost completely composed of women; the words "student", "students" imply gender impersonal definitions.

The development of gender loyalty, understanding of the necessity to consider the  abilities to determine personal life strategy and understanding of the importance of communication skills to establish partnership relations  and to work constructively with people, without losing one's own  gender identity and  without disturbing the gender identity of other people, all  these things contribute to a more effective socialization and creation of conditions for achieving compliance with the natural endowments of a child and the degree of his/her self-actualization in maturity.

Before you start bringing up gender loyalty in children, it is advisable to create the conditions for understanding and positive perception of the differences that are defined by social mission of a boy and a girl. The gender pedagogy is based on the feminist concept of gender equality and rests on the same principles and approaches.

At present two basic strategies of gender education aimed at implementing separate and mixed education are considered. At the same time the third strategy that supposes the synthesis of the first two is allocated as well. This strategy (the strategy of differentiation) is characterized by a specific activity of the teacher who shows different approaches to male and female students in a mixed group.

This strategy, in fact, tests new administrative technologies in educational process, examines the possibility of creating the infrastructure to manage this process on new principles. The objective of this control is the formation of gender identity as a component of education of free individualities of boys and girls.

Gender purposes of a society depend on its needs, their specificity is largely determined by cultural differences of the environment they are formed in. For this reason, we offer two paradigms of gender education: education in the spirit of the existing in every culture idea of male and female mission - it is the patriarchal paradigm of gender education, and education targeted at overcoming the stereotypes - it is an egalitarian paradigm.

Focusing on an egalitarian paradigm brings a new vision of family life, increases a sense of social responsibility of a person, and gives possibilities for self-realization of women and men in their new capacity. Trends in the development of society can predict the expansion of the zone of influence of this paradigm.

The promotion of the patriarchal paradigm leads to the cultivation of stereotypes of previous epochs, restriction of individual freedoms and his desire for self-actualization, exclusion of certain social groups from the sphere of decision-making.

Feminist and gender trends in pedagogy are at the stage of formation, changes are needed in everyday human interaction. It is necessary to develop a holistic concept of gender education and formation of mechanisms of gender culture.

In contemporary conditions, when personal characteristics of a man becoming crucial for the development of a society, the role of educational activities is of particular importance. In addition to traditional questions: "What to teach?" and "How to teach?", the question "Who teaches?" that was non-traditional for the pedagogy sounds very urgent. The personality of a teacher becomes the factor that determines the trajectory of future society.

Preparation of professional teachers in the sense of the significance for the security of society is becoming more important. Gender self-identification of a teacher has become a significant component of his success in professional and personal spheres.

Typological characteristics of an individual allow us to understand the underlying causes of his behavior and the way of thinking, to identify the prevalence of certain stereotypes. Gender identity is only a part of the typological characteristic of an individual. However, gender aspect plays an important role in the formation and development of a free, creative personality, able to interact effectively with other personalities.

Social stereotypes considering a man as a holder of a logical mind, and a woman using mostly emotional style, are not valid, such classification is often misleading. Men can be illogical, emotional, and women may be logical, precise.

Gender stereotypes hinder the identification of the style of thinking, and psychological characteristics of an individual, creating difficulties in the process of gender identity.

In solving practical problems the style of thinking, ways of communication, mutual understanding of individuals involved in finding a solution to the problem are of great significance.

Our studies show that in the case of an impersonal discussion of the problem, it is difficult to determine who suggested this or that idea or solution, a man or a woman. Classification of solutions in accordance with the prevailing gender stereotypes is much simpler. For example, these solutions were offered by men (they are more logical and reasonable), but those solutions (that are more emotional, ergonomic) were suggested by women. If you take into account the styles of thinking, then there is a higher compliance.

Thus, the development of gender self-identification direction in pedagogy is predicted to be used in personality typology to identify the psychological characteristics of a personality, style of thinking, and to determine the influence of gender stereotypes in society, that enhance or smooth personal characteristics of the individual.

Bibliographic reference

Volzhanova O., Karmanchikov A. PREDICTION OF GENDER SELF-IDENTIFICATION DEVELOPMENT. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24155 (22.02.2025).