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Meksidol possesses a wide range of biological activity, as well as the majority of medicines [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. The preparation increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia.
Research objective. Influence studying мексидола on cerebral haemo dynamics in the conditions of experimental pathology.
Research methods. Influence studying мексидола in experiment on influence on dynamics of change of the volume speed of a brain blood-groove (VSBBG) carried out a method of hydrogen clearance. For definition of autoregulyatorny reactions of vessels of a brain carried out the dosed arterial hypotension (a step hemotransfusion from the subsequent reinfuziy blood to arterial system). Extent of autoregulyatorny reactions determined by set of changes of VSBBG and the resistance of vessels of a brain (RVB). At decrease in the arterial pressure (AP) to 40 mm hg made a bilateral okklyuziya of carotids. After ischemia and a blood reinfuziya in arterial system VSBBG registration against step decrease the AP was carried out. AP registered in the general carotid, in the conditions of experimental norm by means of the mechanical manometer. As an anesthesia used chloralgidrate in a dose of 300 mg/kg of weight of an animal. The received results processed standard methods of statistics.
Results of research and their discussion. Meksidol entered vnutribryushinno in a dose of 5 and 20 mg/kg. Reference values of AP, VSBBG and RVB were respectively equal in check experiments: 122,5±3,5 mm рт.ст, 103,7±7,4 ml/100g/min and 1,35±0,36 mm hg/ml/100g/min. After brain ischemia in check experiments observed a characteristic phase of tserebrovaskulyarny post-ischemic phenomena - a phase of a jet giperemiya and a phase of the delayed hypoperfusion. In all experiences the first 5 min the post-ischemic period the increase in VSBBG was observed, and in 6 of 8 experiences for 15 min the post-ischemic period of VSBBG was above initial indicators for 17-20%. By 30 min RVB that led to decrease in VSBBG increased. By 45-60 min indicators of VSBBG and RVB had statistically significant shifts in comparison with basic data, however the AP changed slightly. Meksidol smoothed a phase of a jet giperemiya as at preventive, and therapeutic introduction, however at preventive introduction in a dose of 5 mg/kg, for 15 min VSBBG decreased by 39% authentically in relation to initial level. By 60 min the VSBBG level was below initial level for 26%. The preparation in a dose of 20 mg/kg at therapeutic introduction leveled a phase of hyper perfusion and prevented a hypoperfusion phase during the studied period of 60 min.
Conclusion. Meksidol in a dose of 20 mg/kg in the post-ischemic period authentically reduced dynamics of speed of volume speed of a brain blood-groove in a hyper perfusion phase on the average by 25-30%, maintained stability of a blood-groove in a hypoperfusion phase, reduced the arterial pressure upon 15-20%, and reduced resistance of vessels of a brain on the average by 30-35%.
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7. Joint application of actovegine and cavintone at a stroke / A.V. Arlt, M.N. Ivashev, I.A. Savenko // International journal of applied and basic researches.–2013.– № 7.– P. 85 – 86.
8. Influence of GAMK and piracetam on brain blood circulation and neurogenetic mechanisms of its regulation / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // Pharmacology and toxicology.-1984.- № 6.- P.40-43.
9. Influence of katadolone on a brain blood flow / U.S. Strugovshik, A.V. Arlt, I.A. Savenko, M.N. Ivashev // Successes of modern natural sciences.–2013.– № 3.– P. 142.
10. Influence of preduktale and trimetazidine on a brain blood-groove / A.V. Arlt [et al.] // Pharmacy. – 2007.- №2. – P.32-34.
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Arlt A.V., Savenko I.A., Ivashev M.N. MEKSIDOL´S INFLUENCE ON BRAIN BLOOD CIRCULATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24181 (22.02.2025).