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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Ivashev M.N., Sergienko A.V.

The clinical pharmacology represents discipline which is necessary in practical work of the doctor at purpose of preparations for patients [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13].

Research objective. To show need of interaction of the clinical pharmacologist and the practical medical employees.

Research methods. Analysis of the main educational programs.

Results of research and their discussion. The clinical pharmacology is taught on older years in medical higher educational institutions. However and after completion of training at medical university, academy and institute it is desirable for practical doctor to update constantly an information field of knowledge of the pharmacological characteristic of medicines arriving on the pharmaceutical market. Considering that load of the practical doctor in hospitals, policlinics is quite high, rates of the clinical pharmacologist now are entered.

The clinical pharmacologist helps, advises the doctor at the choice of the most effective and safe medicine for effective therapy of the corresponding disease. The clinical pharmacologist has to understand a wide range of preparations which can and have to be applied at various diseases in urological, cardiological, ophthalmologic, gynecologic and others the practician which are present at a type of offices in clinics. Interaction of the clinical pharmacologist with practical doctors of medical institutions allows to optimize and expenses of these establishments on purchase of highly effective and safe medicines.

Clinical bases on which chairs of clinical pharmacology of the relevant state medical universities are located, academies and institutes, are in more favorable conditions in case of close interaction of teachers of clinical pharmacologists with practical doctors. Participation of professional clinical pharmacologists in meetings of practical doctors, with experience of teaching to students, allows to find in big percent of cases consensus in a right choice of medicine at therapy of a concrete disease in a concrete clinical case.

Conclusion. The clinical pharmacologist and practical doctors can and have to cooperate in the field of a lekarstvovedeniye with an ultimate goal of treatment of diseases or simplification of conditions at patients.

1. Biological activity of the connections received by a synthetic way / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // Basic researches.–2012.– № 7.– Part.2.– P. 441-444.

2. Clinical pharmacology of medicines, for HIV therapy – an infection in educational process / A.V. Arlt [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. – 2012. - №8. – P.43 – 47.

3. Clinical pharmacology of antiulcer preparations in educational process of students / E.E. Zatsepina [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. – 2012. - №8. – P.48 – 49.

4. Clinical pharmacology of peroralny sakharosnizhayushchy medicines in training of students of pharmaceutical higher education institutions / A.V. Sergienko [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. – 2012. - №10. – P.17 – 20.

5. Clinical pharmacology of antiepileptic means in educational process of students / T. A. Lisenko [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. - 2012. - № 12-1. - P. 19-22.

6. Clinical pharmacology of antiarrhytmic medicines in training of students / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. - 2013. - № 1. - P. 67-70.

7. Clinical pharmacology of biotransformation of medicines in educational process of students / K.H.Sarkisyan [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. - 2013. - № 8. - P. 101-104.

8. Clinical pharmacology of medicines, for therapy of anemias in educational process / I.A. Savenko [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. - 2013. - № 8. - P. 132-135.

9. Influence of GAMK and piracetam on brain blood circulation and neurogenetic mechanisms of its regulation / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // Pharmacology and toxicology.-1984.- № 6.- P.40-43.

10. Research of a role neuro – humoral systems in патогенезе experimental chronic warm insufficiency / S.F. Dugin, [et al.] // Russian Federal Property Fund newsletter. – 1994. – V.2. – №4. – P. 292.

11. Studying of effects of some amino acids at a hypoxemic hypoxia / K.T. Sampieva [et al.] // Biomedicine.-2010.-V.1.-№4. – P. 122-123.

12. Suleymanov, S. Sh. Legal and ethical aspects of application of medicines / S.Sh. Suleymanov, // Standardization problems in health care.-2007.-№9.- P. 13-19.

13. Ways of improvement of teaching of clinical pharmacology / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // International journal of experimental education. – 2012. - №8. – P.82 – 84.

Bibliographic reference

Ivashev M.N., Sergienko A.V. INTERACTION OF THE CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGIST WITH THE PRACTICAL DOCTOR. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24188 (22.02.2025).